Author Topic: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.  (Read 18726 times)


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #50 on: January 20, 2008, 01:55:01 PM »
FWIW, I don't plan to take SS for at least another 3 years, maybe longer.  I'd just as soon keep working (whenever I find a job, that is.  IT'S HARD TO GET HIRED WHEN YOU'RE 61 FREAKING YEARS OLD).

 Otherwise, I might find myself sitting around all day posting on internet forums or something.


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #51 on: January 20, 2008, 02:19:28 PM »
Whoever got the idea that old people should be able to retire and laze about anyway?

I'm sick of them uglying up my nation and slowing down my checkout lanes with their cut-out coupons and their paper checks.

Old people should either keep working, mooch off their children, or die.  If you've outlived your usefulness and nobody loves you enough to pay for your existence, well...maybe its just time to throw in the towel.


(On the other hand, there is the fact that our current batch of old timers have been continually stolen from, just as we all have, and so should get that stolen money back.  Theoretically, it is only AFTER that stolen money has been reclaimed and spent that my 'get useful, get loved, or die' proposition would kick into effect.)


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #52 on: January 20, 2008, 03:07:17 PM »
So you think that all of us Boomers, after working for 40+ years and paying trillions of dollars into the system, should just relinquish our claim on the promised benefits?  At this point in our lives, when we're 60+ years old?   Rather than insult you, (which I'd really like to do), I'll just say that's unreasonable of you.  How dare you come along at this point in our lives and demand what is ours.

We've kept our part of the bargain with the government.  It's now their turn to give us what they've promised.  If you have a problem with that, take it up with them.  A deal is a deal, and that's the way life is.  Grow up.

The problem I have is that you're saying that the government spent all the money you put into the system.

So why aren't you marching on Washington? Because you're content to take OUR money that we're putting in now instead, because that's more convenient.

What will you do in a few years when it really becomes apparent to all the Gen X and Y sorts that they'll never see a penny of what they're putting in, and they demand that Social Security be ended immediately? There won't be any more money.


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2008, 05:17:33 PM »
   I think you guys are missing some of the subtler ramifications. 

   What if the next President is a Democrat, one who buys the Global Warming pablum completely.  What would happen if the taxes to repair and maintain the roads aren't raised?  What if they are raised, but instead directed to rail networks and local mass transit?  How much of what is carried nationally by truck now couldn't be carried on a strengthened and improved rail system?  Yes, there would be losers under such a plan, but with the majority of Americans in urban centers, where the roads would (of course) be maintained--you need to have "the people" behind you after all--how hard would it be to implement?  And city dwellers are easier to keep an eye on, and less likely to have more than token ideas of independence and freedom--and are therefore easier to control.

   We'll never be road-free, of course, but it would be so much easier to control the flow of people and materials if they are forced to rely on specific lines of travel. 

I'll stop there.
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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2008, 03:05:08 AM »
First, people my age have been paying taxes, including SS, for 40+ years.  Second, the SS rates were increased in '82, enough so that Boomers were the first generation to pre-pay our own retirement. IOW, we 've put trillions of dollars into the SS system.  We're not the thieves; we've already paid with our hard earned money.

The thieves are every President since Reagan, who was the first to discover (after Greenspan told him) that he could take the SS Trust money, put it in the general fund, and spend it. Which he did.  He pissed it away on Star Wars and still left debt as far as the eye could see. Then 'thousand points of light new world order Bush Sr. came along and did the same.  Then Clinton used our SS money to 'balance the budget'. Bush Jr. is now doing the same thing in the name of the WOT. 

So you Gen X & Y's can just consider our money an interest free loan to you, so that Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush could deliver a safe commie, nuke and terrorist free world to you.

It's ok.  We don't need your thanks.  Knowing we've done the right thing for you young people is enough.

Just to add a note of reality to these fun & games:
Nixon and the Dem Congress was the first to use the SS surplus to make deficits look smaller.  Every Pres & Congress since has used the same accounting method.

IMO, it is the correct way to account for it, as the "SS Surplus" was never stored away in any sort of "lockbox" or other accounting fiction.  It has always been plowed back into the general fund and given shiny new pieces of paper that have a really official name, but are worth less then the paper they were printed on. 

Such is the "substance" of Social Security.

Oh, the baby boomers deserve quite a bit of derision for the whole mess they made...but they were not the first to start this nation down the path to profligate statism.  IMO, Wilson was the first no-bullshiite fascist of hte 20th century and all others followed in his wake.

Like others in this thread, I have no expectation of ever getting a dime of SS.  I think some of the outrage felt and expressed by folks is that the ponzi-scheme nature of SS was apparent from and pointed out in the beginning, given the history I have read.  Every follow-on group of folks has just tried to kick the can down the road a bit farther so they could "get theirs" from the ponzi-scheme, instead of doing something about it...letting those now & the future take it in the poop chute.


“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”
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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2008, 03:32:43 AM »
I could provide for my own retirement MUCH more effectively than the Fed. gov., and I don't appreciate the .gov seizing the money I earn. So I will NOT STFU about the SS/Medicare taxes. Ya'll didn't pay into the system nearly the amount ya'll will be taking out, and that's THEFT.
Some years back there was a column in Fortune magazine that addressed the value of your Social Security "investment."

They took the hypothetical case of a man retiring that year at 65 who'd been paying the maximum SS taxes each year, matched, of course, by his employer. They then assumed he would have achieved a real rate of return of 3% if he'd invested the money himself.

The number they came up with was enough for their hypothetical retiree to buy a lifetime annuity paying 75% more than the maximum SS benefit.

I've got three pet peeves about SS - the first is that a LOT of people who are nowhere NEAR retirement age are collecting. The second is that the Bushmen want to extend benefits to illegal aliens, and the third is that Reagan (and later Clinton) made SS retirement benefits taxable, with the money collected going into general revenues rather than back into the SS system . . . this way, they STEAL from the SS system without even pretending they'll pay it back, using the elderly to launder the money.  angry
Trump won in 2016. Democrats haven't been so offended since Republicans came along and freed their slaves.
Sometimes I wonder if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it. - Mark Twain
Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction in stolen goods. - H.L. Mencken
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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2008, 05:21:34 AM »
What will you do in a few years when it really becomes apparent to all the Gen X and Y sorts that they'll never see a penny of what they're putting in, and they demand that Social Security be ended immediately? There won't be any more money.

I keep hearing this. "I have no expectation of ever getting a dime back from SS"  Where does this come from and why do you think government will get away with it some time in the future?  SS is broke now, elst gov woiuldn't have to rob from the young to pay the old (after they stole the old's money).   If 'there is no more money' for SS, why not just tell the Boomers right now that we won't be collecting any benefits?  Why will they wait another thirty rears down the road until you guys are ready to retire?  Because it won't fly any better in 30 years than it will now.  Government wouldn't get away with it now or in the future.

It's unrealistic to think you won't get your SS benefits when you retire.  There may be some changes ie., an element of privatization where you can choose where to invest your SS money.  But there is no way government can get away with not paying your promised benefits. 


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2008, 06:51:22 AM »
But there is no way government can get away with not paying your promised benefits. 
They can tax the benefits at a higher rate, effectively reducing your benefit. They can implement means testing. Incrementally, they're going to keep whittling away at it. Reagan taxed benefits for the first time, Clinton increased the tax, and the COL increases do not keep pace with inflation.

It's not unreasonable to project that they'll keep reducing what you get to keep, since they've been doing it already.
Trump won in 2016. Democrats haven't been so offended since Republicans came along and freed their slaves.
Sometimes I wonder if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it. - Mark Twain
Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction in stolen goods. - H.L. Mencken
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. - Mark Twain


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #58 on: January 21, 2008, 07:07:12 AM »
I'm not quite sure how my generation is to blame for something that was put into effect ~20 years before I was born?  rolleyes

I don't really expect much from SS, if I even live another 10 years to start collecting.  I'm just trying to get the "ranch" paid off and have a little set aside.  I don't really plan to ever stop working, just hopefully back off to part time.

But I can remember 20+ years ago when we were trying to start a business, and at the end of the year having to cough up 15% of what meager profits we had made.  angry
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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2008, 10:43:38 AM »
Whoever got the idea that old people should be able to retire and laze about anyway?

Otto von Bismarck.  He did it as a sop to the socialists in Germany, but he set the age at 65, because damn few people actually lived to that age in late 1800's.  It would be the same as setting the retirement/SS age at 100 or 105 today.   When FDR came to power here in the US, the .gov basically copied what Germany had done without understanding why it was done.
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Sweet memories to drive us on,
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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #60 on: January 21, 2008, 12:37:34 PM »
What will you do in a few years when it really becomes apparent to all the Gen X and Y sorts that they'll never see a penny of what they're putting in, and they demand that Social Security be ended immediately? There won't be any more money.

I keep hearing this. "I have no expectation of ever getting a dime back from SS"  Where does this come from and why do you think government will get away with it some time in the future?  SS is broke now, elst gov woiuldn't have to rob from the young to pay the old (after they stole the old's money).   If 'there is no more money' for SS, why not just tell the Boomers right now that we won't be collecting any benefits?  Why will they wait another thirty rears down the road until you guys are ready to retire?  Because it won't fly any better in 30 years than it will now.  Government wouldn't get away with it now or in the future.

It's unrealistic to think you won't get your SS benefits when you retire.  There may be some changes ie., an element of privatization where you can choose where to invest your SS money.  But there is no way government can get away with not paying your promised benefits. 
You have way too much faith in government. As other posters have mentioned, the value of your SS benefits will have to be decreased, just becasue there is no money to pay the benefits out. They are also increasing the age at which you can collect benefits as well.

Government may not "get away with it", but the basic numbers don't lie. There is no money to pay the benefits, so the people who recieve them will get less. They will try to make it less painful, but it will happen.

Disclaimers: I am not a lawyer, cop, soldier, gunsmith, politician, plumber, electrician, or a professional practitioner of many of the other things I comment on in this forum.


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #61 on: January 21, 2008, 02:00:39 PM »
I have nothing against Riley personally. Why would I, this is the internet after all. For those who fail to understand, my point of contention is the arrogant condescending attitude and at the same time passing the buck; pretending that the boomer generation had nothing to do with the money pit we are all now in.

Don't bitch to me about SS,  'cause I can't fix it for you.  You're adults, go out and change the law(s) so that you can invest your own money, rather than giving it to the government to continue to squander.

So you think that all of us Boomers, after working for 40+ years and paying trillions of dollars into the system, should just relinquish our claim on the promised benefits?  At this point in our lives, when we're 60+ years old?   Rather than insult you, (which I'd really like to do), I'll just say that's unreasonable of you.  How dare you come along at this point in our lives and demand what is ours.
We've kept our part of the bargain with the government.  It's now their turn to give us what they've promised.  If you have a problem with that, take it up with them.  A deal is a deal, and that's the way life is.  Grow up.
Ever hear the joke about those who "assume"?
Who suggested we take away your SS benefits? Not I. I'm all for the gov't living up to its agreements. But that does not mean that we should squander this brief window of opportunity to change the system. But the fact is, it is the AARP generation that blocked and killed any proposal that would begin a revamp of SS into a savings account structure.

I keep hearing this. "I have no expectation of ever getting a dime back from SS"  Where does this come from and why do you think government will get away with it some time in the future?  SS is broke now, elst gov woiuldn't have to rob from the young to pay the old (after they stole the old's money).   If 'there is no more money' for SS, why not just tell the Boomers right now that we won't be collecting any benefits?  Why will they wait another thirty rears down the road until you guys are ready to retire?  Because it won't fly any better in 30 years than it will now.  Government wouldn't get away with it now or in the future.

Do you honestly not understand why it won't work in the future? I can't believe you don't know why. Goes to show, arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand.

What will you do in a few years when it really becomes apparent to all the Gen X and Y sorts that they'll never see a penny of what they're putting in, and they demand that Social Security be ended immediately? There won't be any more money.

Politically we don't even have to do anything. There are only two possibilities if nothing is done:
1 Raise taxes
If the gov't raises taxes any more to cover its obligations the economy will start to fall apart. Talk about a dwindling middle class; I can just imagine when I don't pay 50% in taxes but 60 -70% in taxes.

2 Default on debt
This would likely be an TEOTWAWKI situation. Why would it get this bad? Because the majority of America won't accept paying in the tax and taking a benefit cut at the same time. There would be the same honest indignation at the very thought, much like what Riley writes.

The only soft third way is to act immediately and begin transitioning to privatized system. But our window of opportunity is closing fast. As I understand it, we have maybe 6 to 12yrs. Thats not many election cycles.
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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #62 on: January 22, 2008, 06:23:43 AM »

My reply #39 to your post #37 was unnecessarily rude, and for that I apologize.

Your post #37 opens with  the declaration
Lets just through some facts into this discussion:
FY2007 Federal Budget
    * $586.1 billion - Social Security
    * $548.8 billion - Defense
    * $394.5 billion - Medicare
    * $367.0 billion - Unemployment and welfare
    * $276.4 billion - Medicaid and other health related..............

Following which you conclude:
So the biggest dead weight is Social Security.

Your "facts" and conclusion are purposefully misleading and therefore inherently dishonest.  Dishonest because you quote an amount for SS disbursements without regard to any offsetting revenues for FY2007.  You not only ignore the revenues for 2007, but also the total accumulated surpluses of revenues in excess of disbursements for prior years.  Where did those surpluses come from?  They came from those of us who have been working and paying into SS for the last 40 years.  IOW, if you add up all the contributions (through payroll taxes) paid into SS by the Boomer generation, and deduct all the payments from SS to the GG, you have a huge net surplus of cash.  Your $586.1 billion number is a reduction of that surplus, not an out of pocket expense.

OTOH, there is no offsetting revenue for Defense, the number 2 expense on your list. There is no tax labelled 'for Defense', is there? There is no paid in accumulated surplus against which to charge the waste, fraud and mismanagement known as "Defense".  Defense is truly the 'dead weight'.

Do you honestly not understand why it won't work in the future? I can't believe you don't know why.

Apparently not to your satisfaction.  So why don't you just explain it so that everyone can understand why you won't get any of your SS benefits when the time comes?

Until then, your 'argument' remains fear based rather than fact based and therefore irrational.  You have no evidence to support your conclusion that you will not receive your promised SS benefits.  It's just so much fearmongering and wild speculation.  In its entire history, SS has never failed to pay benefits to those eligible, yet you've decided they're going to start with you.

I think rather than continue the hysteria, you need to explain why, OK?


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #63 on: January 23, 2008, 08:12:25 PM »

My reply #39 to your post #37 was unnecessarily rude, and for that I apologize.

Thank you, too many men are too weak to say such a thing these days. I appreciate that quality. I am sorry for my part in stirring up further rudeness and strife. Can't we all just get along... uh nevermind...

So then continuing on with the productive discussion...

Your "facts" and conclusion are purposefully misleading and therefore inherently dishonest.  Dishonest because you quote an amount for SS disbursements without regard to any offsetting revenues for FY2007.  You not only ignore the revenues for 2007, but also the total accumulated surpluses of revenues in excess of disbursements for prior years.  Where did those surpluses come from?  They came from those of us who have been working and paying into SS for the last 40 years.  IOW, if you add up all the contributions (through payroll taxes) paid into SS by the Boomer generation, and deduct all the payments from SS to the GG, you have a huge net surplus of cash.  Your $586.1 billion number is a reduction of that surplus, not an out of pocket expense.

OTOH, there is no offsetting revenue for Defense, the number 2 expense on your list. There is no tax labelled 'for Defense', is there? There is no paid in accumulated surplus against which to charge the waste, fraud and mismanagement known as "Defense".  Defense is truly the 'dead weight'.

Do you honestly not understand why it won't work in the future? I can't believe you don't know why.

Apparently not to your satisfaction.  So why don't you just explain it so that everyone can understand why you won't get any of your SS benefits when the time comes?

Let me start by restating the two arguments I will be answering from this post more concisely. If I restate it inaccurately, I will be sure to address the error. There were more than just the two major points, but I will address the minor ones at the end.
1. SS isn't a burden because a special tax is levied to support the program. In fact, it collects more by this levy than it is required to pay out. For that cause, its not dead weight but rather a bonus to the rest of the Federal budget.
2. The government has legislated obligation to pay the SS benefits. It has lived up to that law for 60+ years, and therefore has a track record for delivering on its promise that should not be disregarded lightly.

There are a couple major problems with point number one. The first is a presumption of responsibility and authority. I see no basis for the Federal government to support a program like SS. They lack responsibility because it is not the job of a national government to pretend to support an individual retirement. They lack authority from the Constitution to implement such a system.

The second major problem is much more subtle. The problem rests on government ineffectiveness. We all surrender to a 15% tax rate for SS (for many half of it is hidden, but its still there).
If an individual were to invest that money rather than give it to the government, then they could see a 7-12% yearly appreciation on that asset. Instead, the economy only sees a few percentage points, if any. So rather than having millions waiting for the individual when they retire, it will only (at best) be a few hundred thousand. So they are basically giving money away with no benefit (much more can be said about opportunity cost). This large taxation percent without economic benefit is very powerful at the national level. It has been proved that tax reductions spur even greater levels of wealth for all, even when the tax reduction is poorly designed. There is an upper limit for taxation rates our nation can withstand before the rate causes unavoidable consequences. If the aggregate rate is too large then the economy will suffer and actually reduce total tax receipts. So the subtle but major problem is that the SS tax takes a large chunk of that maximum taxation rate. So the current SS structure is a burden, not on the front end, but on the back end. It prevents greater growth in economic activity because it removes assets from useful work and creates an opportunity cost.

Opportunity cost:
In response to the miserly payouts from SS, individuals are now required to create their own supplemental retirement account. In fact, this supplemental becomes the primary because even with fewer assets it will mature to a much larger value. Furthermore, a retired person with an IRA now has the cash advantage. They do not need to plan their costs based on their SS monthly benefits. Under such a monthly restriction, large purchases must be financed. But with the cash advantage, no money is wasted on monthly interest from installment plans.

The primary motivator for argument #1 immediately shows the fallacy of argument #2 above. The govt has a history of supporting its outlays because it set the rate so high that it was always bringing in more than the program needed. The rest was snorted up its crack addicted nose (A GWB pun for you Riley  grin, you deserve it if you read this long of a post ). If the outlays exceed the levy then there are two options. Raise taxes again to support both SS and the other programs. Or cut benefits. The outlays are expected to exceed the levies at around 2012  2016.

If you cut benefits, then my generation will be paying for benefits for yours  but the favor cannot be returned by the next generation. As explained in detail above, raising taxes is now a suicide pact. The tax rate for the middle class is approx 50%. This high rate makes our whole economy very sensitive to changes in tax rates. A small percentage drop sees huge increases in available money and economic boom. So if rates are raised to cover the program costs, then economy will slow. Then we will need to raise rates again because of the shortfall in receipts. The suicide pact becomes apparent. Another major component of this tax shortfall is that there are not enough young to support the old. The boomers dont have enough children and grand children.
Heres another way of explaining it:
Why is Social Security often called a Ponzi scheme?
May 11, 1999
Charles Ponzi, an Italian immigrant, started the first such scheme in Boston in 1916. He convinced some people to allow him to invest their money, but he never made any real investments. He just took the money from later investors and gave it to the earlier investors, paying them a handsome profit on what they originally paid in. He then used the early investors as advertisements to get more investors, using their money to pay a profit to previous investors, and so on.
To keep paying a profit to previous investors, Ponzi had to continue to find more and more new investors. Eventually, he couldn't expand the number of new investors fast enough and the system collapsed. Because he never made any real investments, he had no funds to pay back the newer investors. They lost all the money they "invested" with Ponzi.
Ponzi was convicted of fraud and sent to prison for two years. When he came out, he returned to Italy, where he became a top economic adviser to Benito Mussolini.
Just like Ponzi's plan, Social Security does not make any real investments -- it just takes money from later "investors," or taxpayers, to pay benefits to earlier, now retired, taxpayers. Like Ponzi, Social Security will not be able to recruit new "investors" fast enough to continue paying promised benefits to previous investors. Because each year there are fewer young workers relative to the number of retirees, Social Security will eventually collapse, just like Ponzi's scheme.

Closing minor points:
I agree the DoD is deadweight. The defense department creates very little productive beside some scientific and engineering research. Research is a small portion of what the DoD does. But from my engineering perspective, DoD is not productive. But nobody should be under the illusion that they are; and it doesnt change its necessity. They create death and carnage and thats what we want them to do. Just as the DoD is unproductive, police are unproductive. Police and DoDs main function is to limit the destructive power of criminals and threatening nations. They are loss prevention, not industry. If we didnt have criminals, there would be no police. If we didnt have war, there would be no soldiers. To tie it back to my main points, defense is the job of the federal govt as strictly enumerated in its powers. And its a well understood sap on a nations economy that has no other choice, whereas SS is not needed due to much more effective private investment.

Whew&good night everybody.
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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #64 on: January 24, 2008, 02:40:26 AM »
I never knew Ponzi went to work for Il Duce, but it makes perfect sense.


“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”
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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #65 on: January 25, 2008, 07:45:21 AM »
The first is a presumption of responsibility and authority. I see no basis for the Federal government to support a program like SS. They lack responsibility because it is not the job of a national government to pretend to support an individual retirement. They lack authority from the Constitution to implement such a system.

Agreed. OTOH, fedgov does lots of things for which it has no Constitutional authority.

If an individual were to invest that money rather than give it to the government, then they could see a 7-12% yearly appreciation on that asset. Instead, the economy only sees a few percentage points, if any. So rather than having millions waiting for the individual when they retire, it will only (at best) be a few hundred thousand.

Again agreed.  Social Security contributions over the years not only should have been off limits to Presidential theft, but also judiciously invested.   The stock market has returned an annual average of about 11% over the last 90 years or so.  However, that is an aggregate average.  There were plenty of stocks that lost big money and several periods of protracted decline in values.   So the trick is knowing what stocks to pick.  If most of us had that ability, we wouldn't need regular jobs.

I'd rather see the bulk of SS contributions in something like a quasi government agency like a FNMA or GNMA (who I realize don't now directly fund mortgages)  IOW invested in home mortgages in the U.S.  Now the annual return would be nowhere near 11%, but it the risk would be very low; almost assured.

The govt has a history of supporting its outlays because it set the rate so high that it was always bringing in more than the program needed. The rest was snorted up its crack addicted nose.......If the outlays exceed the levy then there are two options. Raise taxes again to support both SS and the other programs. Or cut benefits. The outlays are expected to exceed the levies at around 2012  2016.

Around 1982 Reagan dramatically cut the income tax of the very wealthiest by more than half.  At the same time, he roughly doubled the social security tax on people earning $30k or less.  This doubling came about as a result of actuaries at SSA worried about the coming Boomer retirement beginning in another 25 years or so.  One author likened it to 'a rabbit going through a python' bulge that would require a few trillion more than SS would be able to produce.

So, they doubled the SS tax .  The tax created, for the first time in history, a giant savings account that SS could use to pay for the Boomer's retirement. Prior to that, SS had always paid for today's retirees with money from today's workers.   So the Boomers were the first generation to fund current retirees and prepay their own retirement.

After the Boomers retired and the savings account was spent, the rabbit would have gone through the python and SS would return to a 'pay as you go' system.

But, Reagan had a problem.  His big tax cuts (almost entirely for the very wealthy) didn't leave him enough to run the fedgov.  So, along comes Greenspan, and tells Reagan he can just 'borrow' from the Boomer's savings account, and because he's using 'government money' to fund 'government expenses', he doesn't have to list it as part of the deficit.  So Reagan took the money and squandered it on Star Wars and still left deficits as far as the eye could see. (some 'conservative'  HA!  rolleyes  )

So, Presidents after him continued to pilfer and spend the money we've paid in.  Trillions $.  If Reagan had left the money alone, we wouldn't have the problem we have today.

Oh yeah, the Ponzi Scheme analogy doesn't work.  Ponzi's 'fund' wasn't a subfund of some larger entity that could borrow and print money, as is the SS 'fund' to the fedgov, so the comparison fails.  SS is more of 'slush fund' than anything else.

Otherguy Overby

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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #66 on: January 25, 2008, 04:12:40 PM »
Along time ago...

There were some people who found fault with the way the government handled it's obligations.  The people marched on Washington D.C. and the government responded:

Any guesses on how the current government would respond?

Never enough!


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #67 on: January 26, 2008, 01:14:32 AM »
Along time ago...

There were some people who found fault with the way the government handled it's obligations.  The people marched on Washington D.C. and the government responded:

Any guesses on how the current government would respond?

Probably outlined in the Patriot Act already....
Impressed yet befogged, they grasped at his vivid leading phrases, seeing only their surface meaning, and missing the deeper current of his thought.


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #68 on: January 26, 2008, 06:06:32 PM »
Along time ago...

There were some people who found fault with the way the government handled it's obligations.  The people marched on Washington D.C. and the government responded:

Any guesses on how the current government would respond?

Same way.  Roll in the Army, smash the protestors, burn their homes to the ground.

Not exactly MacArthur's finest moments.

"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Re: I hate politicians. Hate them. HATE.
« Reply #69 on: January 26, 2008, 06:47:32 PM »
Well, Golly Gee, this thread got ugly via the usual suspects again, surprise, surprise.

Note to the wise: We don't issue STFU orders here at APS, regardless of how heated the discussion gets.

I'm also EXTREMELY weary of Tecumseh's "Christian Upbringing" moral superiority crap, and he will indeed regret using that tired old saw if I see it from his username again - I promise.  angry


"Bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round...

"Never squat with your spurs on!"