Author Topic: Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.  (Read 2165 times)


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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« on: March 16, 2006, 09:39:17 AM »
These politicos just don't get it. Illegal immigration is
dangerous for this Nation. I don't have a problem with
those who come here and try to do it legally, but to reward
these people who are already here illegally by giving them
the right to stay is flat out & out nuts ! I feel their property
should be confiscated and put up in a supervised auction
to pay for the cost of housing, incarcerating, allowing them
to get SS benefits, allowing medical benefits, disease control,

Yet those up in Congress wants to give its blessing to these
people for breaking our immigration laws first hand. As soon
as they come across the border without going through the
Immigration Dept, they have broken the law. Why in the
heck does Congress want to reward these illegals, opening
up the gates for even more illegal activity ?

Has Congress already forgotten 9/11/2001 ?

Congress needs a big time change in it's thinking when
it comes to this issue, yet they prefer to bend over for
law breakers..As far as the President on this matter,
forget it. He's as bad as Fox of Mexico.;_ylt=AopprWe23z1axRw5SxLmYsOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OXIzMDMzBHNlYwM3MDM-

El Tejon

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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 10:31:06 AM »
1.  No, Congress gets it.  Without immigration the economy is in a world of hurt as native Americans no longer wish to work.

2.  If illegal immigrants are made legal, they are no longer illegal so what's the beef chief???

3.  The 9/11 attackers were here legally or illegally?  The next attackers, the 3/24 attackers, whenever, will be here legally as well.
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.


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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 10:32:09 AM »
It's Kennedy's plan.... I'll get behind it, no doubt it'll add to the depleted voter rolls of the Democraps...

I'll get behind it right after he does his manslaugher time...


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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2006, 10:42:39 AM »
Please, this is such a nice peaceful forum. This is a valid topic... for L&P at THR. Since we've got no mods, lets police our own and let this die a natural death.
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If government is the answer, it must have been a really, really, really stupid question.


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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2006, 10:51:40 AM »
Why does no one see that this kind of plan will do the exact opposite of it's intended purpose?

We already know that there is a large labor market for illegals, because they aren't subject to minimum wage, witholding, et yada, right? So what happens when this group "moves up" and are due minimum wage and all the other goodies? They will be replaced by the next wave of illegals, because the labor market likes having all of that cheap, docile workforce! So what happens to the first group, now unable to get a job? They go on unemployment/ welfare. Great. Just what we need.
But it does get the leftists a whole bunch of new loyal voters. Bonus!!!!

If this type of plan is to have any positive effect, there needs to be some safeguards built in: No unemployment/welfare for those getting the "pass". Heavy penalties (death comes to mind, but might be a wee bit radical) on those hiring the new wave of illegals. Force the originating countries to take back all of their garbage now sitting in our jails/ prisons soaking up our tax money.
Kennedy/McCain are acting like we owe these people something. The people that are actually owed are the taxpayers who suffer to keep their fat asses in office.
If this gets much worse, there may be a .50 cal impeachment in some folks future (not that I would advocate such a thing).

I repeat: ARRRGGGHHH!!!

The Rabbi

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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2006, 12:13:55 PM »
I dont see a lot of good alternatives out there.
Fight state-sponsored Islamic terrorism: Bomb France now!

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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2006, 05:02:04 PM »

Standing Wolf

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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2006, 05:15:41 PM »
Congress understands cheap labor; it doesn't, however, have a clue about the real costs of so-called "cheap labor."

I think it's time and long past time to fire most of Congress.
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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2006, 10:06:37 AM »
Congress knows which side of the bread is buttered.  Butter is money and congress get its money from business interests.  By and large the nativists and screamers do not donate but they do vote.  Congress responds routinely to money and only occasionally to voters.  Democrats backed off gun control when it became clear what it cost.  The ruling class will back off amnesty when its members pay a career price.  

In the forthcoming debate we will learn two things.  First we will see the level of outrage in the taxpaying class.  Second, we will see how interested the ruling class is in heeding the wishes of the taxpaying class.
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds. It will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
- Charles Mackay, Scottish journalist, circa 1841

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." - John Lennon

The Rabbi

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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2006, 12:49:03 PM »
Quote from: Waitone
Congress knows which side of the bread is buttered.  Butter is money and congress get its money from business interests.  By and large the nativists and screamers do not donate but they do vote.  Congress responds routinely to money and only occasionally to voters.  Democrats backed off gun control when it became clear what it cost.  The ruling class will back off amnesty when its members pay a career price.  

In the forthcoming debate we will learn two things.  First we will see the level of outrage in the taxpaying class.  Second, we will see how interested the ruling class is in heeding the wishes of the taxpaying class.
So the unions do not contribute to political races?  Nor do PACs?
Fight state-sponsored Islamic terrorism: Bomb France now!

Vote Libertarian: It Not Like It Matters Anyway.


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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2006, 10:38:13 PM »
Jorge Hernandez, aka Jorge Soto, the illegal alien accused of killing Min Soon Chang, an 18-year-old college freshman, shown just below, in a terrible head-on wreck while Hernandez was driving drunk. Now more facts are coming out about this man, such as the fact that he had been arrested three previous times for drunk driving in three other states. One report says he was sent back to Mexico 17 times!
   Dallas Police Officer Brian Jackson became another open borders statistic on Nov. 13 when he was shot and killed by illegal alien Juan Lizcano
    Lizcano had become drunk and went to the home of his ex-girfriend to threaten her. As the police pursued Lizcano after he fled the woman's home, he shot Officer Jackson, who died later in the hospital.
    Officer Jackson was remembered by his fellow police as someone who loved his job and always went the extra mile.
Over on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, there have been 13 highway accidents involving hispanic workers since 2002 which have caused 18 fatalities. In addition, 90 people have been injured on area roadways during that time by foreigners, many of whom are illegal aliens working in agriculture. The deaths are about a quarter of the total fatalities during the period, while hispanics comprise about 5 percent of the local population.

      In all but three of the fatal accidents in which Hispanics were at the wheel, the drivers had no insurance. In most cases, the vehicles had no inspection stickers, the drivers carried no license and alcohol was a factor.

    One of the persons killed was Debbie Thomas, shown here, who was the mother of three. She was killed in a head-on collision on Christmas Eve 2003 when her car was struck by a car being driven in the wrong direction. The offending driver, Narciso Garcia-Jimenez, escaped from his hospital bed and is still at large. The car he drove had no inspection sticker and was registered to another person. When Debbie's mom learned that her daughter's killer had not been killed in the wreck but had escaped, she said she felt "angry, bitter and sad, all at once."

 Rep. Myrick is flanked by the family of Scott Gardner in the photo, a young man who was killed by an illegal alien with five previous DUI arrests on his record. Scott Gardner of Gastonia North Carolina was just 33, and was a teacher, a church deacon and a baseball coach. His wife Tina was critically injured in the crash, and now has their two small children to raise alone.
    Scott's mother, Emily Moose is still haunted by the loss of her son, of course.

      A witness told Emily that Scott spoke one word: "Why?"
          A word Emily herself has uttered a million times.
          Why was 25-year-old Ramiro Gallegos, an illegal immigrant without a N.C. driver's license, barreling along Highway 130 toward Whiteville on July 16?
          Why, when Gallegos was busted in late 2002 in Duplin County for driving too slowly  and drunk  was he not sent home to Mexico?
          And why, when Gallegos was nabbed a third time  with an alcohol level three times the legal limit  was he given only seven days in jail and supervised probation?

Jose Ramirez Jose Ramirez is every American father's nightmare. The illegal alien from El Salvador beat up a 15-year-old girl after whistling at her. He broke her nose, fractured a bone in her face and produced cuts requring 30 stitches. The man worked in construction in Spotsylvania, Virginia, where the attack occurred, and resisted arrest to the point where police had to taser him.
    The 28-year-old Ramirez of Prince William County was charged with aggravated malicious wounding and abduction with the intent to defile. Both charges carry potential life sentences. He is being held with no bond.

      Police said he whistled at the girl as she walked by, then became enraged after the girl did not respond. Ramirez is accused of then running after the girl and pummeling her in the face and head, Kocher said.
          According to authorities, the attacker then tried to drag the victim, fleeing into some woods only after a co-worker yelled for him to stop.


Raul Pena and daughter Suzie Jose Raul Pena is shown here with his daughter Suzie. An illegal alien from El Salvador earlier deported for cocaine possession, he was the doting father who used the little girl as a human shield in an hours-long Los Angeles shootout with police on July 10. Pena and Suzie were both killed.

      During the incident, Pena used a 9-millimeter Beretta pistol which had been stolen last year in a burglary in Oregon. His office at the car dealership contained a bag of cocaine and a half-drunk bottle of Tequila  consistent with the illegal Pena's previous deportation for cocaine possession.
          Videotape captured images of Pena shooting at the police while holding his daughter, yet his relatives are questioning not only whether he used his daughter as a shield, but whether he was even armed at all, according to the Los Angeles Times.

    The "community" has gone into bad craziness over this horrible tragedy, blaming the police when the perp is clearly the guilty party: Pena chose to shoot it out and certainly snatched up the child as a shield, as pictures show.
    The abused girlfriend of Pena, Lorena Lopez, has already gotten a lawyer for a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against the city of Los Angeles.
    The new mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, is more concerned with being a hispanic than providing support for the increasingly beleagured LAPD. The thin blue line is getting stretched thin in Los Angeles. If another city-wide riot blows up, having the National Guard overseas may make the situation even dicier.
    And how does it happen that an illegal alien, deported for cocaine, apparently owned a used car lot?
Esmerelda Nava Esmerelda Nava, aged four, was recently strangled, molested and killed by an illegal alien who had been deported in 2003. The accused killer is Cornelio Rivera Zamites of Vera Cruz, Mexico, who had been residing in Gainsville, Georgia. Esmerelda went with her parents to visit the 24-year-old Zamites. At some point late Saturday night (6/25), the child's mother realized the girl was missing. A police officer found her body early the next morning in nearby woods. An article of Zamites clothing was close by and he was gone.
    Zamites had been deported for driving under the influence, as well as having no license or insurance. At least his illegal status was duly noted.

      "If you don't do anything about the borders, it's kind of like an all-expense paid trip home to see loved ones before they come back,"
The next time you are accosted with the idea that you should "celebrate diversity" please remember that some cultures accept despicable practices, including slavery even today. This well-to-do Saudi couple has been arrested for enslaving and abusing an illegal alien for four years in their Aurora, Colorado, home in their country's traditional fashion: slavery was not officially abolished in Saudi Arabia until 1962.

      AURORA, Colo. -- A Saudi Arabian couple was in custody Friday, accused of turning a young Indonesian woman into a virtual slave, forcing her to clean, cook and care for their children while she was threatened and sexually assaulted.
          A federal grand jury on Thursday indicted Homaidan Al-Turki, 36, and his wife, Sarah Khonaizan, 35, on charges of forced labor, document servitude and harboring an illegal immigrant.
          Al-Turki also faces state charges including kidnapping, false imprisonment and extortion, as well as 12 charges of sexual assault. His wife faces some of the same charges.

    IHC generally posts stories about illegal aliens who have committed crimes, but also believes that certain cultures have values so anathema to our own that they simply shouldn't be allowed to immigrate here, and Saudi Arabia is near the top of the list. The kingdom practices an extreme form of gender apartheid that, if it were aimed at a race instead of against women, would be condemned as thoroughly as South Africa was in an earlier time. In 2002, Saudi Arabia beheaded three men simply for being gay.
    Furthermore, slavery-like conditions continue in the kingdom even now, particularly for immigrant workers, many of whom come from Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The cultural norm is to treat vulnerable foreigners like property, an attitude the Saudi couple apparently brought with them to America.
    Add in the Saudi's continuing financial support for Islamic terror worldwide, and we have to wonder why America's welcome mat is still out for Saudi Arabians.

Travis Smith The nation's highways have become far more dangerous since they have been turned into smuggling thruways for criminals from Mexico and elsewhere. Nineteen-year-old Travis Smith of Mesa, Arizona, was killed in 2002 by a carload of illegal aliens being smuggled to Pennsylvania. The accident occurred near Monticello in southeastern Utah, as the car driven by illegal alien smuggler Isidro Aranda-Flores plowed head-on into Smith's 1966 Mustang. The smuggler apparently fell asleep at the wheel.
    At the sentencing held on May 25, Travis' mother Tanya Lowe was not buying the tiresome excuses that essentially blame the victim.

      "People say my son was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," she said. "My son was not in the wrong place at the wrong time ... The illegal person transporting illegals was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

    Travis' dad Wayne Smith was too distraught to attend the sentencing:

      But outside court, he said that the law should be altered so that being in the United States illegally would warrant harsher sentencing, just as recklessness and intoxication do, in traffic-accident cases.

    The killer received a hand-slap sentence, just six and a half years in prison for ending the life of a teenager.
    For more on the highway carnage caused by illegal aliens, please see Diversity Is Strength! It�s Also... Drunk Driving

Milagro CunninghamIn a year of horrendous crimes against children, burying a child alive under a pile of concrete after raping her remains particularly awful. Only a rapid and thorough search by police saved the 8-year-old's life. Too bad law enforcement hadn't been as meticulous when the illegal alien Milagro Cunningham (pictured here at his court appearance) had been arrested three times last year by the Palm Beach County (Florida) Sheriff's Office on burglary charges. Had the young man been sent home to the Bahamas where he belonged, then the little girl would not have been raped and buried alive, a trauma that will remain with her for a lifetime. (Another photo of the accused can be seen here.)

Amy Dumas In Lynn, Massaschusetts, 16-year-old Amy Dumas was shot dead Monday night (May 16) during a home invasion as she tried to protect her wheelchair-bound father, Robert S. Finnerty, who was also killed. Apparently four Asian gang members forced themselves into the family's apartment and shot father and daughter several times. Finnerty was a cancer survivor who was left using a wheelchair after a stroke. Robert's wife Judith Finnerty was in the apartment but was unhurt.
    Two men were quickly arrested by police. The accused are "Cambodian-born men" (no further status mentioned) and belong to a local gang, the "Oriental Boys." Two other gangsters are being sought in the killing. At least one of those arrested, Chon Son, "is well known to local police."

Donald R. Young Donald R. Young was a Denver police officer working a second job when he was shot three times in the back and killed by an illegal alien from Mexico, Raul Garcia-Gomez. Young was providing security at Solano Ocampo, a hall used for private functions, when he was ambushed at around 1 am on Sunday May 8; another policeman was also shot but not seriously.
    Both men were off duty but in uniform. Detective Young was the married father of two. He was a a 12-year veteran, who had worked with the vice-narcotics and domestic violence units, and was assigned to the fugitive-bomb squad when he died.

          Donald R. Young had received numerous awards during his 12 years on the Denver police force.
          He was awarded the police department's medal of honor and a distinguished service cross. He also received 10 official commendations and two commendatory letters.

Raul Garcia-Gomez Raul Garcia-Gomez, the accused killer of Detective Donnie Young, was an illegal alien who had been in police custody twice before but was allowed to remain in the United States instead of being deported.

          9NEWS has also confirmed that Garcia-Gomez has been involved in at least three traffic infractions since last October. He was pulled over once for running a red light, once for speeding and was involved in an accident.
          In two of those incidents he was citing for driving with out a drivers license and in the third he provided a Mexican license.
Politicians and bureaucrats are considered productive if they swarm the populace like a plague of locust, devouring all substance in their path and leaving a swath of destruction like a firestorm. The technical term is "bipartisanship".
Rocket Man: "The need for booster shots for the immunized has always been based on the science.  Political science, not medical science."


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Congress does NOT get it on illegal infestation.
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2006, 06:54:56 AM »
Quote from: atek3