Author Topic: ARRRGGGHHH!!!!  (Read 1706 times)


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« on: August 11, 2005, 05:22:23 AM »
I hate being a moderator on Internet forums.  I am coming here to rant and simply vent some frustration.  I am the webmaster and site admin for my club's web site and forum.  We're a club of about 400.  Everyone is plenty friendly when we are together in person but that all goes to $hit when these childish a$$holes get behind a keyboard.  Attacking one another and purposely baiting people to pick a fight.  Even got one guy advocating the need to "take a couple of cops out and shoot them" for an home-entry-gone-bad scenario that happened here.  Have people lost their minds?  I need to get out of here and live alone for a while I think.  Just me, my wife, 2 dogs, and the cat...maybe in the mountains.  Is it wrong to hate the human race?

I am thinking about resigning but by holding the position I do in the club allows me to have a say so in how things are done and also allows me to shoot for free (that's amounts to about $100/month).  So, I am in a pickle.  Can't folks just be nice and behave like adults?  Now I'm even finding myself sinking to their level sometimes.  I hate it!!!  I do have other people moderating but they suck at their job.  Maybe I should simply ignore it and let it turn in to a free-for-all.

Thanks for hearing me out.



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« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2005, 05:49:14 AM »
I feel your pain!

Was involved in saddle clubs on Marine Corps Bases for 7 yrs before we were lucky enough to find a property in Yuma where we could keep our horses in the back yard (1 acre).  The whole 7 yrs I had one position or another as Pres, VP, etc at Cherry Point & Yuma.

People...geessssshhh!  The things some folks can find to get their knickers in a knot is amazing.  Petty, childish, selfish, mean-spirited backstabbers and gossip mongers...for starters.

Like I've said in a thread started by P95Carry...I've got zero desire to interact with groups of folks.

150 yrs ago I'd be that guy with a rifle, big knife, horse & pack horse headin' for the myself!
Known from coast to coast, almost!

Art Eatman

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« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 09:27:51 AM »
Hey, I started moderating at TFL back in '99...

I have no argument with the idea that the anonymity of the Internet provides an outlet for frustrated people, or a place to play for the inherently dysfunctional.  "Keyboard Commandos", for many of the firearms sites.  The Internet lets Caspar Milquetoast sound off about how big and bad he is, with no need to actually prove anything.

Smiley, Art
The American Indians learned what happens when you don't control immigration.


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« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2005, 09:38:52 AM »
I fully understand.

I am a older returning student taking IT/CIS courses.  Even tho' I am learing from the ground up, I have jumped into things to learn for MY benefit. I have assisted with teaching WebCT and Moodle  to PhDs, Instructors and you name it so they can use these online learning tools for the students.  I learned real fast 'educators' do not always make good students.  *smirk*.

I just finished a stint being a Moderator myself.  This was beta testing to see if Forum for a Corporation's Head Honcho's , Admins, Upper Staff would be useful. These folks are way more educated than I'll ever be, and the Forums dealt with some really security sensitive matters.

Get ready to laugh- my primary area of moderating was  "Ethics" , I had rights to float around and the other hot area was "General" .

Did you know if a PhD in Literature blows his cool he will misspell words?  Granted I checked the online dictionary to make sure...I mean they did use a lot of big words and acronyms totally beyond me - Nope, he misspelled it. *grin*

Now it really didn't matter that much to me, I admitted I was from the Southern US and our keyboards are made from wooden wash boards.  So it is easy to mis-type words. They appreciated the levity and the mind pic.
Some really got sensitive about spelling and grammar. Hence the reason I 'tumped' the story about converted wooden wash boards being keyboards.  [ maybe I am on to someting marketable here]

We had the "Mont Blanc vs. Waterman"  heated debate.  Of course I get yelled at for suggesting a #2  yellow pencil.

I learned some swear works in other languages...they had to be pointed out to me....

I learned a lot and have a greater respect for moderators , Admins and Forum Staff.

I also feel pretty good - I suggested to relax and de- stress from all the Ethical matters and such, to step away from it all and Go cook something.  Cooking as Therapy if you will.

Somewhere in Spain is a lady younger than me that learned to fix Fried Pies - Chocolate being her favorite.  Hey you really didn' think I would miss an opportunity to share now did you?

Did ya know they have cast iron skillets in Spain?  Yeah well I wasn't sure , kinda figured they did - got a confirmation on that one. *GRIN*

Kinda miss it - kinda don't. I have a real busy semester coming up.

I do understand the frustrations tho'.



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« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2005, 10:15:11 AM »
Even got one guy advocating the need to "take a couple of cops out and shoot them" for an home-entry-gone-bad scenario that happened here.
To be just, any harm done to any cops must be: 1) no more harm than they did to innocent persons and 2) it must be done to the guilty cops, not just any cops. Smiley


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« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2005, 11:35:23 AM »
Yeah, well the person is presumed guilty I guess since his name was on the warrant and the cops shot him serving the warrant only after he attempted to gain access to a firearm.  He was a valid permit holder too and the police made the statement that they were assuming, based on this fact, that the potential for an escalation in violence was more substantial.  You can see where the problem might be...I am none too happy with the Sunrise, FL PD either right now but I am not calling for their execution.


Standing Wolf

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« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2005, 04:15:27 PM »
Can't folks just be nice and behave like adults?
If I get some cookies, I'll be nice. If I don't get any cookies...
No tyrant should ever be allowed to die of natural causes.


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« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2005, 06:54:35 PM »
Is it wrong to hate the human race?
I've been doing fine for all these years.

Maybe this will make you think twice while popsting on internet forums, being on the other side of the problem (not implying you have caused problems)
I still say 'Give Detroit to Canada'