Author Topic: Computer Food  (Read 936 times)


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Computer Food
« on: November 04, 2005, 08:44:03 AM »
Well since I "finally" got into this computer stuff, I have learned some really important stuff.  I started this learning late in life compared to many, I had to start with Deskstop, Concepts, Micro Apps...etc.  I am finding out I have a lot more 'fun stuff' to learn.  Submasking is interesting...

All the above is wonderful and great. We can debate Operating Systems, Applications, and show off logo stuff for Cisco, NetGear, or whatever.

Computer Food , I have learned, is the one topic that brings everyone together. We all agree to disagree.

I have one person I know that for Good Luck always has a Reuben Sandwich before a big Exam.  The College always gets Pizza for the various Meetings for CIS/ IT Stuff. When the CIS/ IT Admins have their shindig, it is a Catered dealie with Cordon Bleu and All sorts of veggies, and all sorts of desserts.

I am informed there is a Custom with one class I  am in, and that is a Catfish Fry at an instructors house. This is some kind of honor to be included in this group.  Forget Cisco' req's, I want to keep the grades up to attend this Catfish shindig.

In class, we seem to have drifted from Starburst candy to Butterfingers, to Reese's Pieces, to Snickers, and the Great Pumpkin seems to have left a big bowl of candy - under the sign that reads "No Food or Drink" - in which I managed to steal all the little Heath Bars.

Oh - that sign?  That does not pertain to us. The instructor said so. He made that clear the first night as showed up with his Popeye's Chicken and set his drink on a Mouse Pad. "Folks, I built this Dept from the Ground Up, This is a night class, and one skill you must learn is multi-tasking, which includes how to eat pizza, configure a router, do the online stuff and take test with Pizza in one hand. Yeah these are the high dollar expensive computers and  that equipment is very expensive in the back of the room. Nonetheless - I teach real world stuff, so we eat and drink in class".

Works for me.

So I discovered a new 'puter food.  Friend of mine calls and says "help, you know how to this, you had the class, come to my work and show me how".  So I showed up in jeans, tennis shoes, oxford shirt, and another shirt for a light jacket.

We are clicking along with this Access dealie she is trying to figure out, and the munchies hit.  Security comes around and "oh you must be the instructor she said was coming by"  
" I told him some guy was going to teach me something, how did you get in anyway..."
"I opened the door like I owned the joint and took the elevator..."

So much for security...

I find the break room, I just wandered off, figured it had to be down that way....
Boy, this one sucks big time, Decaf this and Decaf that. Lite this and no fat that...No wonder folks get headaches in this joint...

Aha, found the Hazlenut Coffee, and made that. Read the sign that said "No electric appliances to be used after 10pm except Microwave".   Security didn't seem to mind when he came around at 11pm to have a cup...

I had thoughts of making a Wendy's run, but Security said he was going to make one in a bit, so we figured that'll work.


"You gotta have some 'puter food hid in your desk , or something" I asked her.

" Check my backpack, might be peanut butter crackers or something..."

"Umm why is there a box of Kelloggs, Frosted Mini Wheat, Vanilla Creme' flavored cereal in you back pack?"

" Oh Lord, my child must have helped me pack my backpack again, that is her favortite cereal - this week anyway".

Hey why not, they were there....

"Didnt' think you liked sweet cereal, didnt' think you ever used suger much?"
"I don't, I buy a 2# bag and I have had them last a year or two - depends on who comes to borrow it, or I give it away".

This cereal is addictive. I found me a new 'puter food.   I mean we did eat Wendy's later, still b/t the two of us we ate the whole new box of the kids cereal.

"YOU ate all my kids cereal... now what am I going to do...?"
"You helped?"
"Kid don't know that, I can blame it all on you...".

4 am  at the 24hr Grocery Store with the Funky lights.

I think we were the only sober folks there.  I held the door for some guy coming out the 'in' door and he manages to bounce off the door frame to the outside.

Now the Checker is not really awake, or seemed really tired until 3 boxes of Kelloggs Frosted Mini Wheat, in Vanilla Creme' flavor, Spray can of Pam Olive oil cooking spray, small bottle of Olive Oil, yellow high-lighter, green Post-It Notes, and two packs of smokes were set on the counter.

"Kinda of an odd combination you folks have here..."

"Yeah well you have heard of "Wesson Oil Parties" and probably the "Laugh-In" ain't gonna believe the fun you have can with this stuff...".

Yes I got shoulder slapped really hard once outiside, still the look on the checker's face was was that of the mom...she laughed, then I followed her to make sure she got home.

Well at least her kid will have a new box of cereal when the Grandparents drop her off. Mom has a box for work and I have one for me...



Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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Computer Food
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2005, 09:54:03 AM »
With all these co-eds and MILF's you wind up helping out late at night, it kinda makes me wonder if study and boy scout good deeds is ALL you wind up getting into...

You devil, you.


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Computer Food
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2005, 10:47:04 AM »
Puter food Steve - hey mine is spelled ''c-h-i-p-s'' - plain thin and crunchy with added garlic powder!

Downside - over time small crumbs get in between keyboard keys - necessitating a period inversion of said keyboard to shake out the crap.  If it gets too bad then it's compressed air time! Wink
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Computer Food
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2005, 06:47:35 PM »
Taco Bell.

And a CD drive tray makes a good cup holder for a large Mt. Dew.