Author Topic: A Southern tradition???  (Read 6744 times)


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A Southern tradition???
« Reply #50 on: December 05, 2005, 03:01:36 AM »
El Tejon,
Okay this may be the southerner in me talking (actually I grew up outside DC so I guess you can call me neither a southerner or a northerner). I've seen cars parked in lawns as far north as NJ and NY so honestly give the southerners a break. It's more of a rural thing then a southern thing. Also you say destruction of property values? If your house doesn't have a housing association then pretty much your neighbor can do what he wants as long as it isn't against city ordinance. I'm sorry but you freaking out about a truck on a lawn is pretty rediculous. It is his yard and he can pretty much do what he wants. Turn it around. What if somebody told you that  they get offended by your holiday decorations so take it down already cause it is tacky. You know Yard Nazis are about the worst people they are. There were no trucks on lawns in the neighborhood I grew up in cept for the few days people didn't want to do driveway shuffle or when people had parties and their own cars were still on the lawns in the morning (and before you say it's a southern hick thing, most houses in that area now go for 400K minumum not exactly hick prices).

Then again tell me where you live... I got some dixie things to send him. See if a nice stars and bars display will be better then a pickup truck :-P
Nothing like a couple hundred rounds down range to make a girl feel better.  


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A Southern tradition???
« Reply #51 on: December 05, 2005, 04:16:25 AM »
El T, if the city has an ordinance about it and you want to be a dick, then call and complain and maybe they'll ticket him. And then you'll have an enemy for life if they find out it was you that called. If there's no ordinance, just forget about it, cause it'll just breed bad relations with the neighbor and you can't do squat about it anyway.

FWIW I live in a stupid yuppie suburb (working on getting out) and I'd *love* to be able to park in the yard. 5 people with 5 cars makes my driveway seem really slim, but I dutifully re-arrange the cars every night so that they won't ticket me for parking on grass or parking in the street overnight. It's so nice that the yuppies with the 4500 sqft houses with 4 car garages get to make the ordinances for my small, older neighborhood.


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A Southern tradition???
« Reply #52 on: December 05, 2005, 04:30:29 AM »
You know, when and where I grew up, people didn't move every 5 years and they were more interested in having a community then worrying about their property value.  When a neighbor died it was like someone in your own family died.  We'd all go to the wake and the funeral and some folks would even cry.  One of my neighbor's broke into her house to save her when she was hemmoraging in her bathroom.  He saved her life...he was only coming over to bring her her newspaper and heard her scream.  My old neighbor in that community was the first person to take me hunting because my dad didn't hunt.  I guess we prized other things over our property values.