Author Topic: As a Conservative, I Must Say I Do Quite Like the Cut of this Obama Fellow's Jib  (Read 4165 times)


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In the rush of east-coast ivy-league-educated conservatives to scorn the McCainiac and Moose-Killer duo and embrace BHO, one of the uplifted pinkies overlooked was that of T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII.

Here, then, is his "coming out" column in support of Obama.

As a Conservative, I Must Say I Do Quite Like the Cut of this Obama Fellow's Jib

By T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII
Columnist, The National Topsider
Membership Chairman, The Newport Club

When my late father T. Coddington Van Voorhees VI founded the iconoclastic conservative journal National Topsider in 1948, he famously declared that "Now is the time for all good conservative helmsmen to hoist the mizzen, pour the cocktails, and steer this damned schooner hard starboard." In the 60 years since he first uttered it after one-too-many Cosmopolitans at one of Pamela Harriman's notorious foreign policy black tie balls, father's pithy bon mot has served as a rallying cry for conservatives from Greenwich to Chevy Chase. Today, I say it's time for we conservatives to once again grab the rigging and set sail with the flotilla of the true conservative in this race: Barack Obama.

Trust me, I haven't taken this tack lightly. No Van Voorhees has supported an avowed socialist since great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandpapa Cragmont Van Voorhees lent Peter Minuet $24 and a sack of wampum to swing a subprime mortgage on Manhattan Island. Old dad himself often recounted how, as a lad, he would command the family chauffeur Carleton to drive the Duesenberg down to the Times Square Trans-Lux so he could hiss Roosevelt. But I've taken a good measure of this Obama fellow, and I must say I like the cut of the man's jib.

How can I say this, you ask? One look at this Obama chap is all the answer you need. Suave, tanned, unflappable, Harvard connections; it's obvious that here is a man to the conservative manor born. One imagines him at the helm of the Ship of State, basked in the sunlight diffusing through the seaspray over the bow, like some beautiful rugged Othello from a rapturous Ralph Lauren catalog, calmly issuing instructions to the deck crew in that magnificent mellifluous baritone of his. It's that easy-going, almost effortless grace that has all the A-list conservatives like David Frum and Kathleen Parker whispering Reaganesque in hushed tones. Even Peggy Noonan -- the Grand Dame of Gipperism -- has succumbed to Obama's undeniable conservative charms. Just last month I listened to her wax poetic about the Adonis of Chicago between chukkers at the Newport Club polo tournament final.  "Why Peggy, you old dowager," I quipped, "I believe you just had an orgasm."

Certainly, my endorsement has raised more than a few eyebrows around the National Topsider water cooler, particularly among the alumni of jejune cow colleges like Michigan or Dartmouth. They sometimes point to Mr. Obama's radical Rolodex and his hooey about "weath redistribution" and "dictatorship of the proletariat." But, as I patiently explain, this is precisely the point - it is hooey, over-the-top rhetorical flourishes obviously designed by Mr. Obama to win over benighted inner city hoi polloi (a feat, I might add, that even the Great Communicator himself was unable to accomplish). As for his so-called radical ties, who among us hasn't sent dinner party invitations to Gore Vidal and a leftwing terrorists or two to enliven the postprandial conversation? Leonard Bernstein loved hosting all manner of Weathermen and Black Panthers and Symbionese Liberation Army celebrities at his Park Avenue pied a terre, but it didn't mean the Maestro wasn't in favor of low taxes. On the contrary; I know for a fact he itemized every cent of the catering bills for his famous terrorist cocktail parties.

Just so, I have every confidence that Obama's true conservative butterfly will emerge once in office,  coaxed from its Maoist cocoon by conservatives like myself and Frum and Parker and Noonan -- all of whom I am pleased to report are already under consideration for the Obama Administration State Dinner shortlist. Certainly there may be a tax increase or two, but isn't that what estate attorneys and Cayman Island banks are for? Under a worst case scenario some of us may have to set up a lease-back depreciation arrangement on one or two of our vacation compounds, as Dad was forced to in the dark years of Carter. But I'm not worried. I've got a pretty good sense for character, and I'd be willing to bet my Weejuns that inside this Obama fellow lives the soul a rock-ribbed old money Brahmin. Ask yourself: could a seriously committed Marxist carry off a Brooks Brothers suit like that? I mean, other than Dad's old commie nemesis and Harvard fencing club foe Alger Hiss.

But there is an even more compelling reason to support Barack Obama: Sarah Palin.

If you are a conservative like me, you guffawed when you heard John McCain announced this declasse rube as a running mate, followed by good-natured applause, thinking it was some sort of whimsical campus prank he was reenacting from his Annapolis years. This was, of course, quickly followed the shock of realizing that he wasn't joking, and all that Hanoi unpleasantness had finally driven him around the bend.

It's an inescapable conclusion that this woman has, in 6 short weeks, single-handedly destroyed the Republican party. Certainly George Bush may share some of the blame; but we conservatives must remember how our hopes were buoyed by his impressive bloodlines and Yale degree before we realized his excursion to Texas had caused him to "go native." But la Palin offers true conservatives no such extenuating graces. I mean, my God, this woman is simply awful; the elided vowels, the beauty pageantry, the guns, the crude non-Episcopal protestantism, the embarrassing porchload of children with horrifying hillbilly names, the white after Labor Day. As fellow conservative commentator Andrew Sullivan quipped to me the other day outside a Martha's Vineyard antique shop, it's gratifying to know the Gipper isn't alive to see what has become of his party.

But it's not just American conservatives who are appalled. Just last week conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks and I were enjoying an apres-badminton apertif at the family weekend house in Montauk with my good friend Viscount Klaus-Maria Von Wallensheim, the conservative EU Agricultural Pricing Minister with whom I shared an Alpine chalet and manservant during our years as classmates at a Swiss boarding school. "Kloonkie" (my old school appellation for the Viscount) reported the growing dismay of the Continental Right over Palin's embarrassing enthusiasm for childbirth and Israel.

"Coddsie, old chap, " he warned, "You know I've always been been America's biggest defender in Monaco. But if you elect this ill-bred charwoman, I will be be forced to move anchor to St. Tropez out of pure shame."

David and I were left nodding silently, for how else could we respond?  If Palin has lost Kloonkie, she has surely lost the entire conservative movement. The idea of this dreadful woman in Washington is almost too much to contemplate. Not only would it be a fashion disaster, one can scarcely imagine the White House social calendar -- mooseburger fetes to that ghastly Joe the Plumber, perhaps followed by snow machine derbies through the Rose Garden?

For now, we conservatives must do what we can to sabotage the ill-fated McCain-Palin fiasco and hope for the best. Once the election is over we can lick our wounds, read the entrails, and decide where the movement should go from here. In anticipation, the Topsider will be holding a top-level exclusive strategy conference in Nassau next January, featuring tout le monde of conservative intellectuals from the Back Bay Review, The Prospective Standard, National Bowtie, and The Swartmorean. If you are attending, please be advised that gentlemen's jackets will be mandatory after six PM.

Until then, do not despair; the election of Mr. Obama means that at least some conservatives will still have a place at the table. I do hope I get seated next to this William Ayers fellow -- I've heard he has some amazingly droll anecdotes!


“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”
----G.K. Chesterton


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I thought you people couldnt do sarcasm?

 =D =D
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You know the effect is best if you make the voice in your head that of the nasal New England elites.

Spot on!
I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought


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Good heavens, how droll!  I rather enjoyed that bit of tomfoolery. =D

Jamis!  Where are you, you slackwitted knave?!  Be a good fellow and bring about the Saint Agnes' Voiture for a jaunt to Martha's Vinyard, would you?
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
--Lysander Spooner

I reject your authoritah!


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Jamis!  Where are you, you slackwitted knave?!  Be a good fellow and bring about the Saint Agnes' Voiture for a jaunt to Martha's Vinyard, would you?

Can I bring my ship also?

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You know the effect is best if you make the voice in your head that of the nasal New England elites.

Spot on!

I could taste teeth enamel while reading the article.  Unfortunately, I spent time in Long Island and Mass for business...  Having met our self proclaimed aristocracy...  I now wonder if maybe the French did have one or two rights ideas.  There is a good reason why we do not have a Kshatriya class in America.

On that note, I'm now packing up to celebrate Samhain properly.  With burning through a case of 5.56 and another of 9mm.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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Had to cheat and read the responses before I could continue past the first paragraph.

Bravo chaps
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As I was reading it, the voice in my head was Jim Backus as Thurston Howell III.

And now you have the theme song to Gilligan's Island stuck in your head! Ah, hahahahahahhahahahah!
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 03:08:02 PM by GNLaFrance »
Guy N. LaFrance

"A human group transforms itself into a mob when it suddenly responds to a suggestion rather than to reasoning, to an image rather than to an idea, to an affirmation rather than to proof, to the repetition of a phrase rather than to arguments, to prestige rather than to competence.” ~ Jean-François Revel

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New member, one post, and he's already infecting me with ear worms. Thanks, GNLaFrance. ;)

By the way, welcome to APS.


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As I was reading it, the voice in my head was Jim Backus as Thurston Howell III.


The perfect Coddsie.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
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As I was reading it, the voice in my head was Jim Backus as Thurston Howell III.

And now you have the theme song to Gilligan's Island stuck in your head! Ah, hahahahahahhahahahah!

Ohhh, you evil, EVIL person! :mad: :lol:


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It's not often we have to ban someone after their first post.  Nice going GNLaFrance.  =D
If there really was intelligent life on other planets, we'd be sending them foreign aid.

Conservatives see George Orwell's "1984" as a cautionary tale.  Progressives view it as a "how to" manual.

My wife often says to me, "You are evil and must be destroyed." She may be right.

Liberals believe one should never let reason, logic and facts get in the way of a good emotional argument.


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It's not often we have to ban someone after their first post.  Nice going GNLaFrance.  =D

Hey, why not, might as well save us all some time and trouble.

Thanks for the welcome and the back-handed compliments. I like it here, makes it more likely I'll behave myself... maybe...
Guy N. LaFrance

"A human group transforms itself into a mob when it suddenly responds to a suggestion rather than to reasoning, to an image rather than to an idea, to an affirmation rather than to proof, to the repetition of a phrase rather than to arguments, to prestige rather than to competence.” ~ Jean-François Revel

Day By Day Webcomic by Chris Muir

Perd Hapley

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You're supposed to introduce yourself by saying something remarkably offensive.  Then we all get to take turns rebutting you, calling you a troll, speculating that you are really Blackburn, and looking for your posts on The High Road.  Then a moderator gives you a short lecture, and we all settle down.

You, sir, are a failure.   :police:  << Forum Etiquette Police
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He was a bit of a letdown, wasn't he, Mr. TP?  Should we give him a "do over" on his first post?

Welcome, BTW!
If there really was intelligent life on other planets, we'd be sending them foreign aid.

Conservatives see George Orwell's "1984" as a cautionary tale.  Progressives view it as a "how to" manual.

My wife often says to me, "You are evil and must be destroyed." She may be right.

Liberals believe one should never let reason, logic and facts get in the way of a good emotional argument.


  • Training to be a bad-tempered old geezer.
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  • "We has met th' enemy, an' they is us." - Pogo
You're supposed to introduce yourself by saying something remarkably offensive.  Then we all get to take turns rebutting you, calling you a troll, speculating that you are really Blackburn, and looking for your posts on The High Road.  Then a moderator gives you a short lecture, and we all settle down.

You, sir, are a failure.   :police:  << Forum Etiquette Police

I... I'm sorry... I'll try to do better...
Guy N. LaFrance

"A human group transforms itself into a mob when it suddenly responds to a suggestion rather than to reasoning, to an image rather than to an idea, to an affirmation rather than to proof, to the repetition of a phrase rather than to arguments, to prestige rather than to competence.” ~ Jean-François Revel

Day By Day Webcomic by Chris Muir