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Reverend Wright Is Offensive

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to me.

He condescends to tell me that "different" is not "deficient"

Well, thank you sir: I did not realize that.

Why then do you belittle our European-based culture?
Why do you belittle the music and speech of Americans that have evolved over two centuries?
Why do you feel it necessary to pimp your "forthcoming" book on national TV, if you're seriously anything but a coattail-hanging pimp for Obama?

You gob of pus.


Yeah, I just saw the speech.

He seemed actually low-key after the screaming NAACP president that introduced him, though. I thought that guy was gonna have a heart attack in the middle of his furious rant.

I'm sure Wright making fun of JFK's accent is going to go over really well.

I think he just did a lot of damage to racial equality by claiming that people of African descent have completely different brains than those of European decent, and can't learn by reading, only oral tradition. That it's normal for them to "climb on desks". What the hell?

How does one simultaneously 'pimp' someone and 'ride his coattails'?

--- Quote ---Why do you belittle the music and speech of Americans that have evolved over two centuries?I'm struggling to think of 'American music' that isn't sourced at least in part from African-American culture (country/bluegrass being the 'in part' - everything else just went in whole hog). Some avant-garde classical and noise (and other things no one listens to) - but we know all those pointy-headed liberal artists are racists anyway.

I agree that he is offensive.

So, wood, you do not find Rev. Wright to be offensive?


--- Quote ---So, wood, you do not find Rev. Wright to be offensive?
I don't 'find' him at all. A jolly old Englishman gave us a wonderful phrase about four hundred years back: "much ado about nothing."


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