About ten years go a guy blew himself up with a lot of tannerite. I think it was 100 lb. The coroner described the remains as "highly fragmented."
Some years before that some people from a foreign origin wanted to demonstrate their desires for recognition by blowing up various things in Boulder Colorado. They were successful with the locomotive and cars which were on permanent display at the Boulder Municipal Park in downtown. At least one railroad car was demolished but the loco was fine.
But others were unexplainably confused as to how their bombs were supposed to be wired and armed and blew themselves up. One instance was at Pudlick's Liquors in the Crossroads shopping center. Their explosion knocked in a wall and "fragmented" themselves and the car they were sitting in to arm and place the bomb.
A similar instance occurred where I used to live in Boulder, that is, right near the Chautauqua Theatre, which they were trying to destroy to illustrate how pitiful and shameful their situation was. Same-o same-o. It went off in their lap(s) while arming it .
After 90% of the investigation was over, I walked over and wandered around the Theatre (which wasn't badly damaged) and noticed odd usually reddish things on the grass off the sidewalks and in the trees.
I guess the squirrels and birds had not yet finished their cleanup duties.
Terry, 230RN