This is the kind of stuff that makes you really start thinking about 1984. I mean we are way past the 'the line' these days. With the notion of terroristic threatening, everything a person says involving violence is now a felony. Free speech anyone? It's absolutely absurd. I have no doubt that if they were to record conversations between my roommate and and I, I'd have long since gone to prison.
What are we to do? Where will the change come from? What will be the breaking point? Obviously the laws have to change since the politicians in charge of the police do not have the basic humanity to exercise judgment. They certainly have no moral problem with hauling away children in cuffs (search the roundtable for a story I posted on that subject).
There's a sigline from someone on THR that says something like "Hey?! Where are we going, and why are we in this big basket?"
Sure gives you a reason to buy an MBR though. I'm not sure what the breaking point will be someday, but with things getting this outrageous, mass violence generated by either the police or the enraged populous is not an unimaginable result.