Author Topic: Wanting to believe makes you gullible  (Read 1790 times)


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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« on: August 31, 2005, 02:29:32 PM »
I know I should be used to it now, but I'm still amazed what a liberal will fall for.  I'm at my favorite coffee shop this morning, in casual conversation with another regular, and she goes off on Bush.  I know her politics are very left of mine, and as this is a common thing in northern california, I usually just glaze my eyes over and try to recall what I need to do for the day.  Then she tells me that the Prez had called Casey Sheehan, Cindy's son, a guy who was too stupid to stay alive!  I told her that couldn't possibly be right, and I wanted to see the source for that quote.  She went in to set up her laptop, and I'm thinking she pulled it from conspiracy-minded leftist site.  Nope.  She got it from a news site:

The Onion.

She was very skeptical when I told her The Onion was a news parody.  I'm going to show her "Our Dumb Century" tomorrow.

She's not a stupid woman.  But I think the exposure to the fringe has made The Onion seem like a legitimate, moderate source.  That, and wanting her beliefs about what the "Republicans Will Do To Our Country" to be authenticated.

*shakes head*
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K Frame

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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2005, 02:53:29 PM »
"She's not a stupid woman."


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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2005, 03:01:25 PM »
I have several Libs (not exactly lefty's) for frriends.  Mostly they are folks who are wont to let their emotions run their belief system.  One is an attorney who should know better but then he graduated from U of Mich Law in the 60's.  Now all that isn't so bad, actually.  They tolerate me, and I suspect when they have martini's with the local intelligencia, folks of my bent are laughed at and mocked.  That's ok, cause the rest of my circle are conservative and we jab behind their backs, too.   Also face to face, just to keep it honorable.
The sad part is that no one seems to be able to have a conversation anymore with any hope of giving some ground except on the conservative side.  I notice most of us (conservatives) seem able to reason through some thoughts and actually agree from time to time that charity may be better than flaying and puting the poor on the rack.  But, never, ever, does the other side ever be willing to consider that there might be two sides to a thing and perhaps there could be some middle ground.
It occurs to me that if there is polarization, it has come from the left not the right. The discouraging thing about that, is there is not a peacemaker on the left with respect to conservative thought.  The only exception to that are some folks on the left that I think are dishonest or dishonorable about expressing their willingness to conceive of moderating their position.  
So I guess I agree with the title of this thread, I would like to believe, but I have found that if I do, I am found, at the end of the day, to have been sucked in.
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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2005, 03:07:38 PM »
Wow. I've seen otherwise intelligent people go for some urban myths. The stolen kidney story comes to mind. But the onion is so....well, obviously a parody.
Sent from a stone age computer via an ordinary keyboard.


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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2005, 03:18:10 PM »
About as smart as the people that take the Daily Show as an unbiased news source.

I know what you mean gramps.  Me and another person (both of us are actually more libretarian, but not enough to actually vote for them, which makes up Republicans to this particular person) were arguing with someone from a former communist country about the whole socilaized health care.  Me and the other lib conceded that yeah, for those that really do need it, there shouild be some sort of assistance.  The commie (And he still seems to be very much one) would not budge that everyone should get any medical care they want paid for by the taxxpayers, even if it meant we all ended up with 75% taxes.   And things like smoking bans and seatbelts were needed to prevent the taxes from going up that much.

Heck, I could even concede the point that in theory, a socialist society is wonderful.  He tried to convince me that the Vietnamese and Communist Russian gov'ts cared more about their citizens than the American gov't :banghead:
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Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2005, 04:47:51 PM »
My dad, the career FBI agent, told me that he got most of his information during the most recent Presidential campaign, from the Daily Show.

That settles it.  Now I KNOW I'm adopted.


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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2005, 07:33:32 AM »
Look, I try to get my news from as many sources as possible, because the media-ALL MEDIA, FROM THE WHOLE POLITICAL SPECTRUM-are biased.  And from a certain skewed perspective, The Onion, though not real news, is a relevant commentary.  The best satire usually is.  And as John Stewart said in the last election, who's fault is it if more people consider The Daily Show to be a better source than the real news shows?  It isn't his.
If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.


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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2005, 09:41:26 PM »

He tried to convince me that the Vietnamese and Communist Russian gov'ts cared more about their citizens than the American gov't :banghead:
Except of course for Christians tortured to death, and of course for, say, the 20+ million who died in stalinist purges, etc cetera et cetera?


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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2005, 11:28:05 PM »
Good satire is often very close to the truth....
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Wanting to believe makes you gullible
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2005, 02:10:22 PM »
I seem to remember getting into an argument with someone once who badly wanted to believe that the French had killed civilians in Cote d'Ivoire.

The information had come from the anti-French state-owned media.

It happens on all sides, all biases, all political/gnder/sexual persuasions. Most of the time people hear and see what they want to. Includes me.
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