Author Topic: Why does the AMA support socialized medicine?  (Read 5715 times)


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Re: Why does the AMA support socialized medicine?
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2008, 09:28:29 AM »
Oh, and lemme tell you how genius the medical community is...
Jen had knee surgery last week. On the target knee, they wrote the word "yes." Didn't write anything on the other one.
Then they _promptly_ proceeded to scrub the heck out of the target knee, which removed the word "yes." About 3-4 minutes after it was written on... I was _so_ tempted to whip out the sharpie...
"Why do you do that?"

"So they don't make a mistake, and do the other knee."

"But they can't see it anymore. Why bother?"
Blank stare...

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Re: Why does the AMA support socialized medicine?
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2008, 11:10:06 AM »
I guess you're missing that everybody pays through payroll deductions.  Everybody has a 'policy'. 
No, I'm not.  Not everyone has a policy.  As for now, health insurance is voluntary in most of the U.S.  I have voluntarily not enrolled in my empoyer-sponsored health insurance on several occassions.
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Re: Why does the AMA support socialized medicine?
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2008, 11:14:58 AM »
I guess you're missing that everybody pays through payroll deductions.  Everybody has a 'policy'. 
No, I'm not.  Not everyone has a policy.  As for now, health insurance is voluntary in most of the U.S.  I have voluntarily not enrolled in my empoyer-sponsored health insurance on several occassions.

I think Riley was going more for that now, you pay for people who have no insurance, that use emergency facilities then skip out on the bill, through taxes.  Making it universal would ensure everyone would be paying.
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Re: Why does the AMA support socialized medicine?
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2008, 11:46:06 AM »
The AMA is a hive of socialists.

Really?  Then why have they donated significantly more to Republican candidates over the past 18 years?   Since 1990, 62% to Republicans, only 38% to Dems?

Medical malpractice tort reform (generally supported by Republicans, high chance of passing) is a much higher priority for the AMA than expanding socialized medicine (generally supported by Democrats, low chance of passing) is. The AMA also strongly opposes a single payer national medicine system. They were one of the biggest opponents of Hillarycare during the Clinton years because they realized the implications of a single payer system. That's why their donations are a balancing act that often leans Republican. That helps them with tort reform, staving off a single payer national system, and tosses quite a bit to the Democrats in a bid to expand services.

Their support for socialized health care is limited to expanding social programs that pay for medical care for those that currently don't pay (children, the indigent, illegals, etc) and those that can't afford to keep paying (people with crappy health plans). This increases their take by having the government pay them for people they're not getting money from now, keeps their current funding sources from private insurers, and minimizes the risk of increased government control.

Just take a look at Hillary's "evolution" on health care issues. She transformed from the health care system's #1 enemy in 1994 into one of the top recipients of funds from them in 2006.


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Re: Why does the AMA support socialized medicine?
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2008, 11:52:59 AM »
The AMA wants to socialize medicine because we are the oldest super power who ranks dead last in medical care for it's population. Why is that? Why do we have the highest infant mortality rate of industrialized nations? 1) they want to make medicine where doctors are not making the money due to the good ole boy network and rather base pay on skill. 2) they want to guarantee payment. 3) they want to keep third party payers from reducing hospital visits down to exclusively same day surgery. 4) they want to do away with insurance payments for liability insurance by making the gov the responsible party. 5) they want to eliminate law suites for malpractice. 6) they want to eliminate $10 Tylenol.