Author Topic: Denmark, rotten - or the not sufficiently told story of the mendacious media  (Read 3233 times)


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This thread isn't about the NY Times admitting, obliquely, it's an organization of bias and lies, it's about the fact that you can't have a viable Republic with a corrupt, perverse media shaping the hearts and minds of your electorate and what we are supposed to do about that before the next election rolls around.  Any thoughts on that issue would be greatly appreciated.

New York Times Finally Admits It Spiked Obama/ACORN Corruption Story

By Matthew Vadum on 5.18.09 @ 1:50AM

Acknowledging what the blogosphere has known for weeks, the New York Times finally went on record to admit that just before last Election Day it killed a politically sensitive news story involving corruption allegations that might have made the Obama campaign look bad.

But the admission on Sunday, which came seven months after NYT staff reporter Stephanie Strom's reporting about possibly illegal coordination between the Obama campaign and ACORN last year, took the form of a snarky column from Clark Hoyt, the Old Gray Lady's "public editor." Hoyt used the word "nonsense" to describe the allegations of impropriety leveled against ACORN and the Obama campaign. 

Hoyt writes in the Sunday New York Times

"On March 17, a Republican lawyer, quoting a confidential source for a Times reporter, testified to Congress that the newspaper killed a story last fall because it would have been "a game-changer" in the presidential election.

The charge, amplified by Bill O'Reilly on Fox News in April and reverberating around the conservative blogosphere, is about the most damning allegation that can be made against a news organization. If true, it would mean that Times editors, whose job is to report the facts without fear or favor, were so lacking in integrity that they withheld an important story in order to influence the election.

I have spent several weeks looking into this issue - interviewing and e-mailing those involved, reading transcripts, looking at campaign finance records and conferring with legal experts. In a nutshell, I think the charge is nonsense."

In his very first sentence Hoyt makes a careless mistake: it was March 19, not March 17 (St. Patrick's Day), that the "Republican lawyer," Heather Heidelbaugh, testified before the House Judiciary Committee.

Then Hoyt gets caught up in minutiae, agonizing about whether the story would have been "a game-changer in the presidential election." He downplays the illegalities, calling them "technical violations of campaign finance law."

Hoyt writes

"The story involved allegations that Barack Obama's campaign, in league with Acorn, a left-leaning community activist group, was guilty of technical violations of campaign finance law. Evidence supplied by the source could not be verified. Even if the story had panned out, it is hard to see how any editor could have regarded it as momentous enough to change an election in which the Republicans were saddled with an unpopular war and an economic meltdown."

On the surface if one doesn't think through Hoyt's explanation carefully, it may seem quite reasonable. But spend a few minutes thinking about it and holes begin to appear in the house ombudsman's reasoning.

A quick digression: Of course, we can only wonder what the New York Times would have done if it had gained information that John McCain's campaign had committed technical violations of campaign finance law. The NYT did publish a blog item about the DNC's allegation that McCain's campaign had illegally procured a loan and the paper was only too willing to imply in a Feb. 21, 2008 story that McCain was having a romantic affair with a female lobbyist three decades his junior. The charge, which was based on information provided by anonymous sources supposedly working for McCain, ultimately proved groundless and the newspaper retracted it a year later. The NYT disingenuously claims that it had never intended to suggest that the lobbyist "had engaged in a romantic affair with Senator McCain."

The aborted story that gave rise to the Obama/ACORN controversy centers around information provided by Anita MonCrief, a former ACORN employee whom Hoyt acknowledges "fed information to Stephanie Strom of The Times for several articles on troubles within the group." Apparently the information MonCrief provided was good.

We know this because Strom broke a number of important stories about ACORN and surely much of the information she used came from her trusted source Anita MonCrief. In July she reported that Dale Rathke, brother of ACORN founder Wade Rathke, embezzled nearly $1 million from the group. She also reported that ACORN management covered up the embezzlement for eight years, withholding information even from ACORN's national board. 

The next month Strom reported that Tides Foundation founder Drummond Pike, a comrade-in-arms of liberal philanthropist George Soros, had personally covered what remained of Wade Rathke's debt (the embezzler had agreed to a slow-as-molasses repayment plan that would have kept him in debt well into old age).

In September Strom reported on two ACORN national board members' lawsuit aimed at forcing ACORN to provide financial documents regarding the embezzlement.

She followed up the next month with a story on ACORN's efforts to sever its remaining ties with its founder. (Strom reported that Wade Rathke resigned as chief organizer of ACORN. In fact, Rathke was fired, as shown in the ACORN national board's minutes of June 20, 2008, available at page 11 of the linked PDF file.)

The same month Strom wrote about an internal memo written by ACORN's lawyer that alerted the group to potential legal problems related to its organizational structure.

But apparently MonCrief's information was suddenly no good when it might have embarrassed the Obama campaign.

Heidelbaugh testified before a congressional committee in March that the nonprofit group violated a host of tax, campaign finance, and other laws. She said the Obama campaign sent ACORN its "maxed out donor list" and asked two of the avowedly nonpartisan group's employees "to reach out to the maxed out donors and solicit donations from them for Get Out the Vote efforts to be run by ACORN."

Hoyt describes the interactions between ACORN and Democratic campaigns this way:

"On Sept. 7, Moncrief wrote to Strom that she had donor lists from the campaigns of Obama and Hillary Clinton and that there had been "constant contact" between the campaigns and Project Vote, an Acorn affiliate whose tax-exempt status forbids it to engage in partisan politics. Moncrief said she had withheld that information earlier but was disclosing it now that the conservative columnist Michelle Malkin was 'all over it.'"

Hoyt writes that Strom received from MonCrief "a spreadsheet purporting to be the Obama donor list, but there was no on-the-record source or other way to verify that the list came from the Obama campaign." MonCrief agreed to go on the record but the NYT suddenly discovered that she had "a credibility problem" because she "had been fired by Acorn for using an official credit card for personal expenses."

To repeat, although the newspaper knew of the supposed credibility problem, it found MonCrief's information highly reliable in previous ACORN articles. All of sudden MonCrief was deemed not credible on a story that might have an adverse impact on Obama's candidacy.

Hoyt wrote that Suzanne Daley, the national editor, "called a halt to Strom's pursuit of the Obama angle."

Hoyt then presents an expert opinion about how, even if true, MonCrief's allegations would not have been a game-changer for the election.

But PowerLine's John Hinderaker skillfully dissects Hoyt's sophistry, writing:
Hoyt also argues that the story about Obama and ACORN would not have been a "game-changer" in that it would not have swung the election to John McCain. I agree. But since when is that the standard? Is Hoyt telling us that the Times' policy is only to print stories that have the potential to change the result of a Presidential election? Of course, if the story did have the potential to change the outcome of the election, that, too, would have been offered as a reason not to print it.

Hinderaker also argues that "the facts as related by Hoyt don't rebut the charge; they support it."

Read Hinderaker's commentary on the case and decide for yourself if the New York Times was right to end its probe.

(crossposted at NewsBusters)

Matthew Vadum is a senior editor at Capital Research Center, a Washington, D.C. think tank that studies the politics of philanthropy.

"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.

El Tejon

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All the news that's fit to spike. =D
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.

Standing Wolf

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If true, it would mean that Times editors, whose job is to report the facts without fear or favor, were so lacking in integrity that they withheld an important story in order to influence the election.

"...without fear or favor" so long as the purported "facts" reported buttress leftist extremism.

It's no mere accident the New York Times is on the brink of bankruptcy: America is tired of leftist extremist propaganda.
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The sooner that Vile Old Hag of a "news"paper dies the better we'll all be.

As for what we can do about the media bias..... I think continuing to foster high standards for alternative media (like teh intarwebz) is vital. A distinction between inane drivel like Infowars and actual news coverage is needed.
Quote from: French G.
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If government is the answer, it must have been a really, really, really stupid question.


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How about... end governmental-controlled and -subsidized education?  Sell off the airwaves and get them away from government control?  For starters.
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.

Headless Thompson Gunner

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I hafta agree with the education part.  If we had an educated electorate the NYTimes wouldn't get away with this crap.


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While ACORN did their part, I think that Obama was seen more as some kind of Civil Rights victory and would have been elected without the fraud.

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While ACORN did their part, I think that Obama was seen more as some kind of Civil Rights victory and would have been elected without the fraud.

Yes. However, given how close things were would he have been elected if people were made aware of the fraud?
I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought


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Yes. However, given how close things were would he have been elected if people were made aware of the fraud?

Yes. True believers believe that the ends justifies the means.  That's why ACORN has been given a free pass by the MSM.

 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”


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It's correct that "true believers" probably accounted for Obama's victory.

But then the question naturally arises: Who creates the belief and who creates the true?

Answer: the media.  Most people parrot a few remarks they heard on MSNBC or Jon Stewart or read on the front page of the New York Times.

The major media are not the only source of the problem but they are certainly a major one and unless they are countered we can't expect anything but a continuing devolution.
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.


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Eh, I am relatively ok with this whole thing.

Freedom of the press comes along with the freedom to lie, manipulate, or otherwise try to convince the public of something.  It has been that way since the begining -- when the colonial press distorted the Boston massacre in order to inflame the public into revolution.

In a country with free press and a free market, newspapers that lie and manipulate in a way displeasing to the population, have their lies exposed by start up press and are put out of business.

What worries me is when the government decides to prop up failing press outlets, or subsidize 'minority' owned broadcast stations.  It overrides this process and has the government (either right, left, or other) deciding which outlets fail and which outlets succeed.  We can all guess to which agency/stations the government is most willing to give cash, and which ones it is not.


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It's correct that "true believers" probably accounted for Obama's victory.

But then the question naturally arises: Who creates the belief and who creates the true?

Answer: the media.  Most people parrot a few remarks they heard on MSNBC or Jon Stewart or read on the front page of the New York Times.

The major media are not the only source of the problem but they are certainly a major one and unless they are countered we can't expect anything but a continuing devolution.

Liberals are actually out there, believe it or not.  They think the government has feelings and compassion and should be responsible to take care of the people.  Add to that group disaffected republicans who voted for the O, and those who voted merely based on race.....this one was in the book with or without the ACORN story being released before the election.

 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”


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As I said, the media are not the whole story.  We agree about that, but they've tilted the mass playing field.  That said, Obama and Obamaism have been gestating for four decades, and part of that evolving cultural phenomenon is the "new press," staffed with, yes, true believers to large degree.  I don't think these writers and commentators are trying, in the main, to be deliberately unfair, deliberately distorting, they just proceed from radically different assumptions about life, themselves, this society.  The confusion starts on the personal level and radiates outward.
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.