Author Topic: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP  (Read 80764 times)


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #50 on: August 29, 2008, 08:23:36 AM »
Anyone know where she stands on Real ID and the Patriot Act?


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #51 on: August 29, 2008, 08:24:20 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.

This choice will readily backfire if exposed for what it is: obvious pandering to the femi-Nazi and Clinton-ista crowd, while trying to claim a shift to the Right for the radicals.

Someone in the McCain camp has been praying for a "relatively youthful, neo-conservative, uber-female" we can nominate.

So they found one...


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #52 on: August 29, 2008, 08:25:24 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.

This choice will readily backfire if exposed for what it is: obvious pandering to the femi-Nazi and Clinton-ista crowd, while trying to claim a shift to the Right for the radicals.

Did you miss the part where she'd fought corruption, cut spending, and is an NRA life member, then? She's the real thing. For once.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #53 on: August 29, 2008, 08:27:08 AM »
I sure hope she is, cause McCain isn't.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #54 on: August 29, 2008, 08:28:12 AM »
Ezekiel, if she were nothing more than a female, I'd agree that Palin would be a token.

The most obvious reason for her selection is to peel off Hillary supporters. But she does more than that.

She makes up for the ambivalence or even hostility of gun owners toward McCain. (Note picture above).

She has more executive experience than either Biden or Obama. The Dem's can bleat all they want about her not having any foreign policy credentials, but Obama has none, either. And McCain's foreign policy credentials are stronger than Biden's.

Her strong pro-life credentials will help energize a segment of the Republican base that was somewhat apathetic toward McCain.

She has more hands-on experience with the oil and drilling issue than any of the four, an issue that is front and center with the public.

Because she is relatively unknown, the media will be forced to give her column space to provide her story or be seen by even the least politically astute as blatantly biased. And that's column space that would have gone to Obama.

She's more than a token, but she has a ton of work to do to get the public behind her.

The timing is perfect, though. The Obamafest and His speech are now secondary headlines.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #55 on: August 29, 2008, 08:29:08 AM »
I sure hope she is, cause McCain isn't.

That's the point.

She exists only to add some Right credibility to McCain while calling out to those who were voting for Hillary because they were womynists.

Best of both worlds.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #56 on: August 29, 2008, 08:31:21 AM »
Also, when she got into office, she fired her cook and driver, because she said she can cook and drive herself. Her own vehicle she already had, I think it was a Cherokee.

I'm actually happy about politics for the first time in a long time.

BTW, the M4 was in Iraq. She shot at a range with the troops. Unlike other politicians who just posed with goose hunting stuff, she already knew quite well how to use a carbine and wasn't afraid to pick one up and shoot it.

Obama would probably back away in fear because it was loud and dirty.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #57 on: August 29, 2008, 08:33:05 AM »
Also, when she got into office, she fired her cook and driver, because she said she can cook and drive herself. Her own vehicle she already had, I think it was a Cherokee.
Is that true? Got a source? 

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #58 on: August 29, 2008, 08:34:19 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.

This choice will readily backfire if exposed for what it is: obvious pandering to the femi-Nazi and Clinton-ista crowd, while trying to claim a shift to the Right for the radicals.

Someone in the McCain camp has been praying for a "relatively youthful, neo-conservative, uber-female" we can nominate.

So they found one...

Are you joking?  Go look at AZRedhawk's post just before yours, to see how the base views Romney.  Add to that, he'd be flayed alive for his so-called flip-flops about McCain and many of his own views.  No one trusts him to be as conservative as he says he is. 

And why would McCain need a neo-conservative?  He's the very model of a modern neo-conservative. 
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #59 on: August 29, 2008, 08:34:55 AM »
Also, when she got into office, she fired her cook and driver, because she said she can cook and drive herself. Her own vehicle she already had, I think it was a Cherokee.
Is that true? Got a source? 

I will try to find one. I'd heard that from someone I know up in Alaska back when she got elected, they were really impressed.

Also, NOBODY here likes Romney. He signed the 1998 MA AWB and everyone knows it. Guy who bought a Reagan hat and wore it with the price tag still on it. Palin appears to really mean it.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #60 on: August 29, 2008, 08:35:35 AM »
Also, when she got into office, she fired her cook and driver, because she said she can cook and drive herself. Her own vehicle she already had, I think it was a Cherokee.
Is that true? Got a source? 

If it's true, she's got my vote.

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #61 on: August 29, 2008, 08:37:14 AM »
She wasn't chosen due to credentials, unless you consider breasts credentials.

She was chosen to suck Hillary supporters: those that desired to vote for HER because of breasts.

This choice has the power to swing me back from voting libertarian, to voting for McCain.

I was hoping she'd be the pick, but I was terrified it would be some eastern tenderfoot sissy efite big city blueblood lib-appeaser like Romney.

This woman will FIGHT for us.  To demean her as a viable choice purely by anatomical reasons is so ridiculous I cannot even begin to describe it.  I challenge you to find a better libertarian-oriented republican, issue by issue.  There may be a couple, but it's a damn short list and none of McCain's other Veep choices are on it, that's for damn sure.
I was seriously contemplating voting Libertarian this go around.  Now, though, I'm definitly voting for McCain.  Had the pick been Romney, I might well have voted for Barr but it would have been a tough choice between voting to keep Obama out or voting for my conscience.  Had the pick been Leiberman, or Ridge I would not have seen McCain as sufficiently different to vote for.  
Formerly sumpnz


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #62 on: August 29, 2008, 08:52:44 AM »
Being as how I live in Illinois, I know my vote wouldn't count, so I was planning on voting 3rd party this year. 

I will now vote for McCain.
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

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Sweet memories to drive us on,
for the motherland.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #63 on: August 29, 2008, 08:55:18 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.
Mitt . . . the guy who came right out and said he supported the Second Amendment and a ban on assault weapons.

Yeah, right . . .  rolleyes
Trump won in 2016. Democrats haven't been so offended since Republicans came along and freed their slaves.
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #64 on: August 29, 2008, 08:57:16 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.
Mitt . . . the guy who came right out and said he supported the Second Amendment and a ban on assault weapons.

Yeah, right . . .  rolleyes

I don't see that as mutually exclusive.

I would hazard that neither does most of America.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #65 on: August 29, 2008, 08:58:32 AM »
Being as how I live in Illinois, I know my vote wouldn't count, so I was planning on voting 3rd party this year. 

I will now vote for McCain.

Me to....esp. if he catches a cold.... grin
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #66 on: August 29, 2008, 09:00:38 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.
Mitt . . . the guy who came right out and said he supported the Second Amendment and a ban on assault weapons.

Yeah, right . . .  rolleyes

I don't see that as mutually exclusive.

I would hazard that neither does most of America.

Excuse me? So, what, you ARE for a ban on semiautos-that-look-like-assault-weapons?

News flash, most of America is NOT. That's why it's such poison for the Democrats.

Stores in Louisiana, especially around NO, just completely sold out of every AR they have in stock. Tell those people who want them to defend their neighborhoods that they can't have them. Go on.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #67 on: August 29, 2008, 09:05:49 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.
Mitt . . . the guy who came right out and said he supported the Second Amendment and a ban on assault weapons.

Yeah, right . . .  rolleyes

I don't see that as mutually exclusive.

I would hazard that neither does most of America.

Excuse me? So, what, you ARE for a ban on semiautos-that-look-like-assault-weapons?

News flash, most of America is NOT. That's why it's such poison for the Democrats.

I don't think Jimmy-Joe Jim-Bob should be able to roll down to Wal*Mart and buy all the full-auto .223 and 7.62x39 carbines he wants, just because he has the cash: but that's another thread.

What's up with this?

Palin: Before 2006, her only elective office was as the mayor of Wasilla, AK (pop. 8,471). She is currently under investigation by a bipartisan state commission (voting 12-0 in favor of the investigation) for allegedly firing a state official who resisted pressure from Palin and her office to fire a AK State Trooper who was going through a messy divorce with her sister.

That will have to be cleaned up...


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #68 on: August 29, 2008, 09:10:38 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.
Mitt . . . the guy who came right out and said he supported the Second Amendment and a ban on assault weapons.

Yeah, right . . .  rolleyes

I don't see that as mutually exclusive.

I would hazard that neither does most of America.

Excuse me? So, what, you ARE for a ban on semiautos-that-look-like-assault-weapons?

News flash, most of America is NOT. That's why it's such poison for the Democrats.

I don't think Jimmy-Joe Jim-Bob should be able to roll down to Wal*Mart and buy all the full-auto .223 and 7.62x39 carbines he wants, just because he has the cash: but that's another thread.

No, actually I think that's quite relevant, because it's exposing your personality in this matter. You are an elitist. Jimmy-Joe-Bob? Who is that dismissive of? People of certain regions of the country? People of certain ethnic background? Educational status? Income level? What stereotype are you implying there, elitist?

You have criteria for the GOVERNMENT to decide what elite classes can or cannot express their second amendment rights.

Therefore, you have absolutely no concept of what the Bill of Rights means. I find it a shame that every hypocritical elitist sort like you is allowed to vote, but I recognize the right that you're able to.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #69 on: August 29, 2008, 09:16:03 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.
Mitt . . . the guy who came right out and said he supported the Second Amendment and a ban on assault weapons.

Yeah, right . . .  rolleyes

I don't see that as mutually exclusive.

I would hazard that neither does most of America.

Excuse me? So, what, you ARE for a ban on semiautos-that-look-like-assault-weapons?

News flash, most of America is NOT. That's why it's such poison for the Democrats.

I don't think Jimmy-Joe Jim-Bob should be able to roll down to Wal*Mart and buy all the full-auto .223 and 7.62x39 carbines he wants, just because he has the cash: but that's another thread.

No, actually I think that's quite relevant, because it's exposing your personality in this matter. You are an elitist. Jimmy-Joe-Bob? Who is that dismissive of? People of certain regions of the country? People of certain ethnic background? Educational status? Income level? What stereotype are you implying there, elitist?

You have criteria for the GOVERNMENT to decide what elite classes can or cannot express their second amendment rights.

Therefore, you have absolutely no concept of what the Bill of Rights means. I find it a shame that every hypocritical elitist sort like you is allowed to vote, but I recognize the right that you're able to.

What's the record for most nested quotes on APS?  cheesy
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I reject your authoritah!


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #70 on: August 29, 2008, 09:18:31 AM »
Ezekiel, the AW ban did not ban ANY full-auto weapons.  ONLY semi-auto weapons that had cosmetic features like folding stocks, bayonet lugs and flash suppressors.  I suggest you read a little about the law.

You may also want to find a forum where the members value their second ammendment rights less.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #71 on: August 29, 2008, 09:23:12 AM »
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.
Mitt . . . the guy who came right out and said he supported the Second Amendment and a ban on assault weapons.

Yeah, right . . .  rolleyes

I don't see that as mutually exclusive.

I would hazard that neither does most of America.

Excuse me? So, what, you ARE for a ban on semiautos-that-look-like-assault-weapons?

News flash, most of America is NOT. That's why it's such poison for the Democrats.

I don't think Jimmy-Joe Jim-Bob should be able to roll down to Wal*Mart and buy all the full-auto .223 and 7.62x39 carbines he wants, just because he has the cash: but that's another thread.

No, actually I think that's quite relevant, because it's exposing your personality in this matter. You are an elitist. Jimmy-Joe-Bob? Who is that dismissive of? People of certain regions of the country? People of certain ethnic background? Educational status? Income level? What stereotype are you implying there, elitist?

You have criteria for the GOVERNMENT to decide what elite classes can or cannot express their second amendment rights.

Therefore, you have absolutely no concept of what the Bill of Rights means. I find it a shame that every hypocritical elitist sort like you is allowed to vote, but I recognize the right that you're able to.

1.  Get Joe Six-pack's name right.  (It's Jimmy-Joe JIM-Bob.)
2.  Folks whose Family Tree does not fork, deserve recognition for what they are.

I'm not an elitist, I am a realist.

There is stratification in America, and there should be a standard -- beyond breathing -- to legally obtain such powerful tools.  (I'm pretty certain that most of America agrees.)  Not everyone deserves them.

That's just reality.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #72 on: August 29, 2008, 09:25:10 AM »
Zeke, the reality is that you're okay with gun control. Period.
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September 1915 - August 2008

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #73 on: August 29, 2008, 09:25:57 AM »
1.  Get Joe Six-pack's name right.  (It's Jimmy-Joe JIM-Bob.)
2.  Folks whose Family Tree does not fork, deserve recognition for what they are.

I'm not an elitist, I am a realist.

There is stratification in America, and there should be a standard -- beyond breathing -- to legally obtain such powerful tools.  (I'm pretty certain that most of America agrees.)  Not everyone deserves them.

That's just reality.

Okay, so you're using the insulting stereotype of Southerners. That'll win you friends here.

And deserve? Who deserves, then? People with, oh...lots of money? Like how only the rich and influential can get a NYC CCW? Or how only Daley's friends can carry guns in Chicago? Like that?

You are assuming that some people are more prone to misuse a firearm merely because they're not arugula-eating chardonnay-sipping elitists with lots of money, and are okay with denying them their Constitutional rights.
Admit it.

I freaking hate elitists. They poison everything good about America.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #74 on: August 29, 2008, 09:29:02 AM »
Zeke, the reality is that you're okay with gun control. Period.

Interesting "all or nothing" distortion.