Generally speaking, being a liberal means holding a particular set of authoritarian and statist principles. Usually associated the presumption that they know better than I how to spend my money. With a couple of wedge issues to keep the base happy.
Generally speaking, being a conservative means holding a particular set of authoritarian and statist principles. Usually associated the presumption that they know better than I how to spend my money. But with different wedge issues!
You might think that's cute, but it is
yet more distortion piled on top of distortion that can not be left without comment.
Contemporary liberalism ~ progressivism. The labeling head feint was accomplished in the 1930s/1940s where the term "liberal," which had up to that point meant those in accord with the virtues we now know as "classical liberalism" was co-opted by the progressives as camouflage. Statism is part of the very nature of progressivism, as progressivism sees to replace faith in religion with a cult of the state.
Contemporary conservatism* ~ classical liberalism. The lexicographical transformation also occurred in the 1930s/1940s, when classical liberals were marginalized and progressives captured the term, "liberal." "Conservative" was a pejorative used by the progs/libs that was eventually claimed by those so excoriated. The postwar conservative agenda can be seen in WFB's mission statement for National Review ( It is about as anti-statist a manifesto as one will find that is still grounded in the founding principles.
Libertarianism is yet another utopian creed, with no roots in the founding of our nation (which it has in common with progressivism). Happily, some of its principles are compatible with classical liberalism, though they usually have a different provenance or methodology. The last few years it has been morphing from a philosophy based on negative rights (essentially the right to be left to one's own devices) into a philosophy of positive rights (rights that must be enabled by or provided by the state).
* The other thread trying to define conservatism was such a mess and so ate up I didn't even want to touch it.