Rocketman, leaving it be isn't really an option. If left unchecked, it will continue to grow (no one is sure how fast these suckers grow because they're different in every person, including some going into a "static" state where they stop growing altogether) and eventually start putting pressure on the optic nerve, as well as compromising the sinus cavities, etc. The standard course of treatment is start with dopamine agonists. If that doesn't work, surgery, and if that doesn't work, nuke it from orb... err.. i mean, radiation therapy.
MillCreek, yes, it is a prolactinoma, but no, the e-mails aren't necessary. :) I've been lucky in that even though it's a macroprolactinoma, hormone levels aren't horrifically out of whack. Just outside of the normal range. So the hope is that once the dopamine agonist starts doing its thing, levels will return to normal. If I don't need surgery.. :)