I'm not saying you'd want to outlaw big families, but what's so crazy about having that many kids?
There's nothing CRAZY about having that many things. I've outlined the reasons I don't want to have that many kids above, but let me give you an example.
My father does not know English in any meaningful way. Yet, when I was in primary school, he decided that the Israeli schools start children too late on English. He started me on it a year earlier, and would make sure I did English exercises every day, and checked them with me using schoolbooks he had ordered from Russia. That took two, three hours
every day. As I mentioned earlier on this forum, my father is very unpleasant when angered. So I did my part.
He'd also have long conversations with me about the university he went to in Russia, about the academic world, about various topics related to literature and history, and he made sure I read the right books right.
He held a full-time job while doing this.
Could he have done this if he had eight kids? With all eight of them? Ten? Eighteen?
Raising a child is not about transferring your genes to him. It's about passing on your values and your outlook of life.
Me and 2swap are in agreement that we will do our level best to ensure any future child we will have will be homeschooled. This is because we both think that the values we pass on to our child (or children) are
important. The way we raise and teach our child is important.
Raising a child is
not, IMHO, about the emotional satisfaction I will probably feel when he is born, nor about the emotional satisfaction that his mother will feel from nursing him or holding him in her arms. It is supposed to be about
the child and about him growing up to be a decent human being and individual, a free man (or woman) and having some success in life. It's not about me, it's about
him or