Perhaps it's not so much the various religions that cause the despicable acts that we see and hear about. (While where at it, the atheists, agnostics, et al are not off the hook either. Communism and it's various atheistic statists have their own track record.)
Perhaps rather it is the various and sundry selfish acts of groups of human beings who twist and turn and distort a particular creed to further their own bloodthirsty lust for riches and power that is the core of problem.
Tribalism is not civilized in the modern sense. Civilized cultures have progressed beyond most of that culture. But even then individuals and groups within civilized societies are capable of brutality and horror. We don't need to look too hard to find examples. I have railed against Tribalism, feudalism and with regard to Islam, specifically Wahabbists because Wahabbists seem to hate everyone, including other Muslims. So, in a way, I recognize I am the pot calling the kettle black. But at least I know better.
This propensity to declare my religion is better than your religion, or my non religion is superior to your religion because I don't believe in myths, or a pantheon of comparisons will not end anything.
I'm a Christian and I need to live up to my beliefs. I can't live up to yours for you. Nor should I single you out except when you have broken a law that we have agreed to abide by. In living up to the standards that I hold deeply, perhaps others will be curious and find their way as a result. It is up to individuals to control their own behavior within the parameters of what is stamped upon their heart or intellect. All we can do in the end is be responsible for our own behavior. It is pointless to mock the beliefs of others, even though it is difficult to not mock in the face of a despicable act. But.....
At the same time, when a line gets crossed, then blood cries out for us to collectively speak for the slain or butchered, we can act collectively to seek justice.