Author Topic: Mark Warner's Energy Plan  (Read 1748 times)


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Mark Warner's Energy Plan
« on: August 01, 2008, 03:47:19 AM »
He has some good ideas and some not-so-good ideas, but at least it's not limited to technology that doesn't work (though he does mention wind and solar, which I'm not opposed to as long as it's not the only solution).



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Re: Mark Warner's Energy Plan
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2008, 03:56:11 AM »
From the link, part of Warner's platform is "Implement cap-and-trade proposals to responsibly limit carbon emissions."

There's a lot of money being spent on energy, and it's flowing into the pockets of energy companies. (And the government.) Companies that aren't generating and selling energy to you HATE to see that money flowing elsewhere . . . and they can spend money to buy a Congressman, too.

Cap-and-trade is, at its core, a crooked back-door swindle to see to it that some of your energy dollars end up in the pockets of people who don't produce, supply, or provide you with energy, but who HAVE bought some politicians.

And it would appear Mark Warner is one of them.
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Re: Mark Warner's Energy Plan
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 05:35:01 AM »
OPEC and Russia control most of the worlds oil supplies and therefore control the price of world oil. If we start to become energy independent two things will happen. The demand for imported oil will decrease and the price for world oil will drop. The countries that control world oil prices will artificially drop prices even lower so they can put alternative energy suppliers out of business. I watched this happen in the early eighties.

We need a method to produce energy cheaper than Russia and OPEC. In the short term, we have enough natural gas to last for a very long time and we could refill out tanks at home. We have had the technology to run vehicles on natural gas for a very long time; we just do not have any vehicles made to use it. Natural gas could power trucks that run exclusively in the cities and plug in hybrid automobiles that run on natural gas would work well in the cities.

Natural gas may not immediately be practical for long trips because there are currently few, if any, places on the highways to fill up. Over time, that could change. However, it seems that vehicles that vehicles could be produced that would run on propane and natural gas. There are numerous places to buy propane.

It seems this would substantially decrease our demand for imported oil and give us time to make the transition away from any dependence on imported energy.


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Re: Mark Warner's Energy Plan
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2008, 12:26:36 PM »
From the link, part of Warner's platform is "Implement cap-and-trade proposals to responsibly limit carbon emissions."

There's a lot of money being spent on energy, and it's flowing into the pockets of energy companies. (And the government.) Companies that aren't generating and selling energy to you HATE to see that money flowing elsewhere . . . and they can spend money to buy a Congressman, too.

Cap-and-trade is, at its core, a crooked back-door swindle to see to it that some of your energy dollars end up in the pockets of people who don't produce, supply, or provide you with energy, but who HAVE bought some politicians.

And it would appear Mark Warner is one of them.

I'm not familiar with "cap and trade" and I don't really have time to look it up at the moment, but how does his support for that invalidate the rest of his plan, which includes increased use of natural gas and nuclear, reducing barriers to drilling, and increasing incentives for companies to expand refining capacity (something people on this board have been screaming for)? 

It's not a perfect plan, but it seems a bit more well rounded than the Right (drill more and only drill!) and the Left (wind and solar only!).



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Re: Mark Warner's Energy Plan
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2008, 01:20:35 PM »
Where have you heard "The Right" say "only drill"?  I haven't heard anyone who stated "only" drill.  Drilling just seems to be the one thing many leftist don't want to consider.  The other stuff has little or less disagreement.  If wouldn't surprise me if you heard people talk about drilling as a specific issue though.
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Re: Mark Warner's Energy Plan
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2008, 01:22:54 PM »
warner was a pleasant surprise as governor   interesting man one of maybe 5 democrats that i'd consider voting for based on my understanding of them  there may be more i don't know about
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Re: Mark Warner's Energy Plan
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2008, 01:32:34 PM »
Wasn't Mark Warner Stacy Warner's husband? grin
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