Author Topic: Sanity in Britain on transgenderism  (Read 581 times)


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Sanity in Britain on transgenderism
« on: December 09, 2020, 01:05:13 PM »
I'm surprised at the outcome from such a PC nation.

In a case in the British High Court last week, the court stated, “In our view, it is appropriate to consider first, whether a child under 16, or a young person between 16 and 18, can give the requisite consent; and secondly, if, in principle, they can do so, whether the information provided by the defendant and the Trusts is adequate for achieving informed consent.”

“The evidence that we have on this issue clearly shows that practically all children / young people who start PBs (puberty blockers) progress on to CSH (Cross-sex hormone),” the court wrote, adding, “ … the use of puberty blockers is not itself a neutral process by which time stands still for the child on PBs, whether physically or psychologically. PBs prevent the child going through puberty in the normal biological process. As a minimum it seems to us that this means that the child is not undergoing the physical and consequential psychological changes which would contribute to the understanding of a person’s identity.”

The court concluded, “It will obviously be difficult for a child under 16 to understand and weigh up such information. Although a child may understand the concept of the loss of fertility for example, this is not the same as understanding how this will affect their adult life. A child’s attitude to having biological children and their understanding of what this really means, is likely to change between childhood and adulthood. For many children, certainly younger children, and some as young as 10 and just entering puberty, it will not be possible to conceptualize what not being able to give birth to children (or conceive children with their own sperm) would mean in adult life. Similarly, the meaning of sexual fulfilment, and what the implications of treatment may be for this in the future, will be impossible for many children to comprehend.”