Several weeks ago someone put HF into an isopropyl alcohol wash bottle and left it in our lab. This is not funny or amusing as anyone familiar with HF would know. This is what happens when you have a fleet of inexperienced graduate students doing slave labor over dangerous chemicals and tools for completely unaccountable and largely uninvolved professors. Academic research nowadays is very wild-west if you ask me.
HF shouldn't even be leaving it's hood. I guess at least they didn't put it in glass, but damn I would have been having words with someone over that. Of course, I would know who did it in my lab, everyone but me is too scared to even use HF. Yet they will stick a bottle of perchloric acid in the hood and not think twice.

I'm glad I missed that event.
I don't think research is wild west at all. Safety is a major concern in my lab, but the PI can only do so much. He can't force his students to follow proper procedures but he can provide the training required for the students to be knowledgeable. If grad students are not being trained in proper safety protocol, something is wrong. PPE's will not protect you from dumb; gloves and face masks and the like are always your last line of defense, not your first. Why should the PI be held responsible when your safety is your responsibility? That said gross safety violations should end someones position in a lab, I don't want to work with someone who is causing accidents all the time.
Especially when things like HF are being toyed with. If you can't trust your colleagues, there is a problem.