Author Topic: Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?  (Read 2334 times)


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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« on: March 03, 2005, 06:34:40 PM »
An old friend just sent me this in email.
It has only recently come to my attention that some months back, channel 7 ran a story on the nearly fatal dog attack of employee Adam Stutzman  at the Coal Ridge animal hospital in Weld county Though I never saw the story on television I knew of the case because the dogs in the report were being held at Coal Ridge for attacking a woman who was walking her dog around the corner from my home. I have further information regarding the criminal case and the possible RELEASE THIS FRIDAY OF the three boxer mix dogs involved in both cases  
I am writing in hopes to draw public attention and get the help of the media in keeping these dogs out of my neighborhood and any other.
Any help  in this matter will more than likely save a life.
My information is regarding the attack that landed the dogs in Coal Ridge and the criminal case involving the dogs and their owner. A case, that unjustly excluded Adam among a number of others whose lives are affected by it.
I witnessed the aftermath of the attack and was subpoenaed to testify in the criminal case
People vs. David Riley 3-02-05 in weld county court. Even before this incident though David and Jackie Riley's dogs were a threat against the people in my neighborhood. Ask almost anyone in the in the vicinity of 4th st. and Florence ave. and they will likely have some horror story to tell about the Riley's dogs.
 Here is my story. On Friday evening September 3rd 2004 I was sitting on my back porch enjoying a relaxing
late summer day. when I heard A commotion from around the corner, vicious barking, growling and then
terrified screams of pain. Was I surprised? Absolutely not and neither was anyone else. My wife did not
ask, nor did she have to why I went charging out the front door carrying a loaded rifle.
The Riley's dogs were at it again. this time however, it wasn't a cat that was killed, it wasn't just menacing
aggressive behavior causing a father to put himself between his children and the pack of snarling predatory
animals. This time, the inevitable had come to pass. The Riley's dogs had attacked a human being.
Rosa Storm and her husband Brian had recently moved to the neighborhood and sadly no one had yet warned
them of the danger. They were walking their dog on a beautiful September evening completely oblivious as to
what they were about to walk into. We as a community had failed them. The Riley's dogs were loose and they attacked. Three very large, very powerful boxer/German shepherd mix dogs of the 7 or 8 that despite the best efforts of the Firestone police and courts were living on the two adjacent properties owned by the Riley's viciously attacked first the Storm's dog and then Rosa as she tried to intervene.
I got there as quickly as possible but by that time Rosa's husband Brian had some how got her away from the dogs and their dog had also gotten away and ran home. This coupled with the fact that there was now a
large group of people in the street caused me to exercise what I thought was better judgment and not
shoot and kill the dogs right then and there. I have not stopped kicking myself since.
Ten or fifteen minutes later the police arrived and took David Riley and the three dogs into custody, I and everyone else were now putting our trust in the courts to put an end to this situation. Sadly our trust was misplaced. Here is what has happened since then. David Riley has been serving time on unrelated  charges
as he has a criminal history going back at least twenty years for everything from habitual traffic offender
to drug charges to domestic violence (beating up his mother Jackie) to assault (beating up an elderly woman
in the Safeway parking lot. The dogs, have been held at various shelter facilities at one of which they
attacked and nearly killed an animal care worker. Why are these dogs still breathing?
One reason is the Riley's in their unfathomably self centered zeal to put their precious pack of vicious predator's lives above those of the lives of the human beings around them, have somehow managed to
come up with about two thousand dollars a month to pay a bond keeping these urban jackals alive
The other and even more disturbing reason is the Weld county district attorney's office has
through sheer arrogance in my opinion and wild overestimation of the case they put before a jury yesterday,
FAILED to prove our case that these animals should be put down.
Even though myself,  my wife, other people from the community and dog behaviorist expert witness were
subpoenaed and sat in a courthouse waiting room for eleven hours yesterday and about four last Wednesday
the jury never got to hear our testimony. Why? Because the A.D.A. BLEW IT! She rested before calling
any of us thinking quite mistakenly that the jurors had heard enough. The jury never saw the graphic photos
of Adam the eighteen year old animal worker or heard the animal behavior expert's testimony that although she was initially contacted by the Riley's to testify on their behalf, after meeting these animals she volunteered her time to testify for the prosecution.
The jury didn’t get to hear from anyone in this community who fear for their lives and safety and that of their children. Other key witnesses were never even subpoenaed.
I could go on but hopefully if you have read this far you are starting to get the picture.
Please don't take my word for it though, check into it. Come to my neighborhood and interview some of my
neighbors. they would be happy to talk to you. so would the Firestone police who are as frustrated as all
of us. so would the animal expert, the workers and owners of the animal shelters and anyone else who was
cheated of their day in court and their expectation no, their RIGHT to to go into their front yard without
fear of being mauled or killed by a pack of predators.
If you need  names or other specifics feel free to contact me at this email or at (303) xxx-xxxx or (303)
xxx-xxx but please don't wait to long, the dogs are due to be released back into Jackie's custody
Tomorrow ,3-4-05
Please help us.

More background here:  

I've been out to his house, and have meet & talked with his neighbors.  All of them are at wits end about how to handle this situation, and are very concerned since they have children who would not last a minute against these animals  He's sent this all the T.V. news divisions here in Denver, and I've suggested talk radio as well.  He's also gonna be working on getting his neighbors together to confront the City Council about doing something before more people are attacked, injured or even killed.  He's open to suggestions and ideas on what else he can do.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.

Cool Hand Luke 22:36

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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2005, 10:07:42 PM »
I wouldn't suggest pro-active sniper action against the dogs.
"Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it."
Henry David Thoreau


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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2005, 06:39:13 PM »
The way to a dog's heart is through it's owner.


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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2005, 02:43:08 PM »
must admit. I would be contemplating ways to remove those dogs from the land of the living, traps, poison, snipping etc
When gun owners love their guns more than freedom, we have a problem.


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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2005, 08:24:34 AM »
The way to a mean-spirited, mistreated dog is through a .45" hole in its ribcage.


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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2005, 06:41:56 PM »
I couldn't access the additional background article, so I'm not sure what else has been done.  Talk to a lawyer.  File a civil suit against the owners.  Look at your local statutes, codes, ordinances, etc., regarding nuisances and animals.  Talk to your city councilmember.  Get something on the council's regular meeting agenda and show up with your neighbors to address the city council.  If all else fails, shoot the dogs if they come in your yard, but prepare for retaliation from the owners and hate mail from the animal lovers.

I'm not overly fond of people who keep dangerous animals for pets, and even less so of those who don't go to great lengths to keep them restrained.  I don't know too many dog owners whose dogs do not get out from time to time (dig under or jump over the fence, yank their chain loose, go through a gate the kids forgot to close all the way, etc.), it happens even to very careful owners.  Owners don't know how their Rottweiler, pit bull, presa or other large, powerful, potentially aggressive dog will react outside its little world when it encounters strangers (humans and other animals) and new environmental stimulants (rotating bicycle wheels, odd smells, sounds).

I've had a few personal encounters with some big dogs while cycling and managed to get away from all but two.  A German Shepherd, that I actually knew quite well and wasn't trying to outrun, bit me on the leg before it realized it knew me and a Doberman slipped on the wet pavement just as it reached me and was run over by my rear wheel.  Considering the number of dogs that have chased me, I consider myself quite lucky.  I'm not as tolerant or as adventurous as I was when younger and if I'm carrying and perceive a dog as a threat I'll shoot it.  If I'm not carrying and see no escape, I'll fight it to the death and hopefully be around to sue the owner for everything he/she has.  Rant off.
For entertainment purposes only.


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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2005, 08:51:40 PM »


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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2005, 08:15:14 AM »
Just do what PETA did...
adopt the dogs.. and then take them out back and put them out of their misery.

If anyone ever asks.. just say they were hit by a car Sad and your sad.

You know I think alot more justice could be administered in this world if those of us that know right from wrong just do the right thing and keep our mouth shut.

It's illegal to discriminate when hiring.  But if all you ever say is "a more qualified person got the job", then who is to say why you REALLY didn't hire them. And there is nothing illegal about that. (that is until the thought police are in full action)
The hour is fast approaching,on which the Honor&Success of this army,and the safety of our bleeding Country depend.Remember~Soldiers,that you are Freemen,fighting for the blessings of Liberty-that slavery will be your portion,and that of your posterity,if you do not acquit yourselves like men.GW8/76


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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2005, 10:40:04 AM »
3 lbs ground beef laced with cyanide or some other particular foul poison and toss it into their yard.  I realize this is cruel and illegal but when the owners and the government fail to act, someone has to do something.



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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2005, 12:00:01 PM »
Poison is cruel, even for a mean dog.  

The previous post wiht my naem on it was not me.  I agree, but still, I did not post it.


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Any ideas on how to assist in this deplorable situation?
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2005, 04:15:15 PM »
A D-Con burger or a Super Colibri between the ribs. Trust me. It works.
Be careful that the toes you step on now aren't connected to the ass you have to kiss later.

Eat Moose. Wear Wolf.