Author Topic: Adobe Assistance Please.  (Read 1397 times)


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Adobe Assistance Please.
« on: November 18, 2005, 03:45:32 PM »
I need :

Adobe Reader 7.0.5Adobe Reader for
Windows XP,

With :
Adobe Photoshop® Album Starter Edition

Using on/ With Win XP PRo, AVG-Anti-Virus,  Firefox Browser, Kerio Personal Firewall, Lavasoft Ad-Aware, SpyBot Search & Destroy...

...the two extra magazines of CCW ammo and a Five pack of 12 ga slugs  next to the laptop, I understand is not pertinent, still not going to say the thought of "downloading" these onto laptop  has  not crossed my mind. I know I can "download" these and they will work...


Yes I have been to above link, have being "trying" to download. Yes the old version of Adobe has been uninstalled.

Yes I have been to Firefox -

and the Forum with this Stcky -


Yes I /we have to use the newest version of Adobe.  I have no idea why  I/we have to have Photoshop Album Starter, my gut says I/we are going to find out soon enough.

NO , I did not click the box for the stupid..Yahoo Toolbar. Maybe I should not have verbalized what Adobe/  Yahoo could do with it...


Anywhere else I can get these things?  

I took a fast peruse thru PCWorld, C.Net, even Two-Cows...I end up back to Adobe Home page and same download.

  Just would make sense to me to have other places to download from , more reliable, and all.

I appreciate the assistance.

I'll check back later, I have play figure out what is wrong with a data base, and do more Subnet Submasking problems. Oh great, never done a Class B one before , needing 45 subnets. Oh - get to do a Class A needing 500 subnets as well.

Umm, you folks that drink- drink a double Scotch for me will you please.

Shoulda opened a bait shop...I just knew, not me, I decide to go to College and take Cisco instead. Sigh...



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Adobe Assistance Please.
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2005, 06:00:59 PM »

I/we had to open IE browser.  Getting it downloaded.
Firefox just froze. Kept  freezing.

Any tips for using Firefox in the future for Adobe downloads would be appreciated.
I have a sneaky suspicion automatic updates are not going to work on FF, only thru IE.

I am assisting 4 older persons , new users totally new to PCs and the Internet.

Weird, on one PC  I could not get anything. So  I went to a known site that would require PDF to read, when asked if wanted Adobe, clicked yes, downloaded version 5.0 then to Adobe homepage went to upgrade to 7.0.5 and then that PC accepted the download.

I don't know, Still learning myself. Just figured there had to be a way to get that one to work.

Back to my studies, cussing MS, IE , OE and related matters as I do so .




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Adobe Assistance Please.
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2005, 06:41:47 PM »
Worked for me in FireFox 1.0.7 Steve.  No idea if this is the newest version out there--with things like FireFox I tend to stick to a version that works until they give me a compelling reason to upgrade.

That said,

Online installer (522k)

Offline installer (~lots)

Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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Adobe Assistance Please.
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2005, 06:44:01 PM »
Quote from: sm

I/we had to open IE browser.  Getting it downloaded.
Firefox just froze. Kept  freezing.
I have a sneaky suspicion automatic updates are not going to work on FF, only thru IE.

Back to my studies, cussing MS, IE , OE and related matters as I do so .


Steve, the updates won't work if you don't have IE as the default browser.
For this reason, and a few online forms that gork out in Firefox but do fine in the Borg browser, I keep it around.

It's day is coming, though.


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Adobe Assistance Please.
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2005, 08:25:01 PM »

I really appreciate the replies and links - thank you so very much.

No secret I hide behind humor, one of my coping mechinisms.

I promised I would help these folks along with a few others.  Truth is, as overwhelmed with this CIS/ IT Cisco stuff and all I have to do. Yes I needed the time for me,  still did me good to get out of myself.

I mentioned a certain classmate I wanted to choke in another thread. We needed the stress relief. We both had exams from hell last night, still reeling from them...and from what all we have to do in a short time frame.  

Getting her  kid a movie and Pizza, did her more good than her kid. " I just snuggled with my kid and watched a kid's movie, ate pizza and had to come down. Hubby on one side holding me, and me snuggling the kid.
She thanked me for my "payback".

She asked me just how much Cat5e it would take to choke MS and all. I don't know how much, seems like a good idea to me/ us to find out though.

I have to use IE to access Cisco on-line text. I had the settings earlier in the year where Firefox worked. Cisco was helpful, very prompt in replies.  Still...gotta wonder who is on the MS wagon, whom is not.
I am not buying this "most popular OS on the market" stuff.

Well - I figured out the Class B one  , needing 45 subnets.  That was fun. Class C is easier.
Class A needing 500 subnets will have to wait until tomorrow.

I saw a Book I wanted at the Store today. Nelson DeMille's  "Night Fall". I like the character John Corey. I am so ready to NOT read off a monitor, not read a 'puter book.

I will have homework to do  b/t Fall and Spring semesters. LOTs of it All due on 2nd day of class in the Spring.


Yes I know, this is how it continues from here on out and in the real world.  Just getting deeper and more acclimated as I did with other life stuff...

I may as well jump in deeper, going to take a class that will use the Mac OS Lab for class. Then one for Linux if all goes as planned.

I'll either learn tips to work around MS , or go nuts trying.  Beats going nuts with MS only.

Again thank you-


Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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Adobe Assistance Please.
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2005, 07:54:50 AM »
Quote from: sm

I really appreciate the replies and links - thank you so very much.

I promised I would help these folks along with a few others.  Truth is, as overwhelmed with this CIS/ IT Cisco stuff and all I have to do. Yes I needed the time for me,  still did me good to get out of myself.

Yes I know, this is how it continues from here on out and in the real world.  Just getting deeper and more acclimated as I did with other life stuff...
Good on ya for the payback with your classmate.

Re: helping folks w/ pooter probs-- Here's what happens: You are learning cisco networking stuff.  It has almost NOTHING to do with workstation setup and maintenance.  But EVERYBODY you know who finds out you're "in the PC biz" then comes to you to troubleshoot...ANYTHING vaguely related to their pooter.  

Printer won't print? Call Steve.  
Can't get the insurance website to accept my claim? It's pooter-related.  Call Steve.  
Snowmobile won't start? Someone told me it's the 'pooter chip-- Call Steve.
Boom box won't eject my Alice in Chains CD? It's the pooter chip-- Call Steve.

Just to sort of offset all of that, here's what you do:  Print up some biz cards that say "Steve the pooter guy", put your rates on the back (just like a plumber or appliance repair guy, charge for a home visit), my standard $ is 24.95 to come and diagnose, with a 1/2 hour minimum for a service call. .  Work out about 50 bucks an hour in quarter-hour increments, more if you're in a large metro area.

I've done that, handed them out to all friends/family, so they KNOW the intent is to pay me if they call and need my help.
Most of the time, they'll drop it off at the house, ask real nice and I'll fix it over a weekend, cut them a break on the price IF they've been nice about it AND it's not a nightmare job.

They get the pooter back working right, I ALWAYS have some running money, and SWMBO has NO idea how much Newcastle Brown Ale I do or do not drink while she's out being corporate and I'm home fixing  Bubba or Missy's computer.

I guess, in the short term, life COULD be worse. Wink


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« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2005, 08:45:45 AM »

I volunteered to help these folks.  

I ran into the upperclassman now part of Faculty, whom does the WebCt for the College. I have a cert o two ( pcs of paper still in manila envelopes somewhere)  for WebCt since I sat in and learned this. So I get to assist with teaching the Instructors, and Students how to use this learning tool.

Small College with HUGE CIS/IT knowledge, resources, and some of the sharpest Folks, Like our Chair. We do a lot  of On-line classes.  We have HS students come in, and we have the Geriatric attend - on campus, or via Internet.

We do some high dollar and very secure stuff for Businesses.  We do things like give old computers to Geriatrics needed one, wanting to learn.  So when asked if I would help with some folks older and wanting to learn , in order for them to take basic classes in the Spring, I said yes.

We came up with some older - still pertinent books, and sat in a room and ordered PCs to fit budgets. This after having a walk thru, and letting them see various makes and models we use, and features.  We let them see (watch us) do simple things, so when they went home to read the books and materials, they could equate.

Well, we did use a landline, to call in orders, since we respected the unsure nature of Credit Card numbers via the 'Net.  We just wanted the whole new experience to be basic, simple, comfortable and pleasant for them.

These folks are sharp in their own know fields of expertise.  Just slide rules don't download Grankid's pictures very well, Nor do Singer ( and whatever that other one was too hard to pronouce) sewing machines.  I figure if a lady can make a $20K wedding dress, she can do a letter in Word.

So no, I am not that smart. I have a lot to learn, always will. I have been forewarned about folks treating folks as they do when they find out you mess with computers.  I drive a truck, and folks always buddy up when they  need to move, or go to the dump. I know how to handle that too.

They knew some us were stressed with Studies, they were/ are very appreiciative of our time. I seem to recall Mentors & Elders making time for me. Folks still make time for me.

Sense of humor is good. I even got a "debate" started.  So using the College's PCs one night :

"Oh no, this machine says I did an illegal action"
"It won't let do a right- click, something about needing Admin rights"
"What happens when you get a BOD - what is a BOD"

I respond first by " Usually we just take 'em out back and shoot them" .
I learned I have shooters in the bunch. Who likes what gun, and what they advise the others get grandkids, or what will be passed down.
Then of course I went to a Website to show where they can dowload different targets.  Hey, this was a learning dealie on what all the 'puter and 'Net could do.

I answered the questions. Then while they piddled with challenges..." I cannot believe you put a set of rubber stocks on a Colt Detective Special..."  The fight was on. Tongue

Dressmaker just a giving the Engineer a good what for?
Two more agruing about  guns for kids Cheesy

Felonious Monk/Fignozzle

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Adobe Assistance Please.
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2005, 10:33:53 AM »
You're a good guy, Steve.
I didn't mean to NEVER do a favor for folks.  
But you WILL come to the point where it'll become a burden.  At that point, remember what I told you about printing up some cards.

OTOH, since you are unattached, you might barter your services, if the situation seems promising... Wink


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Adobe Assistance Please.
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2005, 11:23:16 AM »
Appreciate the kind words.

Still..I'm no big deal.

Business Cards:  BCNFP Certified  
(Big Chief Notebooks & Fat Pencils )  Hey if one has "certified" somehow attached to them - another bunch of money per hour - right?  *grin*

Locally the "thing" is.   "IP Anywhere".  Instructor got us onto  / into the loop on this.  Educated us one might say.

We meet some of his former students, some already graduated, some taking other classes...Like Foreign Languages, higher math and Juniper.

Some are wearing Shirts, have key rings, and such with "IP Anwhere" on them.  Some of the Ladies have  'IP Like a Girl".

I gotta get something printed with this.  In works is a standard Logo version of these.


We have a conference room downstairs in the IT bldg. used by / for various activities.  Some College Related, sometimes HVAC uses it to give lectures and exams, Speakers come visit from the Commnity...etc.

We needed a camera at least.  We have the Big Political Big Shots on Campus for a Meet and Greet dealie. We have ladies taking IT classes in nice casual slacks , some in Jeans and T shirts , One in a Business Suit...ALL with "IP Like A Girl"  somewhere on their person.
Heads turn...heads shake..."what the hey...

Then the guys show up with 'IP Anywhere" dressed from Jeans to coats and tie...still the words are there somehow...

Something about a Big Shot, walking into a door is Smiley

Me, I'm sitting cross legged on a table, told some official looking person I was supposed to hold down this table so it wouldn't take off. If table ran into that room because food was being brought in...I had to accompany the table...

"You are kidding right?"
"No, I am not kidding. We watch all this free food enter that room, and a lot of times food is wasted".
"You don't mean it?"
" You put yourself thru school - or parents pay for all your College?"
"Parents paid for everything - even a new car, and foreign vacations" he said.
"Then you would not understand from where I and others are coming from" I said.

I "learnt" the difference in "unbound" , and "bound"  in Micro Apps ...this table was "bound" - especially if any chance food was going to be part of the deal.

I figure at least 6 of my classmates would assist me in 'bounding'  MY table if need....just need to holler to let them know...

"Free Food in conference room...hurry!!"


I think a 1GB USB Flashdrive with a Sticker  " IP Anywhere" would be an attention getter.

Especially since I need more Flashdrives and one at least 1GB.

I have 3 PNY 512 Flashdrives - filled. I like the PNYs...
My smaller ones are filled too...

Still Think Paladin had the best Business card ever.

"Have Gun - Will Travel".
He must have known the future with MS being a part of it.