Author Topic: I HAVE THE ULTIMATE JOB.  (Read 1545 times)

Ex-MA Hole

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« on: March 10, 2006, 10:41:31 AM »
Mediocrity = How to Survive.

Silly me.  I've been going about this all worng.  I ACTUALLY thought that I was supposed to work for a living.  Silly me.  I'm supposed to COAST.

I work  for a family business.  MISTAKE #1.  A few weeks ago,  I was given a "Promotion" into sales.  However, I am supposed to tell my Brother in Law EVERYTHING that I do.  I came in on fire, all these great ideas, all these great leads, great contacts, and great intentions.

I was told that I was being a pain.  Every plan I had he quashed.  Every lead I had he shot down.  Every sales agenda denied.  He actually has given leads away to other sales people!  Contacts that I made he told me to drop, no reason, just drop them.  If I ask why, I'm told that I am argumentative.  I don't get a commision on sales (I asked, and was told to trust him, he'd take care of me), I get no expenses paid.

I was getting VERY upset.  Ended up in the ER with Chestpain, etc.

Then, last weekend, I saw the light.

I have been healed.

I am not meant to work, merely to give the ILLUSION that I was working.  This whole week, I have done nothing but sit behind my desk and surf the internet.  Nothing for leads, but instead Audiworld, APS, etc.

He told me today that I did a good job this week.  Wow.  I am so content.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the ultimate job.  I get paid to surf.  Any acutal work is frowned upon.

It's good to be me.

One day at a time.

K Frame

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« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2006, 11:08:53 AM »
I know where you're coming from.

I've been in similar situations, actually both sides...

I've been in jobs where I was told that I was wasting time if I stopped to breathe.

I've also been in jobs where just about anything I did was seen as a threat to either my coworkers or supervisors, or both. Thinking? God forbid you actually do that.

I've been with my current company for a little over 7 years. The first 5 years were FANTASTIC. I was seen as a problem solver, not a problem. I was given increasing responsibility. When I talked to an issue, people listened to me, up to and including the man who ran a 300-person software service and development team. My pay raises and bonuses reflected that. In 5 years I averaged nearly 12% annual raises in a company that isn't know for coming near that, and I was awarded 7 bonuses (including some very valuable stock) in that 5 year period, which my boss told me was virtually unheard of.

My next 2 years with the company (the project I was on was lost to another company in a recompete) were not quite the same. My boss, while nice, was very "hands on," and the budgets in that new group tightened up considerably. Not to mention that due to the time of year in which I moved jobs I missed out on a raise cycle. That stank.

The boss was nice, but it's not at all great to come into a new job and one of the first things you hear is "My husband is such a great writer, I wish I could have hired him to do this..." Plus, if she and I disagreed on a point of grammar or style, she would immediately be on the phone to her husband. I went 10 for 10 and 1 draw on a point that could have gone either way before I finally flat out asked her if she was ever going to tryst me and the skills and experience for which she had hired me.

That set the tone for my poor attitude for quite awhile. Then, while she was a very talented designer, she didn't appear to have a lot of confidence in her design skills, and I was FOREVER hearing "can you come here for a minute." One day I was in and out of her office SEVENTEEN times. Try getting into a writing groove when you're dealing with that all the time.

Just before Christmas I moved to a new job when the group manager eliminted me, my boss, and my coworker in a cost cutting measure. That was something of a relief, actually.

I'm in a review cycle right now, and it's going to be interesting because the company just adopted new raise guidelines (shifting raise potentials downward big time), and once again I moved right during a review cycle. At least they're going to work with my old boss to see what they can do for me money wise, which is nice.

Once again, though, I'm back to being seen as an expert in what I do and being tasked to make things happen.

It's refreshing, but in some ways it's also frustrating because right now there's not a lot to do as we both ramp up for a major CMMI assessment and we get ready to recompete the contract.

Prior to joining this company? I was in hell on earth, a military credit union where department boss was a psychopath, the pay was incredibly low, and just about every move you made was second, third, fourth, and fifth guessed by a whole series of retired admirals and generals who generally took a VERY dim view of you asserting you had any competencies at all. I don't know how I lasted 3.5 years there without having a heart attack. By the last few months there I would walk in the door and start having chest pains.

All in all, I guess what I'm saying is that you ALWAYS have choices. You can fight it, you can deal with it, or you can put it behind you and move to something better.

Good luck.
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« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2006, 11:58:36 AM »
LOL! Try being an analyst at a company where senior management believes that data is not their friend. Why? Because they don't want to be confused by the facts - they know how things are supposed to work and if they don't then it must be something else - facts be damned.

Luckily I don't work there anymore. Took 3 weeks to find a new job once I started looking and now I'm at a place where data is king. Which is good.

Running a modern company by the seat of your pants based on "I just know" or "I think" or "that's just the way it's always been" is a loser in today's world.
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« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2006, 12:41:02 PM »
Eh, until late, I worked a job where life was pretty boring and everyone sincerely hoped it'd stay boring.  Basically, I worked in a network operations center.   All the systems and networks running smoothly, I spent 10-12 hours browsing the net or reading a book.   If something broke...   well, things got interesting.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.

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« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2006, 12:54:08 PM »
The guy who was the best man in my wedding tests firearms to failure for the U.S. Army. When I talked to him last he was literally melting XM-8s.

So in comparison, all of our jobs are shitty!


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« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2006, 01:06:14 PM »
I like when you take the initiative, clean up a major mess that has been there forever and then have your supervisor claim it was all his idea and take the credit for it.

Super, "What are you doing?"

Me, "Cleaning up this mess."

S, "Do you have a plan?"

Me, "Yes, I PLAN to clean up this mess."

S, "No, you have to have a plan, how do you plan to clean up this mess?"

Me, "I PLAN to take all this stuff laying around and put it where it belongs neatly."

S, "That's not a plan, where are you going to put things? You can't put anything anywhere without a PLAN."

Me, "Now let me get this straight. This stuff has been laying here like this for years and all I want to do is sort it out and at least get it in racks and get it off the floor. Suddenly I need a PLAN to do this?" rolleyes

Then the asshat tells everybody that counts it was all HIS doing that the disaster area was now looking so neat.

I lost my taste for cleaning up other people's disasters, it never did me any good in the end.
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« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2006, 01:30:25 PM »
Quote from: 280plus
Then the asshat tells everybody that counts it was all HIS doing that the disaster area was now looking so neat.

I lost my taste for cleaning up other people's disasters, it never did me any good in the end.
You do what needs to be done, even when it doesn't directly benefit you.   This is 'professionalism'.  Short run, it bites you on the rear end almost every time.  Long run?  People notice it.  Whether you believe it or not, people really do notice professionalism.

I did the same thing at my last job.  I was defense contractor working with federal employees.   More than a few people in the GS system believe it's a perk to rude as hell to contractors whenever possible.    Did plenty of work that wasn't directly my job but I had the time to do it.  Helped out plenty of govt employees with random computer problems, or taught them various stuff.   More often than not, few if any words of appreciation.  I grumbled to myself fairly often, but didn't let it get to me.

When I left for a better paying job, they threw one heck of a party for me.   Even people that I didn't like very much slipped me a $5 for smokes (I'm a well known tobacco addict.   Cigars, cigarettes, pipes, water pipes, etc etc) and meantion they'd miss me.   It was fairly eye opening experience.
"Rev, your picture is in my King James Bible, where Paul talks about "inventors of evil."  Yes, I know you'll take that as a compliment."  - Fistful, possibly highest compliment I've ever received.


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« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2006, 02:53:12 PM »
Thank you all, I am feeling much better now  about being self-employed .


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« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2006, 04:26:30 PM »
I like my job.  I go in, do my thing, then go home.

Most days, no one gets hurt. Cheesy
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« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2006, 05:00:39 PM »
Heh.  I retired last Tuesday.  Other than spontaneous outbursts of laughter every 20 minutes or so, I think I understand your situation.
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« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2006, 03:38:22 AM »
Ex Ma,

   Don't look at this as a bad thing.  If you can learn to thrive in it, then you could have a bright future with TSA-not as a pat-down peon, but in Management!!
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« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2006, 04:52:02 AM »
I am "between jobs" right now, and loving it! My last job was in a family business (not MY family), in middle management with no authority over the wrench benders in the back. Everything was fine until my raises were linked to production.....I was/am a mechanic, so I couldn't be fooled the "techs". There was one bender favored with all the schools, and he wouldn't share.......ti worked fairly well until the guy came back from deployment.
profit dropped, he would take too long, when he got help he would stand back and let the helpers do his work.
     At any rate, I grumbled too much, and when 30 December came I was handed a check for 2 1/2 weeks pay and told " I wasn't satisfied with my job any more." Virginia is an "at will" state, so I have no grievance, nor would I want to be there any more. I was going to leave anyway, I got beat to the punch. The customers are doing the grumbling now, so what goes around, comes around.
     I will eventually find something, but with momma's job, we are keeping the wolves from the door, Thank God. I would be happy to be a peon this time around!


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« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2006, 05:28:13 AM »
I too work for a family based business, a cattle ranch.  I just graduated from business school almost a year ago where they pump you up and tell you how much money you can make because "businesses love hiring business majors".  The older folks here have a feeling that getting paid is bad and that we shouldn't need much money at all.  I got to sit through a painful salary review meeting where you'd think that the 4% raise we were thinking about giving was going to bankrupt the ranch.  I pointed out that last year their 3.5% raise didn't even cover inflation and that they actually lost money and that assuming a similar inflation rate 4% wasn't going to do much either!  I said I'd rather have the option to take more time off when I wanted, because let's face it, there is no way to EVER get everything done on a ranch that needs to be and I didn't see why I couldn't have more than a day off a week once in a while.  We'll see how that goes...

I do like this job though, but I sure don't have the ultimate job.  I can't think of a day ever where I've gotten to sit around or get out of work early.


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« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2006, 06:06:14 AM »
I see what you're saying Rev.

I don't mind not receiving due recognition for a job well done, hell I'm used to that, but I DO take exception to someone else actively seeking and receiving recognition for my work as their own. It just annoys me. Cheesy

I didn't clean up these messes for recognition, I did it because it needed to be done and I had the time available to do it.
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« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2006, 03:38:41 AM »
Heck, I do my job because I love it - or at least I used to. My boss is a bean counter type. He basically covers butt and hopes to ride out the storm until retirement.  And he doesn't understand me... I go to the yearly salary thing, he tells me I've got a raise, and explains everything exactly like HR told him to (yawn... I am _so_ past it by the time he's to the 2nd sentence), and I get a blank uncomprehending stare when I tell him that it's not really about the money - it's about what I do, and my philosophy of "if you hate what you do, you really don't need to be doing it." I guess he probably hates his job. Sad, wasting 40 hours plus of your life every week...
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