Author Topic: American Revolution, the Federal Reserve and the Illegal Authoritarian.  (Read 2196 times)


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Hypocrisy seems to be the only currency which still garners prosperity in our downward condition. Like an act of violence predicated on convenience, the illegal Federal Reserve seeks to steal from the people with one hand, while clutching our throats with the other, shoving us below the murky surface of a rising sea of fraud. And why wouldnt they prance fancy this new murder fantastic? There are no repercussions as they have learned, no real need to answer for their titanic and intentional fraud. What could possibly be their punishment?

The authoritarian collectivists know a dirty little secret: justice in the United States is purely mythological. In our current state of affairs, culpability means having no reporters under your thumb to sit on stories, or lacking adequate purse to purchase representation. They have known this for a long time and are now laughingly exploiting this openly, arrogantly flaunting their immunity, their implied amnesty, by configuring our society to conform to the banking industries ledgers. Imagine the authoritarian power to do as you please with any society and profit from it, finding no conscience in the suffering of others. All flavors of authoritarian collectivism know this is the key to true assertion of the uber state. Not a single communist, socialist, national socialist, facist or tribal dictator could find fault in the actions of our Federal government, because this symbolizes the autonomy of tyranny, it exposes the false notions of freedom the public feels and believes in. Of course Jefferson knew the nature of the tyrant:

I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.

He further spoke of these entities as contrary to governmental sovereignty:

I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.

It is important to note that Jefferson considered a component of the universal existence of the rights of free men to be predicated on their individual means of asserting this right. That the free man take into his own grasp the consummate rifle of revolution, in other words bear the burden of rebellion. Freedom being not conceptual, or an idea, but the measured end result of action taken against subjugation. Tangible evidence of mans soul comes from this endeavoring to persevere against authoritarianism, confirmation of mans soul comes from the achievement of banishing the authoritarian force to the dustbin of history and restoring an order of Liberty. But of course, freedom in a state of stasis is not only a false truth, but actually the enabler of tyranny. The tyrant knows that as long as people believe themselves to be free, or that they believe they have freedom they will take no action to challenge their power. Without the action of the revolutionary patriot, they are correct and posses the idea of freedom as a ruse and instrument of oppression.

Action kills the master, they know this. History has shown us that when the slave throws off the yoke of oppression they tend to stop there, as if to condemn the actions of the master by saying: &you cannot treat me like this& to which the master either responds with force or allows the slave to be a member of the paradigm in which the master partakes of his power. This is not Revolution. This is rebellious resistance that does nothing but confirm the right of the master. Revolution is about change, which is why our Founding Fathers submitted the tenants of our rights and the formation of a new government. It was not possible to simultaneously assert freedom then accept various flavors of tyrannical concession. Either man is free or he is not. Our founding fathers believed man is free, but only thru action and assertion, not assumption.

Rule of law no longer exists in our country and we have become a system of cosmopolitan whim and rule by law. The illegal aliens from Mexico know this, there are not concerned with freedom. They are attracted to the United States because of our lack of law, because they know we do not care about justice, or rule of law and that our assertions about sovereignty are abstract. Our decline and corruption is opportunity to them, they dont see morality or civility. They see the potential for exploitation and greed without repercussion, they shove aside their immorality via regurgitation of prepared talking points by corporate America. They share the same belief system, open borders, global corporatism, no accountability, greed and authoritarian collectivism. They are the footsoldiers of AIG, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They operate under the same principles of no repercussions and massive entitlement. Every second the collectivist illegal alien from Mexico stands on our sol we are reminded by the Federal Government that we have no freedom, no law, no justice. That if you wish to participate in the idea of freedom, you must do as the authoritarian collectivist banks wish, or you will not be heard and you will suffer the hypocrisy and degradation of taxation without representation. The communist illegal alien from Mexico demonstrates to us how our Federal government rewards subjugation. The illegal alien from Mexico promotes, via Aztlan, the idea of the uber state. A nationalist socialist state whose composition is based upon race, the authoritarian collectivists in the US use this to destroy our sense of identity. They promote it as valid, speak to it in the Spanish language and deny our heritage and system of laws. The illegal alien from Mexico is the perfect footsoldier for the global elite, and they are more than willing to oblige with only the demand of simple compensation and exemption from sovereign law.

This is the new authoritarian society. Man is not free, rule BY law is providence, and tyrants will disperse notions of our existence as reward for confirming their power. Only a tangible revolution, not rebellion, can change this. The illegal alien from Mexico is nothing more than a reminder that laws no longer apply to free men and that criminals are rewarded if they serve the whims of the authoritarian state. The criminal illegal alien is the footsoldier for the authoritarian collectivists.

De Selby

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Re: American Revolution, the Federal Reserve and the Illegal Authoritarian.
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 10:03:51 PM »
The illegal alien from Mexico promotes, via Aztlan, the idea of the uber state. A nationalist socialist state whose composition is based upon race, the authoritarian collectivists in the US use this to destroy our sense of identity. They promote it as valid, speak to it in the Spanish language and deny our heritage and system of laws.

You do realize that the Aztlanist radical types are mainly Americans, and that the "chicano" movement that gave birth to this is entirely American (by definition-there is no such thing as a Chicano born in Mexico)...right?
"Human existence being an hallucination containing in itself the secondary hallucinations of day and night (the latter an insanitary condition of the atmosphere due to accretions of black air) it ill becomes any man of sense to be concerned at the illusory approach of the supreme hallucination known as death."


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Re: American Revolution, the Federal Reserve and the Illegal Authoritarian.
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 10:07:09 PM »
That is an irrelevant point as I am referring to illegal aliens from Mexico here in the US.

Aztlan is a major topic on Mexican broadcast media and amongst Mexicans. It is taught in their history books.

You brought up Chicano and I did not even mention it, besides trivia is an ancillary distraction, especially considering that it doesn't apply.

De Selby

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Re: American Revolution, the Federal Reserve and the Illegal Authoritarian.
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2008, 08:07:17 AM »
That is an irrelevant point as I am referring to illegal aliens from Mexico here in the US.

Aztlan is a major topic on Mexican broadcast media and amongst Mexicans. It is taught in their history books.

You brought up Chicano and I did not even mention it, besides trivia is an ancillary distraction, especially considering that it doesn't apply.

This is in fact not true-"Aztlan" as a political creation is a major topic in (and was created by) Chicano literature in American colleges. 

Of course, I'm willing to entertain proof that I'm wrong.  I speak spanish and watch Mexican broadcast media regularly, so maybe you can tell me which broadcast programs feature "Aztlan" as a major topic?  Can you identify a news series, television show, or anything else that talks about it?
"Human existence being an hallucination containing in itself the secondary hallucinations of day and night (the latter an insanitary condition of the atmosphere due to accretions of black air) it ill becomes any man of sense to be concerned at the illusory approach of the supreme hallucination known as death."

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Re: American Revolution, the Federal Reserve and the Illegal Authoritarian.
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2008, 08:24:51 AM »
Chosen, did you write the article in your original post?
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Re: American Revolution, the Federal Reserve and the Illegal Authoritarian.
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2008, 08:57:33 AM »
That is an irrelevant point as I am referring to illegal aliens from Mexico here in the US.

Aztlan is a major topic on Mexican broadcast media and amongst Mexicans. It is taught in their history books.

Source?  Proof?

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Re: American Revolution, the Federal Reserve and the Illegal Authoritarian.
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2008, 09:21:45 AM »
The issue isn't "Aztlan" per se, it's whether illegal immigration is part of the unspoken policy of those who run America to dilute and ultimately replace the so-called "nativists" who still believe in the republican vision of the Founding Fathers.  Aztlan is just one aspect of the tribalist ethnocentrism promoted by leftist activists whose agenda is to advance the "bronze people" at the expense of everyone else.  Aztlan is just one more instance of mystical collectivism, based on racial identity, that we have unfortunately seen causing untold harm throughout history.

Whether these beliefs are codified in history books isn't key; what is key is that these ideas in various forms are current in Mexican popular culture.  When Spanish language dj's refer to their mind-set as "raza" they are talking about an ethnic and cultural tribe that doesn't have much in common with the principles of Thomas Jefferson.
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Re: American Revolution, the Federal Reserve and the Illegal Authoritarian.
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2008, 09:24:55 AM »
The black helicopters are coming.

The crow flies at midnight.

The check is in the mail.

The thread is pre-emptively closed. 

(Can you spot the truism in the above statements?)
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