Copied from Fountain Pen Network.
Rules: Your word must start with the last letter of the last word posted and contain at least two letters of that same word. (In other words, the last letter plus at least one other letter.)
So if we start with "lamp", the next word might be "plural".
Please do not repeat words that have been used before. You can check if a word has been used before at the bottom of the page using the keyword search. That function will locate every post in this thread containing the specified word.
To make it more challenging, you can try to incorporate as many letters of the preceeding word as you can into the new word.
It would be best to avoid proper nouns (names of people or places) unless that name has been incorporated into or converted into and used as a common noun such as Chrysler, Dodge, Philbrick, Phillips, Salchow, and so forth.
Avoid words ending in Y or X because words that start with the letters Y or X are in rather short supply in the English language. Exacerbating the problem is the fact the words ending in Y are very easy to make in English. Early on in the game some of us thought that we would be clever by using lots of words ending in Y, thus making it difficult on the others, but then we realized that if we kept it up for very long we would rapidly choke the game out of existence. So now we avoid words ending in X and Y.
Words should be ones that can be found in an English dictionary. (Not an encyclopedia or Wikipedia.) It's fine if it's an esoteric word from a 600,000 word dictionary but it should appear in an English dictionary somewhere. Scrabble dictionary words are okay too.
I'll start: Puzzle.