Author Topic: I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban  (Read 3496 times)

Seymour Skinner

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« on: November 01, 2005, 01:18:22 PM »
The f-ing antis as of yesterday, thanks to Reagan's cowardice, are able to completely hijack his legacy and hold up his presidency and use it for their own agenda (this time to oppose the Alito nomination), as if Reagan were Bill Clinton.

The brady campaign is also doing NRA's job FOR them by listing court decisions regarding the illegal 1986 ban.  I had no freaking idea there were that many (I mean, I knew the federal courts were corrupt and controlled, but ...)  I know I'm not the only one who didn't know, thanks to the NRA's constantly pretending like nothing bad happened in 1986.  All over NRA's materials, they only mention the 1934 NFA when discussing machine guns (which are just guns BTW, especially since the constitution makes no distinction between types of arms that "Shall not be infringed" upon.  If the founders were here, they would say that only states have any minor regulatory authority over guns whatsoever, because that is the truth.)

I check all the anti gunner's sites daily, partially for a laugh, partially for information, and partially to use up their bandwidth and cost them more $$ Wink .  I mention the latter to encourage thousands of good guys to do it so it adds up.  I have heard several pro gun posters in the past say that they won't go to the anti's sites because it "makes them too angry."  I think healthy anger is precisely what we need to maintain.

I recommend thick waders for reading this, but their press releases are also kind of informative:


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2005, 04:03:20 PM »
I'm pro Repeal the FOPA.
I'm pro-repeal-the-section-that-stopped-additional-MG-registration, no need to repeal all the good things.

Even if given the choice, I think I would go with keeping the protections that it got, and no MG's, than MG's and things like the interstate travel protection going bye-bye
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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2005, 06:12:03 PM »
Quote from: Masterpiece
...thanks to Reagan's cowardice...
The MG ban was snuck in at the last minute ... there is some conjecture here, but its highly possible that Reagan didn't know it was even in there when he signed a law that was designed to protect Americans from a federal database of guns and/or gun owners (plus eliminate some of the more stupid parts of the '68GCA when it comes to ammo sales).

But I forgot, Reagan and the GOP are all closet antis and we're all fools to vote for them rolleyes

K Frame

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2005, 06:20:11 PM »
Reagan knew it was in there.

He also knew that not signing the law, with all of its good points, would screw over one hell of a lot more current and potential gunowners than signing it.

He's on record as saying he wasn't happy with the last minute desperation maneuver by the Democrats who had to include something, ANYTHING, to show that they were being "tough on crime" but that it was truly a case where the good outweighed the bad.

Had Reagan not signed the bill, I'm sure we'd be hearing the same people scream and cry about how Reagan was such a coward because he let a bill with so many beneficial provisions slip through his fingers.

1986 was the best that could have been gotten at the time. There was absolutely NO hope of getting it through in 1987.

Hell, it only took what, 15 years to get it through in 1986, and only then by damned tenuous margins and a LOT of Democratic poison pill attempts.
Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2005, 04:00:06 AM »
The DemocRATS controlled congress at the time. If the author wants to blame someone for the added on law, blame them.
"now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb" -Dark Helmet

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Seymour Skinner

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2005, 10:14:18 AM »
1st we need to get some basic history straight and overcome some wishful thinking.  Ronald Reagan took MANY expansive anti gun positions throughout his life.  He signed a very wide ranging carry ban in California if memory serves.  He also supported and LOBBIED for the renewal of Clinton's AW ban.

I am laughing out loud that we actually have people making posts saying:
but its highly possible that Reagan didn't know it was even in there {wonderland must be quite a place}

If the author wants to blame someone for the added on law, blame them.   -brimic
Mike Irwin, you were right on until you came out with this utter nonsense
Had Reagan not signed the bill, I'm sure we'd be hearing the same people scream and cry about how Reagan was such a coward because he let a bill with so many beneficial provisions slip through his fingers.
You clearly didn't think that through, because there is no scenario where that would be true.  

1st.  If anti gun Reagan had done the right thing and vetoed the falsely named "FOPA" (which should be written faux pas), it would have been immediately obvious to every gun owner WHY it was vetoed (massive gun ban).  Thus, the blame would appropriately go straight to the democrats, specifically Hughes and Rangel.

2nd.  The "good" portions of faux pas (FOPA) amounted to ending inconveniences that would have/could have been EASILY whittled away at another time, especially after 1994!

3rd.  What a couple of posters here forget, is that the 1986 faux pas (FOPA) was actually the first federal gun BAN.  1934 NFA was a tax and registration law.  1968 GCA created "legally disabled" classes of federal subjects (formerly citizens), stopped importations, and established the "sporting purpose" test.  NONE of the foregoing COMES EVEN CLOSE to the 1986 disaster which is a full blown FEDERAL BAN in the truest sense of the word.

To say that trading some ammo inconveniences for the first real full blown federal gun BAN was a good trade, is the most dangerous form of s-t-u-p-i-d I have ever heard.  It's beyond stupid.  It would be like trading a bowl of cereal for YOUR HOUSE.  Or tipping the valet by giving him your car title!  We just don't have a single word in the english language to fully describe such mentally defective behavior as that.


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2005, 11:27:15 AM »
Quote from: Masterpiece
2nd.  The "good" portions of faux pas (FOPA) amounted to ending inconveniences that would have/could have been EASILY whittled away at another time, especially after 1994!
Oh I forgot all the clairvoyants in the GOP ... I completely forgot they have an army of psychics that can read the future and see that pro gun laws would be easily passed in the future rolleyes


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2005, 11:42:14 AM »
From what I understand (I wasn't 10 at the time), the late 80's/early 90's was when the anti-gun campaign was at its peak.  I'd imagine that having these protections not available could have made it a lot worse.

I'm not arguing that the mg ban isn't bad.  I've been searching for a list of things the 86 FOPA did, to no avail, but IIRC protection of interstate travel is one of them, mail-order ammo is another, and some sort of protection for gunshows was another (someone correct me if I am wrong, or post a list if you have it).

Simply put, undoing damage is far harder than protecting it in the first place.  I'd rather have to worry about reopening MG registration, than having to worry about getting the law changed so if I drive through a state that doesn't allow my gun, I don't get arrested; getting it changed so I can buy cheap surplus ammo from J&G or Sportsmans Guide, or so on; while being able to own new MG's.
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Seymour Skinner

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2005, 11:44:52 AM »
Look Zundy, I don't know who you think you're talking to, but I am full anti GOP (except Ron Paul).  That party is the other half of the same globalist/fascist/statist/marxist coin.  I hold my head up high every day that I voted Badnarik, whilst millions of other so called "conservatives" have to hang their heads in shame wishing they could take back that vote for president Cheney and Janet Reno, er, I mean Alberto Gonzales.

Furthermore, mockery by itself is not a logical argument (you clearly have no real response to what I said).  I WILL however, respond to the small grains of substance that I was able to find in your post.  

First, I never implied future "pro gun laws" were a given.  I merely stated the obvious, that if ammo inconveniences could be done away in 1986 under a marxist democrat congress, it's not much of a stretch (no psychic needed only common sense) to see that the worst of those ammo inconveniences would be relatively easy targets especially after 1994.  IF NOT, so the hell what?  Good grief einstein, are you telling me that you wouldn't trade some stupid ammo inconveniences RIGHT NOW for the ability to buy a brand NEW fully automatic weapon?  If you wouldn't, then you are in good company over at the brady campaign. Smiley

BTW jefnvk, you have some good sentiment and make a fairly reasonable argument, but just where are you getting the optimism of EVER reopening machine gun registration?  The totally corrupt federal courts have slammed the door on that (and the constitution) so many times, our only hope is with a phony conservative congress that is about to fully reauthorize the "patriot act" and then some.  This same congress has been amassing vast new federal powers so fast it's hard to keep track.  This is the same congress that WON'T EVEN FUND THE ATF'S MEASELY RIGHTS RESTORATION PORTION OF THE LAW!


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2005, 11:49:46 AM »


Quit it.

You're making the rest of us libertarians look sane.
Your secretary is not a graphic designer, and Microsoft Word is not adequate for print design.

Seymour Skinner

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2005, 11:56:11 AM »


Quit it.
Typical human nature.  Whenever someone starts getting too close to the difficult truth, or upsetting the status quo, some gutless wonder shows up to try and herd him back into line.


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2005, 12:05:59 PM »
Just out of curiosity, do you get spit on your screen when you're typing up a post?
Your secretary is not a graphic designer, and Microsoft Word is not adequate for print design.

K Frame

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2005, 12:10:18 PM »
"You clearly didn't think that through, because there is no scenario where that would be true."

It's called a supposition. And yes, I have absolutely no doubt that it would be true. If there's one thing I've learned from my nearly 30 years activities in the shooting sports, not to mention my tenure as associate editor of American Rifleman magazine, when it comes to firearms (or any other political issue, for that matter) you can't please everyone, and there is a solid cadre of people who, no matter what, will NEVER, EVER be pleased no matter what they are given.


There are people whose entire purpose in life is to be pissed off, disassociative, and demanding, and for some reason the shooting sports have got more than their fair share.

"Typical human nature.  Whenever someone starts getting too close to the difficult truth, or upsetting the status quo, some gutless wonder shows up to try and herd him back into line."

I'm not sure which universe your "difficult truth" inhabits, but God knows you're not even remotely close to it in this one.
Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2005, 12:15:05 PM »
Quote from: Masterpiece
Look Zundy, I don't know who you think you're talking to, but I am full anti GOP (except Ron Paul).  That party is the other half of the same globalist/fascist/statist/marxist coin.  I hold my head up high every day that I voted Badnarik, whilst millions of other so called "conservatives" have to hang their heads in shame wishing they could take back that vote for president Cheney and Janet Reno, er, I mean Alberto Gonzales.
Nope, I know exactly who I'm talking to ... thanks for verifying it though

First, I never implied future "pro gun laws" were a given.  I merely stated the obvious, that if ammo inconveniences could be done away in 1986 under a marxist democrat congress, it's not much of a stretch (no psychic needed only common sense) to see that the worst of those ammo inconveniences would be relatively easy targets especially after 1994.
You said; The "good" portions of faux pas (FOPA) amounted to ending inconveniences that would have/could have been EASILY whittled away at another time, especially after 1994!

Maybe you just worded that awkwardly, but it sure looked like you where saying that in 1986 you knew in advance that in 1994 there would be a Republican controlled legislature that would be friendlier to pro-gun legislation.

Furthermore, mockery by itself is not a logical argument (you clearly have no real response to what I said).
I believe I did respond to exactly what you said with a substantive argument (albeit dripping in sarcasm).

But fine, when dealing with moonbattery, mockery is much more fun and just as productive :p


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2005, 01:08:14 PM »

He [Reagan] also supported and LOBBIED for the renewal of Clinton's AW ban.
The 1994 Clinton AW ban expired in 2004, last I heard.  By the time that supporters of the ban had circled wagons and started lobbying for renewal, I sort of doubt that Ronald Reagan was in any shape to be lobbying for anything other than spoonfuls of oatmeal and clean drawers.  rolleyes
"Bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round...

"Never squat with your spurs on!"

Seymour Skinner

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2005, 01:23:51 PM »
Gewehr98, don't you remember how the antis were using Reagan's open support for AWB renewal?

Just out of curiosity, do you get spit on your screen when you're typing up a post?
I'll divert for a second to say that I appreciate the compliment for being fired up and engaged with the pedal to the metal (whether you meant it that way or not).  And BTW, I have a windshield wiper on my monitor Smiley.  Busting up people's fantasies, wishful thinking, rationalizations, and rose colored glasses is quite the animating contest.

Mike, at least you're honest that you believe the utterly illogical chain of assumptions had traitor Reagan vetoed that abomination.  

On what planet do you believe that gun owners would have ignored the democrat's attempted poisoned pill MACHINE GUN BAN AMENDMENT, and instead called Reagan a coward for not signing the worst gun ban in history?  How can one be so clueless as to suppose that gun owners wouldn't have been able to see right through that the NEW BAN WAS WORSE than keeping the ammo/travel restrictions?

You're whole argument is based in the world of "some people are never happy" instead of sound logic and cause and effect.

Sometimes it's better to leave the "goodies" on the table rather than swallow the poison the democrats had attached in 1986.  Sometimes it's better to walk away from lopsided "negotiations" and keep what you have, so as to try again another day.

Clearly Mike, you were part of the NRA establishment, and you're used to spouting the "some people are never happy" line to justify HUGE losses and compromises.  The FACT is, that if faux pas (FOPA) had not been signed, you could still get ammo, BUT take a trip to your local class III dealer and tell me how much success you had today in getting a new full auto (or a price inflated used one for that matter).  Yea, that's what I thought.  Look pal, try as you might, there just IS no good spin to put on the 1986 disaster, but I bet you'll keep trying. rolleyes


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2005, 02:28:37 PM »
Ok. Let's say we all agree with you, which to a certain extent, most of us do.

So, then the question becomes how do you fix it?

I mean seriously, how do you propose to fix it? Armed resistance? How many people you think are going to climb on board that wagon? Not very damned many is how many.

March up to the Capitol and demand your rights as a citizen of this country? Closer, but good luck. On a State level, you can do that. On a Federal level, not so likely.

Some of us do what we can..we keep pecking away at it. Does it work? Yes, so far. It took us a long time to get to where we are and it'll take longer to get back but goodness knows, things are a whole lot better than they were 5 years ago. But we need to stay to focused and not forget who the true enemies are. Clue here: It's not the people who want the same thing you do but disagree on the best way to get it.


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2005, 03:13:50 PM »
                                   Tone down the ad hominums and attacks and stay on point.  You argue with and attack the very people that agree with most but not all of what you are saying.  The message is lost in the grating and condescending style of your posts.

This is trench warfare, we make progress a little at a time. Insulting those you are trying to persuade is a bad gameplan. Your rants might have some benefit in rallying the true believers but even that is open to debate.

Re read your posts and look at the personal attacks and name calling.  I don't even have serious disagreements with most of what you say yet I have a knee jerk reaction and want to make posts against you because of your rhetoric.

K Frame

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2005, 03:16:36 PM »
Yep, I was part of the NRA establishment, and you clearly are part of the lunatic fringe.

I know exactly where I'd rather be.

The QUICKEST way to alienate everyone of any consequence is by wild-eyed ranting. You're exactly the kind of "advocate" firearms owners don't need.
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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2005, 03:25:54 PM »
BTW jefnvk, you have some good sentiment and make a fairly reasonable argument, but just where are you getting the optimism of EVER reopening machine gun registration?
Probably the same place I feel confident about passing a class that I'm getting about a 60% right now.

I guess my feelings are, is that they had been working on this for years, trying to get it passed.  When they finally got it through, and the poison pill got added (and it was nothing more than that), I don't think they were about to spend what they thought would probably be another six or seven years to get it passed w/o the MG addition.  They felt it was necessary to get through NOW, and were willing to take the loss of a niche thing to protect everyone else.  I don't necessairialy agree with it, certainly don't agree with the voting method used, but when you look at the 100,000 or so MG owners to the 80 million non-MG owners, I would hope the numbers would say that it is better to save all but 100,, then to let them all sink.
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Silver Bullet

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2005, 04:11:26 PM »
Let's say we all agree with you, which to a certain extent, most of us do.
Not so fast.

Seymour Skinner

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2005, 10:06:04 PM »
Yep, I was part of the NRA establishment, and you clearly are part of the lunatic fringe. -Compromiser Mikey
Spoken like a true government loyalist:  label and shun those who don't go with the herd.  I see you retained the self annointed arrogance from that establishment.  It's soooo EASY to be part of a group mentality and call everyone outside that group "part of the lunatic fringe."  I hate to break this to you, but it's the "lunatic fringe" who signed the declaration of independence.

They felt it was necessary to get through NOW, and were willing to take the loss of a niche thing to protect everyone else.  I don't necessairialy agree with it, certainly don't agree with the voting method used, but when you look at the 100,000 or so MG owners to the 80 million non-MG owners, I would hope the numbers would say that it is better to save all but 100,, then to let them all sink.
Soooooo, let's see here, since the first true federal ban only affected a minority, the game plan is to treat them as disposable, label them as a niche, and sacrifice them on the altar of some minor improvements for the larger group.  Wow, nice perverted principles.  Keeping some ammo restrictions HARDLY qualifies as "letting them all sink."  That has to be the worst analogy I've ever heard [the government schools strike again].  First, if nothing would have passed in 1986, then that would be analogous to the ship or the crew continuing AS IS, and not sinking rolleyes , and we would be able to buy new MGs TODAY.

Let's try this again jefnvk, and this time could you please answer the question?  Maybe if I reword the question I'll possibly get an answer:  Where is there movement or a shred of progress in reopening new MG registration?  I mean after all, massive denial has been the hallmark of the responses I'm seeing, but we've lost almost a dozen court challenges to the 1986 ban.  Either your rose colored glasses are thick as coke bottles or you just like fantasy land.

Barbara, how do you make the jump to "armed resistance" when I never hinted at such a thing?  It's anybody's guess as to what part of my words you heard the "armed resistance" stuff.  Instead of putting words in my mouth, how 'bout responding to what I actually DID say.  I will respond to YOUR question though as to "how to fix it."  Don't you think we should start by getting our own side in order and making it an issue that the NRA can no longer run from?  Don't you think we should start by convincing our fellow gun owners that it was the world's stupidest trade in 1986 to trade the whole enchilada for some crumbs?  I'm amazed that I even have to say that I'd put up with not being able to order ammo through the mail if I could go buy a brand new full auto today (the reason I have to say it, is because we have many among us who are in massive denial.  They refuse to accept that we actually lost our shirts in 1986 and have a 12 inch knife in our backs with Reagan's prints on it).

Clue here: It's not the people who want the same thing you do but disagree on the best way to get it. -Barbara
Here's a clue Barbara, if you read the responses to this thread, it's pretty obvious that we all DON'T want the same thing.  Some want to compromise away major rights to get relatively minor improvements.  Some want to sanitize and rationalize things to avoid the ugly reality that might upset them.   Some want to view Reagan as some sort of hero, when the truth doesn't bear that out.  In the past Barbara, I also would have assumed that "we all want the same thing" but it's becoming clear that quite a few gun owners just don't care about the federal machine gun ban, because it doesn't affect them, and those it DOES affect are a small enough group to sacrifice.  Clearly, the powers-that-be saw our dis-unity and utter selfishness in 1986, and knew that we wouldn't stand up for a "niche" group of gun owners.  It's a shame they were correct then AND now.

Hey "GoRon," I like how you tell me to "stay on point" when you spend your whole post talking about everything BUT the subject.   Also, you massively misunderstand something.  I'm not trying to "pursuade" anyone, and God only knows where you got the idea that I am.  I'm simply saying things that I think need to be said.  Period.  I don't give a rat's anus about packaging it to other people's specifications.  I'm smart enough to realize that one cannot pursuade fools.  We've got people here who think that the 1986 ban was a "good trade."  We've got a guy who thinks the 1986 ban will majically dissappear someday soon but he can't explain why or how.  We've got a lady who reads the above and somehow hears that I'm advocating "armed resistance."  Basically, we've got people who live in their own little world of manufactured "reality."  If you think I'm trying to convince them of anything try again.  I simply take pleasure in saying the things that people are avoiding, popping their fantasy balloon if you will, and then see how they react.  It's usually not pretty, but it's interesting.  I know I'm being effective when people like you ADMIT that you have an automatic, programmed, "knee jerk" reaction to oppose me EVEN THOUGH you also admit that I'm speaking things you mostly agree with.  The reason you feel programmed to oppose me is because I'm daring to go against the GROUP, and we're heavily conditioned in this country to attack/mock/shun anyone who goes against the group.  Look at "Silver Bullet."  He clearly A. had nothing to add, but B.  also felt the need to pile on the one who is going against the group.  Notice how all he could muster was 3 words to the conversation, but he made sure those 3 words made it clear that he was "with" the group.  He took a nice and safe (and easy) position.


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2005, 03:49:43 AM »
If you think I'm trying to convince them of anything try again.  I simply take pleasure in saying the things that people are avoiding, popping their fantasy balloon if you will, and then see how they react.  It's usually not pretty, but it's interesting.
I get it, you are a troll.

For the record I am against all legislation that subverts our rights.  The restoration of lost liberty may have to be incrimental just like we lost it.  Big wins are good too, they are just less likely.


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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2005, 05:44:38 AM »
Where is there movement or a shred of progress in reopening new MG registration?
I never implied that there was.

And I find it funny that you can just assume that any of these protections would have been passed later on, but if I assume that someone would have tried to continue screwing with the system, harassing gun owners and/or passing new legislation that would have done the opposite that the protections afforded, it is viewed as not possible.
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K Frame

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I'm even more pissed about that illegal 1986 REAGAN gun ban
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2005, 06:00:12 AM »
Spoken like a true government loyalist:  label and shun those who don't go with the herd.  I see you retained the self annointed arrogance from that establishment.  It's soooo EASY to be part of a group mentality and call everyone outside that group "part of the lunatic fringe."  I hate to break this to you, but it's the "lunatic fringe" who signed the declaration of independence.

It's interesting how you spout this drivel, yet you're apparently not doing anything about it.

Tell us, what ARE you doing?

You've already dismissed the "establishment," so when are you going to have the guts to go to the next level? When are you going to start bombing, conducting assassinations, taking hostages, exhorting revolution?

When are you going to appoint yourself head of your own citizen's salvation army and march on Washington to "save" the republic?

Or is this all just a bunch of gumflapping by someone who postulates tough on the internet, but in reality is a coward too afraid of his own shadow to take his words into action?

Stop jumping away from the person looking back at you from the mirror and schedule your revolt.

If your version of the "truth" is so self-evident, then the masses will flock to you and you'll be able to assume your self-chosen role as tinhorn dictator.

Otherwise, you're nothing but a waste of oxygen. And not a very interesting one at that.
Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.