Demonstrates that actual value of a high priced education. Pity that such often does not teach the student how to educate themselves on controversial matters.
It's hard to imagine that you're seriously arguing the point that a swastika in America can't reasonably be assumed to coincide with Nazi ideology. Posting about ancient India and Finland is all well and good, but this is America....and the noose with Obama was in Kentucky, not a buddhist temple in Cambodia, or some other exotic place where a rope around the neck has some magical significance.
I'm just imagining how you'd all react to a guy with a shaved head, cobwebs on his temples, and swastikas all over his arms walking into your places of business and politely explaining that he shaves his head because monks of many religions shave their heads, and that he has swastikas on his arms because those bald hindu monks believed it was good luck.
And the combat boots and camo pants? That's because peace protesters wear that kind of gear-he was just getting ready to attend a rally for civil rights, where they hang dark skinned dolls by the neck on tall poles to show that they elevate different races above the hordes of white people with monks' haircuts and good luck tattoos. Oh, and the burning cross? That just shows they're on fire for God! No racism to see there!
I'm sure you'd all take this character at his word and seriously consider his hindu/buddhist/religious motivations before branding him a nazi, right?