Well, tomorrow, April 22, is Earth day (also Lenin's Birthday!) which is traditionally the day that a bunch of environuts converge on the National Mall in Washington, trash it, and leave tons of filth and litter for
someone else to clean up.
Our local paper's website has a survey asking what people are doing to celebrate Earth Day . . . my contributions are:
* Use only about 1/20 the energy for my house as noted environmentalist Al Gore uses for his.
* Have only 1 house, rather than the 4 Al Gore has. (that we know about!)
* Don't drive around in a caravan of SUVs like Al Gore, as one is quite enough.
* Fly commercial, rather than private or charter jet the way Al Gore does.
* Avoid use of CFL bulbs, as they contain harmful mercury.
* Drive an old car that I've ripped the emission controls off of, improving fuel economy and reducing the use of fossil fuels.
* Use restored old toilets in my house so ONE flush does it.
* Clothe myself and my family in renewables like leather and real fur, rather than support the petrochemical industry by wearing synthetics and fake fur.
I'm doing
my part - how about