Okay, I'll spell it out for you since you seem to be more concerned with obtuse half-clever responses than the substance of my statement:
Palin's image as a gun totin', moose killin' good ole girl is what fuels her drooling fanbase, and leads them to ascribe qualities to her that do not exist, such as being an exceptional speaker, or a qualified candidate for the Presidency. Her shrill clacking pompous jocularity is in no way endearing or indicative of a good public speaker, and buzzes in my head like the screams of a Lovecraftian octopus god.
You think that buzzing in your head is because of Palin's mechanics of speech?! No, no, no. Bless your heart. That buzzing is coming from your logic circuits overloading due to your attempt at a obtuse half-clever turn of phrase.
That image is one "projected" upon her by the oh so adoring "journos" that populate the 4th estate. That you would believe it as honest says more about your lack of critical ability than anything else. You evidently don't really listen to women when they speak. If you did you wouldn't be put off by a voice with higher pitch. And finally, Do you even know the definition of jocularity?