I had no intention of buying a new little Ruger, I ate breakfast in a casino and missed the big jackpot by one digit, oh well, won 400 bucks anyway.
(430 but I tipped the nice keno ladies)
All I was gonna do was get a holster for the 642 (gambling paid for that too) ...so I did, I got the holster and started talking guns, to the salesman, I inquired about the Ruger LCP (wanting to know how they are selling, like hotcakes I'm told).
Next thing I know I'm buying the LCP too.
So, has anyone else bought one/shot one yet?I can't wait to put it on my ccw and get some holsters and fire it
it looks/feels like a great gun, I've never had a Keltec & this was only around 40 bucks more then a similar Keltec.
Seems perfect for hot weather ccw ....so tiny!
sigh...if I wasn't banned from thr I could go there and ask.
I have a 1300 limit on my credit card, with 1180 in debt on it (but I keep making payments before they're due) and only 100 in checking account right now, I really should have just banked the dough.
(thats my impulse control problem)
But whats a guy to do? I held it in my hand and images of TSTHF ran through my head and me regretting not getting the LCP, even though I have an off paper pocket rocket in .25acp any way, and two snubbies .38/.357....oh well.