Author Topic: Time to switch newspapers  (Read 1954 times)


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Time to switch newspapers
« on: April 03, 2011, 11:58:49 PM »
I've learned over the last year that the little Decatur Daily in my new hometown is nearly as leftist as The Milwaukee Journal. Eugene Robinson has a column in the paper about five days a week, which is five too many.

There's a columnist in the business section who uses his column for opinion rather than writing about business. That, to me, is a no-no.

Here's a sample of where he comes from:

The federal taxation system — with numerous lobbyist-created exceptions — is progressive. That is, people who earn more pay a greater percentage of their earnings to support the system that has allowed them to succeed. It makes sense. A billionaire, who has benefited dramatically from a tax-supported system that protects his property and the tools he needs to increase that property, should bear a heavier burden in perpetuating the system.

Interesting. The system "allowed" the successful to succeed and protects them. I would have thought it was the other way around, that the successful make possible the system under which the less successful are able to pay little or no tax. I guess the rich won't get a "thank you" from this columnist.

In fact, he goes further:

In our state, however, the issue is very different. Our state’s taxation system, designed by the wealthy, protects the wealthy from financial loss. Those who are hurt by the capitalist system pay a greater share of their income to support it than do those who benefit from the system.

So, the capitalist system "protects" the wealthy, and hurts those who aren't wealthy? This is news to me.

If this system is "allowing" certain people to succeed, then why not turn the dial so that it allows everyone to succeed, if it's just that simple?

I really thought I'd gotten away from this journalistic diarrhea, but I guess there's no escaping it.

The rest of the column is here


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Re: Time to switch newspapers
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 12:15:11 AM »
I wouldn't even line a birdcage with The Decatur Daily --if I had a bird. That particular scribbling was utter blather.  What's the author proposing -- taxing accumulated wealth?  Guess so.  There's a reason why we don't do that.  It unaccumulates wealth. 
This is actually a fairly conservative state.  Yeah, up 'til recently Alabama was run by the demonrat party -- except they weren't the Nancy Pelosi demorats they were a slightly tamer breed of corrupt ol' time boys network demorats (now we're run by corrupt ol' time boys network repubs [popcorn] [tinfoil] ;/  ), but, still, most people thought in fairly conservative terms.
But The Decatur Daily has been a bastion of Marxist dogma for a long time.   I am surprised it's still in existance.  My brother in law canceled his subscription to it a couple of years back.  I only read it for the entertainment value on rare occasion from a newstand. 
Makes a good fishwrap .... might go good with shark or Barracuda....... [tinfoil] [barf]
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Re: Time to switch newspapers
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 12:40:56 AM »
I guess we'll go with the Huntsville paper.

I imagine that the Decatur has a higher percentage of welfare recipients and others suckling at the government teat, which would explain how the paper exists at all.

Political editorials in the business section, though? Uh-uh.


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Re: Time to switch newspapers
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 10:50:04 AM »
I guess we'll go with the Huntsville paper.

I imagine that the Decatur has a higher percentage of welfare recipients and others suckling at the government teat, which would explain how the paper exists at all.

Political editorials in the business section, though? Uh-uh.
When you cancel your subscription, be sure you tell the paper why you are canceling. Be specific, but polite. Even leftist rag newspapers need to make money to stay in business.
Islamic sex dolls.  Do they blow themselves up?

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Re: Time to switch newspapers
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 01:07:31 PM »
Don't they have a website?

I just read the Journal Sentinel with adblock.  :angel:
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Re: Time to switch newspapers
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2011, 02:47:01 PM »
Don't they have a website?

Yes, but my wife doesn't use the internet very much. She prefers newsprint.

It would be nice to keep the local paper, because there's news about goings-on. The liberal pap drives me nuts, though.


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Re: Time to switch newspapers
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2011, 09:14:13 AM »
When you cancel your subscription, be sure you tell the paper why you are canceling. Be specific, but polite. Even leftist rag newspapers need to make money to stay in business.
When I lived up in the Twin Cities area, there were two competing papers - the Minneapolis Star-Tribune (known informally as the Minneapolis Red Star) and the St. Paul Pioneer Press. I subscribed to the latter, but often got subscription phone solicitations from the former.

I would usually decline politely, but then the salespeople became more insistent . . . so I simply said "Look the Pioneer Press is liberal enough for me, but the Minneapolis Red Star is nothing more than the propaganda organ of the Minnesota DFL* party."   Usually there would be an indignant gasp and then "click."  (I used to keep notes with my colleagues about how often we used this - or a similar line - on the callers.)

* - DFL officially stands for Democrat Farmer Labor, but most of us said it meant Deviants, Flakes, and Leftists.
Trump won in 2016. Democrats haven't been so offended since Republicans came along and freed their slaves.
Sometimes I wonder if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it. - Mark Twain
Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction in stolen goods. - H.L. Mencken
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