Author Topic: TSA Super Thread  (Read 232318 times)


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Re: But the Nekkid Scanner Pics Aren't Saved!!!oneoneleventy1!
« Reply #125 on: November 16, 2010, 01:55:55 PM »
TSA procurement specifications require the ability to transmit and/or save said images.  TSA promises they are not using the features they require.

Well, I can't imagine that they would lie about that, do you ...?

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Re: Fighting back against the TSA?
« Reply #126 on: November 16, 2010, 02:50:27 PM »
As much as most of you hate NJ and bash everything about it. Here is my state rep in action. (and he shoots too)
I needed a mod to change my signature because the concept of "family friendly" eludes me.
Just noticed that a mod changed my signature. How long ago was that?
A few months-mods

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Re: TSA Plays "Pocket Pool" With Passenger's Equipment
« Reply #127 on: November 16, 2010, 03:33:12 PM »

Another source for the 2nd person mentioned in the infowars story. Not going for the first, radio DJ, makes a living blowing things out of proportion, pretty much pics or it didn't happen territory for me.

There oughta be a Godwin like law for use of Newsmanx, WND, MSNBC, or Alex Jones links.

The veracity of the "news" outlets does little to change the fact about how utterly corrupt and un-American the TSA is.
AKA Navy Joe   

I'm so contrarian that I didn't respond to the thread.


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Re: But the Nekkid Scanner Pics Aren't Saved!!!oneoneleventy1!
« Reply #128 on: November 16, 2010, 03:33:27 PM »
Whether or not the machines can save the pictures, any idiot with a cellphone camera can make a copy.  They just have to get a clear picture of the screen.

I bet it's already been done.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. - Thomas Jefferson

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. - William Pitt the Younger

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Re: But the Nekkid Scanner Pics Aren't Saved!!!oneoneleventy1!
« Reply #129 on: November 16, 2010, 05:17:17 PM »
Whether or not the machines can save the pictures, any idiot with a cellphone camera can make a copy.  They just have to get a clear picture of the screen.

I bet it's already been done.

But it's against the law to take pictures of the scanner screen!

stay safe.
If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege.

Hey you kids!! Get off my lawn!!!

They keep making this eternal vigilance thing harder and harder.  Protecting the 2nd amendment is like playing PACMAN - there's no pause button so you can go to the bathroom.

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Re: But the Nekkid Scanner Pics Aren't Saved!!!oneoneleventy1!
« Reply #130 on: November 16, 2010, 05:27:22 PM »
us marshalls at a courthouse does not equal tsa  i don't care how loud alex jones says it
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

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Re: TSA Plays "Pocket Pool" With Passenger's Equipment
« Reply #131 on: November 16, 2010, 05:30:45 PM »
The story is perfectly consistent with past reports.  That said, I'll wait for more reliable outlets to confirm the story before I start writing letters.  IF THE STORY IS TRUE, we are looking at a deliberate provocation.  Not even can be that stupid by concluding there will be no pushback.
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds. It will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
- Charles Mackay, Scottish journalist, circa 1841

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." - John Lennon

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Re: But the Nekkid Scanner Pics Aren't Saved!!!oneoneleventy1!
« Reply #132 on: November 16, 2010, 05:55:14 PM »
Ya know, the backscatter images from the Gizmodo video certainly didn't look all that detailed to me.  ???
"The chances of finding out what's really going on are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied. I'd far rather be happy than right any day."
"And are you?"
"No, that's where it all falls apart I'm afraid. Pity, it sounds like quite a nice lifestyle otherwise."
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Re: But the Nekkid Scanner Pics Aren't Saved!!!oneoneleventy1!
« Reply #133 on: November 16, 2010, 06:10:04 PM »
Ya know, the backscatter images from the Gizmodo video certainly didn't look all that detailed to me.  ???

Neither do our spy sat pictures that we give out to other people. There is such a thing as derezzing a picture or video.


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Re: But the Nekkid Scanner Pics Aren't Saved!!!oneoneleventy1!
« Reply #134 on: November 16, 2010, 06:10:32 PM »
Ya know, the backscatter images from the Gizmodo video certainly didn't look all that detailed to me.  ???

They admit that.

But if you read the article...

A Gizmodo investigation has revealed 100 of the photographs saved by the Gen 2 millimeter wave scanner from Brijot Imaging Systems, Inc., obtained by a FOIA request after it was recently revealed that U.S. Marshals operating the machine in the Orlando, Florida courthouse had improperly-perhaps illegally-saved images of the scans of public servants and private citizens.

While the fidelity of the scans from this machine are of surprisingly low resolution, especially compared to the higher resolution "naked scanners" using the potentially harmful x-ray backscatter technology, the TSA and other government agencies have repeatedly touted the quality of "Advanced Imaging Technology" while simultaneously assuring customers that operators "cannot store, print, transmit or save the image, and the image."
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
--Lysander Spooner

I reject your authoritah!

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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #135 on: November 16, 2010, 06:49:22 PM »

ZOMG!!!1111! It's Gordon Freeman! Might have to reinstall that game.
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

I already have canned butter, buying more. Canned blueberries, some pancake making dry goods and the end of the world is gonna be delicious.  -French G


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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #136 on: November 16, 2010, 07:53:27 PM »
The Government: Your Enemy

There's not even a need to be over-dramatic about it. People just need to realize that in the same way that a corporations' major motivation is to increase its shareholder value, a government's major motivation is to extend and increase its sphere of power and influence. Period.

Products might claim to be able to help you, but they really only exist to separate you from your money. If the company could not make a profit off of you, the product would never be offered. The government might claim to be able to help you, but really they only are doing it to increase their power over your or to extend their influence. If it didn't align with the prime directive, government has no real interest in you.
Maybe a rare occurence, but then you only have to get murdered once to ruin your whole day.


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Re: But the Nekkid Scanner Pics Aren't Saved!!!oneoneleventy1!
« Reply #137 on: November 16, 2010, 08:03:00 PM »
us marshalls at a courthouse does not equal tsa  i don't care how loud alex jones says it
Yeah, they are probably much more qualified and more ethical. 
“It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones.”  ― Calvin Coolidge


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Re: But the Nekkid Scanner Pics Aren't Saved!!!oneoneleventy1!
« Reply #138 on: November 16, 2010, 08:22:47 PM »
us marshalls at a courthouse does not equal tsa  i don't care how loud alex jones says it

That makes it okay, then.
Destroy The Enemy in Hand-to-Hand Combat.

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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #139 on: November 16, 2010, 09:06:03 PM »
If this keeps up, won't people just stop flying, to the point that airlines pressure TSA to be less Ultraviolet* with the searching?


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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #140 on: November 16, 2010, 09:27:52 PM »
If this keeps up, won't people just stop flying, to the point that airlines pressure TSA to be less Ultraviolet* with the searching?


Actually, it's more Total Recall
Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.

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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #141 on: November 16, 2010, 10:17:08 PM »
the proper response is for passengers to go zardoz in their travelling wear
"The true mad scientist does not make public appearances! He does not wear the "Hello, my name is.." badge!
He strikes from below like a viper or on high like a penny dropped from the tallest building around!
He only has one purpose--Do bad things to good people! Mit science! What good is science if no one gets hurt?!"


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Re: Fighting back against the TSA?
« Reply #142 on: November 16, 2010, 10:21:17 PM »
Perhaps the way to fight back is to ridicule the TSA monkey.  Psychological warfare:  "You must have the crappiest job in the world, handling people's balls all day.  How do you keep from just shooting yourself in the mornings?"  And of course, "Who's your daddy?"  (Use your imagination for other more degrading things to say to turn the tables on the halfwit who is trying to humilate *you*)

"It's good, though..."


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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #143 on: November 16, 2010, 10:49:50 PM »
the proper response is for passengers to go zardoz in their travelling wear

Taking it to the logical extreme, I suspect that flying cross country wearing nothing but a TSA-issued Tyvek suit is not all that far off.
If there really was intelligent life on other planets, we'd be sending them foreign aid.

Conservatives see George Orwell's "1984" as a cautionary tale.  Progressives view it as a "how to" manual.

My wife often says to me, "You are evil and must be destroyed." She may be right.

Liberals believe one should never let reason, logic and facts get in the way of a good emotional argument.


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Re: Fighting back against the TSA?
« Reply #144 on: November 16, 2010, 10:59:26 PM »
Wonder what would happen if you ID'd the TSA goons' cars and started putting Pedo-Bear stickers on them at random times.....
Impressed yet befogged, they grasped at his vivid leading phrases, seeing only their surface meaning, and missing the deeper current of his thought.


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Re: Fighting back against the TSA?
« Reply #145 on: November 16, 2010, 11:00:21 PM »
Wonder what would happen if you ID'd the TSA goons' cars and started putting Pedo-Bear stickers on them at random times.....

You, sir, are evil.  I like that.
If there really was intelligent life on other planets, we'd be sending them foreign aid.

Conservatives see George Orwell's "1984" as a cautionary tale.  Progressives view it as a "how to" manual.

My wife often says to me, "You are evil and must be destroyed." She may be right.

Liberals believe one should never let reason, logic and facts get in the way of a good emotional argument.


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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #146 on: November 16, 2010, 11:03:51 PM »
Considering some of the local gals working at our bases when Viet Nam was a big deal could smuggle out a 40mm HEDP round for a M79/M203 up their love canal, the only way to be sure no 'splosives get on a plane is a cavity search, "Deep, and hard."

FTR, I'm fairly certain a 40mmHEDP round going off in the cabin is going to bring down anything smaller than a jumbo jet.

Scratch that, even a cavity search will not find 'splosives that have been placed in the large intestine similar to the way a colonoscopy is performed.  No telling how much 'splosive one could store in the large intestine along with a radio receiver and detonator.


“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”
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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #147 on: November 16, 2010, 11:14:08 PM »
some one should show up with the tyvek suit over a borat thong and disrobe for the TSA
"The true mad scientist does not make public appearances! He does not wear the "Hello, my name is.." badge!
He strikes from below like a viper or on high like a penny dropped from the tallest building around!
He only has one purpose--Do bad things to good people! Mit science! What good is science if no one gets hurt?!"


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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #148 on: November 16, 2010, 11:30:51 PM »
At some point a risk/benefit assessment needs to be done.

Obviously we cannot secure ourselves against EVERY eventuality. No, no, no, we cannot. It's not possible.

Somewhere, in the near future, a person - maybe not even a terrorist - is going to smuggle something into a plane. A gun, a knife, something. Then there's going to be mucho media whining about HOW THAT WAS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

Somewhere, eventually, someone will commit a terrorist attack on a plane.  Maybe they will do it by smuggling weaponry on board. Maybe they will place an anti-aircraft landmine [these DO exist] near the runway. Maybe they will do a million other things. Maybe we will get lucky on that day and only one or two people will die. Maybe hundreds. I do not know.

Somewhere, one of two things will need to happen:

Either people - or a subgroup thereof - will put their foot down and decide that they'd rather live with, say, 1% annualized chance of a terrorist attack than sacrifice more liberty and property and prosperity to try and bring it down further.

Or the surveillance state will expand forever, and the terrorists would have won.
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Re: The Government: Your Enemy
« Reply #149 on: November 16, 2010, 11:58:34 PM »
The Soviet's bankrupted themselves trying to keep pace with and ensure their security against us during the Cold War. The various violent Islamic groups are now doing the exact same thing to us, but for a whole lot cheaper on their end of the deal.