Author Topic: How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?  (Read 22773 times)


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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2005, 03:13:03 AM »
Well Tarpley,tonight's the night!

Good luck & sleep well.


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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2005, 04:54:10 AM »
Yup, tonight's the night...not looking forward to the testing but I am looking forward to the ability to hopefully sleep soundly.

I have read where the DME providers have tried to stiff customers.  Anyone have details on this?  What I hear is that they get a prescription and while they can give you unit X which is better and they have approval for, they give you unit Y because it costs less therefore they put more in their pocket.  I want the best I can afford even if it means a little out of pocket expense.  Noise is not a factor as I already sleep with fans on but comfort and durability is a big factor.

Thanks all,


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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2005, 08:42:07 AM »
Shop around!The doctors office gave me a list of DME suppliers in my area.I made a little lunch time road trip & visited three of them.One was closed for lunch(impressed was I??).The second stop,Lincare,quoted me $842 on the machine,$15 for the mask,& $10 for the hose.The last stop was to Airway Oxygen.They have trucks all around my town & I expected a bigger selection & a similar price.WRONG!They offered the same machine & attatchments but(& I had a hard time keeping a straight face) wanted $1200 for the same machine,$250 for the mask & $90 for the hose.Oh & they "...we are a supplier to the local hospitals.That keeps are prices down."
That women must have read the used car/appliance store salesmens guide.Geesh.

As my insurance picks up 1/2 (the balance is invoiced to me in 10 monthly payments) ,I chose half of the lesser total.Smiley

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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2005, 03:51:35 PM »
yup, hose head, I used to get up 4-5 times a nite to pee. Very first nite of use I didn't get up once. I haven't dropped any weight though and I do exercise. Lately I've been feeling tired again, it may be time to go in and do another sleep study. One thing I know is if you don't dream it is a symptom of apnea. I was waking up 55 times an hour.
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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2005, 05:42:54 AM »
Well, the thing sure is a PITA to wear.  I got in at 8 and got all wired up.  Was around 11 before the tech got the gremlins out of the system and I could do the first part of the study.  I had a hell of a time trying to fall asleep laying on my back but I finally did.  Had to summon the tech once to go pee.  He said I had lots of activity but did not specify how much or what type but that it was indicative of a sleep disorder.  Peed again and he hosed me up.  Had to really increase pressure to get me comfortable.  Once I fell asleep I was fine until I had a cramp in my calf.  I usually get up and walk these off but with all the hoses and wires, no can do.  Worked it out and tried to fall asleep again.  Took a while (man I hate sleeping on my back).  He came in and woke me up at 5 and it seemed like an hour since he put the mask on.  Maybe that's good.  The first breath I took through my mouth seemed like some stuffed a sock in my mouth.  I can see getting spoiled with this constant pressure.

Anyway, glad that crap is over.  Now I have to wait until the doc prescribes a box.  Please post what you are using if you haven't already.  I'd like to get some opinions.  Hope my crap Vista insurance covers this.  I am afraid they won't.  Cheap bastards.



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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2005, 09:11:00 AM »
Sounds like the usual experience. They guy told me to let him know when I was tired. When I did he proceeded to take 45 minutes to wire me up. By that time I was wide awake again and couldn't fall back to sleep for nuthin'. I got up to pee at least 4-5 times too. Worst night of sleep I've ever had.
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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2006, 08:31:44 PM »
I lurked on this thread awhile back because I was having sleep problems and being tired and cranky most of my waking hours for the last few years. My BIL has sleep apnea and encouraged me to get tested and the responses on this thread sort of pushed me over the edge.

Last friday night I had a sleep study done. It was the most miserable night of trying to sleep ever. I was dead tired and couldn't fall asleep, but apparantly I dozed off for awhile and they got enough data on me. My breathing was stopping on average 110x per hour. They hooked me up to the reverse vacuum cleaner and I slept very soundly, reaching deeper sleep than I was without it. I probably only slept a few hours, but felt very refreshed, hell I felt like Superman, unlike the groggy, headachey, hangover feeling I have most of the time when I wake in the morning.

I have a follow up with my doctor this friday, I hope I can get my machinery soon.
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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2006, 09:26:46 PM »
Funny. I first heard of sleep apnea a few weeks back, and it sounded like the symptoms matched up with some complaints I'd had for years. A student of my wife's has a CPAP, and after talking to her, I researched a little bit, and thought I'd post on here, see if any of you guys had apnea. I found, that sleeping on my stomach helped keep my airway open(or so it seems to me), and things improved dramatically, which was a relief, as I hated the idea of the mask, etc. Well, things got in the way, and I forgot to post here, what with my sleep improving and all. The last few nights have been awful for me. Keep forgetting to lie on my stomach, and I'm back where I started.
I just read through this thread, and the things you guys talk about are things I've been having trouble with the last five years or so. Y'all have convinced me. I didn't realize how serious a problem sleep apnea is. I'm calling the doctor in the morning. I'd rather sleep on a machine than die in my sleep before 40. If I can get a good night's sleep, it'll be worth it.


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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2006, 09:42:23 PM »
I've got a friend who has this. I forgot what it was called, but knew he had to sleep with a compressor mask.


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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2006, 01:03:05 AM »
It's not that  bad once you get use to it. My only complaint is I haven't experienced this dramatic weight loss I was promised and I'm reading about here. Sad
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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2006, 01:39:59 AM »
I could use some dramatic weightloss myself. I set out to drop 30 lbs 2 years ago, now I need to lose 50. Sad
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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2006, 02:48:43 AM »
Actually, most of the weight gain came after I quit smoking, Then the bad knee and back kicked in and put limits on my exercising. Can't run anymore for one thing. Hiking the hills ain't so good for the knee either. 280 sad... miss mountain peak views... Sad
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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2006, 05:07:32 AM »
Well, it's been 4 months since I started on CPAP.  Most nights I do not get out of bed to pee unlike before when I was getting up sometimes as many as 11 times to go.  I can't sleep on my stomach anymore as I used to and my back problems have pretty much ceased.  I now sleep on my sides mostly and some one my back.  I used to wake up sore as hell in my lower back and now I don't.  I don't nap as much as I used to and I can't remember the last time I felt sleepy driving (used to be almost daily driving 20 minutes home from work).  I still get a little sleepy at work if it's a slow day but nowhere near as much as before.  My blood pressure has dropped some but I still need to take my meds.  I am losing weight although that is more of my actually trying now.  -19 lbs since Christmas.  I have about 100 more to go to get to my ideal weight although anything is a plus at this point.  I don't snore now and if I had to try and sleep without the mask now, it'd be near impossible for me.

If you are overweight, snore a lot, get up a lot at night, and feel sleepy all the time, you probably have sleep apnea.  Go to the doc and get it checked out.  Sleeping with a CPAP may seem like a huge PITA but once you get used to it you'll feel a lot better.



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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2006, 05:18:28 AM »
Excellent to hear! Cheesy

My weight stems from the fact that although I was gaining I was always working out one way or another. So I did not put on fat, I put on muscle. OK, I put on some fat too but mostly muscle. I'm what the doctor refered to as "in good shape but overweight". I refer to it as "Body by Ben and Jerry's". My blood pressure is so good it astounds the nurses. Now that the holiday binging is over, I'm trying to cut back on those kinds of "empty" calories.
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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2006, 07:12:46 AM »
I currently use a BIPAP (BI Positive Airway Pressure), graduated from a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), what you call a compressor.  As I read through the replies I agreed with most of the symptomology - I had it all in spades.  Once I started on the Presure machines I was amazed at the instant improvement.  Practically all of the positive things mentioned have happened to me as well.  Thank God for these machines.  I like a nose mask through a humidifier.  I don't care for heated air, I prefer it at room temp.  I strongly advise you, or anyone, having sleep problems - even if it's just snoring, to have a sleep study oerformed and if needed use a breathing machine.  If you have problems tolerating the machine, work with your Doc to find a combination that you can live with.  Often it's just a matter of getting used to a new and very different way of sleeping but the end result is wonderful.  Bear in mind that Sleep Apnea can be fatal!

Sergeant Bob

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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2006, 07:43:45 AM »
"Hi, I'm Sergeant Bob, and I'm a hosehead"

I could use some dramatic weightloss myself. I set out to drop 30 lbs 2 years ago, now I need to lose 50.
Just be glad you didn't set out to lose 60 lbs! Wink

As my doctor told me, "Losing weight, feeling more energetic, etc, are just pleasant side effects you might experience. The health benefits are the primary concern."

I didn't experience a sudden increase in energy. I certainly didn't experience weight loss. But, I do feel less tired during the day and don't tend to get sleepy while driving or reading as much. My blood presure has decreased a bit (although it was never high and I also quit smoking so I'm not sure CPAP caused it).
But, I do know that when I sleep without my leaf blower, I can definitely tell a difference.

Another thing I've found is that most doctors and DME's don't know squat about the treatment of sleap apnea.

I've learned more about the treatment on my own from others who have the same  problem than I've learned from my doctors or DME.

If you can, get a prescription for an APAP (Automatic Positive
Airway Pressure) machine. With an APAP, you can monitor the effectiveness of your day to day treatment and improve that treatment. Through the forums I've read I have more than doubled the effectiveness of my treatment. Things I probably wouldn't have found out without another $3200 sleep study, or not at all (as you who have had one know, you can't get any kind of real sleep in those studies)

Here are some links for some sleap apnea forums. These are very valuable resources for info on your problems.
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

I already have canned butter, buying more. Canned blueberries, some pancake making dry goods and the end of the world is gonna be delicious.  -French G


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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2006, 08:14:30 AM »
Dumb question-

I pretty much will need a full face mask as my nose isn't in perfect condition. What happens if I were sleeping with a full mask on and the power goes out?
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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2006, 08:29:30 AM »
You'll wake up really fast!  The outlet that my CPAP is plugged in to is on a switch for the lamp.  My wife turned off the switch one night and I freaked.  Power has gone off a few times too.  No biggie.  Just wake up and take it off.



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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #43 on: January 24, 2006, 10:05:13 AM »
At my three month follow up meeting w/my Dr I mentioned a few things that I'd noticed that had changed for me.
First,I was sleeping through the night w/fail.(WONDERFUL!)
Second,for the first couple of weeks I had expierienced cramps in my legs-it was like being a teenager all over again.Thankfully those went away.
The final,noticeable,thing that I noticed was an appetite INCREASE.I was hungry all the time.It was pretty wierd,I've not felt hunger pangs like that in years.When I told the Doc that he looked at me like I had just grown a second head & started scribbling in his notes.I was a bit concerned until he told me that I was the first to admit that symptom in "all his years".He then confided that there is a hormone released during (good)sleep that can make you hungry.I just have an overactive hormone (swell!).

My full face mask allows for my mouth to drop open so I don't start sucking on nothing if the juice goes out.I can't imagine being stuck in one of those rigs w/a chin strap.Yeesh.

The only problem I've had-& it's not much of one @ that-has to do w/the hose.The first time I looked into the mirror after just waking up & saw a long row of what looked like Caterpillar tracks up my face I freaked.A little.I'd slept w/the hose between my face & the pillow & the ribs had left their mark.It went away after a few minutes but was kinda funny.I guess you had to be there.Smiley

Anywho,this thing has completely changed my life.I'm still labeled as a curmudgeon,a malcontent,& a PITA @ work but I feel lots better.Smiley

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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #44 on: January 24, 2006, 10:59:57 AM »
I pretty much will need a full face mask as my nose isn't in perfect condition. What happens if I were sleeping with a full mask on and the power goes out?
Are you sure you need a full face mask? Has anyone suggested using nasal pillows? They won't work for everyone, I can't use them because my pressure is to high (14.6cm) and the noise of the air rushing through them sounds like a wind tunnel. But, they may work for you.
Have you tried other masks, made by other manufacturers? Not all masks are alike. A mask which works great for one might not work at all for someone else. What kind of mask did they use on you? Was it a Comfort Gel or Comfort Lite?
As for mouth leaks (which might require you to use a full face mask), they can sometimes be overcome with other methods. Such as a mouthpiece made by a dentist (expensive) or maybe a homemade device such as I use. Cost me about two bucks to make and is much more comfortable than a chinstrap or taping your mouth closed (yes, some people do that).

Do not just take the word of your DME! Many of them just want to sell you something. Most of them don't know SQUAT.

Take control of your own treatment. Most of you are gunnies, and you don't go into a store and let them tell you what you need to buy. You get educated on what's avalilable, then you go get what you want. This should not be any different!

Depending on your insurance and if they don't require renting the machine first (or if you are spending your own money), you may be able to buy your machine outright.
In that case, you can get your equipment much cheaper if you don't buy it from a DME, Most of them charge up to twice what you would pay if you bought it yourself online.

Here's an excellant and reliable souce for all your CPAP needs.

There is a link on their site for billing your insurance company.
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

I already have canned butter, buying more. Canned blueberries, some pancake making dry goods and the end of the world is gonna be delicious.  -French G

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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #45 on: January 24, 2006, 11:16:47 AM »
I didn't realize how much I relied on mine until I slept without it one night...the next morning I knew it, let me tell you.

A bit over 6 months of use, it is a beautiful thing!!!
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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #46 on: January 24, 2006, 01:09:04 PM »
I have a "dent" in my forehead from the mask. I tdoesn't bother me and it gives my daughter something to pick on when she's mad at me such as, "Well, at least I don't have a DENT in my forehead!!"

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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2006, 02:31:35 PM »
Ok. I've got a Dr. appt tomorrow to get a referral to a sleep specialist. I'm in a small area, so hopefully it won't take long to get a sleep study scheduled.


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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2006, 02:54:17 PM »
Good luck! Prepare for the worst night of sleep you've ever had!

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How many here have sleep apnea?Anyone sleep w/a compressor?
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2006, 03:48:35 PM »
Good luck.
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