Author Topic: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins  (Read 10973 times)

Perd Hapley

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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #50 on: June 15, 2011, 07:48:29 PM »
That is a claim but not necessarily a fact.

How many animals do not believe they have a right to self-defense?

Yeah, like TommyGunn said. That an animal defends itself is no evidence that it believes in rights. If you want to say that animals believe in the concept of rights, I think you assume the burden of proof.
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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #51 on: June 15, 2011, 08:14:34 PM »
Rights are not necessarily the only concept that might limit someone's behavior.

True....just because a car engine isn't sentient isn't a reason to mistreat it to the point of failure....esp. if the result of that failure leaves you on the side of the road.....and what exactly would be the advantage in torturing an animal unnecessarily?.....  =|
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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #52 on: June 16, 2011, 06:18:41 AM »
...and what exactly would be the advantage in torturing an animal unnecessarily?

Ask a sadist...


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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #53 on: June 16, 2011, 07:20:59 AM »
Note you yourself use the term "sadist," implying a certain disdain for the actions involved in hurting the animal.
Where I come from, 'sadist' is not a very loaded term. A sadisti is simply a person who likes to make someone, or something hurt and derives pleasure from it. Who am I to condemn someone for the way his brain is wired. Sadists did not choose to be that way.. On the other hand, I think they should be watched more closely, especially around annoying pets.

We don't actually, have the same DNA.  Different animals have different DNA seguences, a different ## of pairings, and so forth.  Stick a piece of human flesh in another animal -- say a tiger -- and it will be recognized as foreign, and rejected.
Nearly the same. Very similar biochemistry to other animals, etc etc. If animals weren't so close in many ways, scientists wouldn't keep using them as model organisms in pharmaceutical research or neurology.
Anyway, I'm not gonna argue with creationists. That's pointless.
Just because an animal may not "recognize" a right, that hardly means it's justifiable to hurt it.
Some Christian around here suggested the natural world exists so we can exploit it. For sadists, that would obviously mean they are free to abuse animals, since they are of less importance, don't belong to anyone, etc etc.. and to them, their right to derive pleasure from causing  pain is obviously more important than the rights of the animal. And they're men, and that's only an animal..


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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #54 on: June 16, 2011, 09:58:25 AM »
Quote from: Lanius
So, if something's not smart enough to recognize a right, it's a-ok for a sadist to torture it to death, since it's a wild creature that lacks the capacity to understand rights and therefore shouldn't be protected by any.

Interesting position..

If by "a-ok" you mean that it is what I think a rational and mentally healthy person ought to do, I wouldn't agree with you.  If you mean that people should not be stopped from doing so by force, I would generally agree.  I believe people have a right to do a lot of things that aren't necessarily the best or most rational course of action, as The artist and seeker_two said.

However, I wouldn't necessarily extend that line of reasoning to human children, who initially lack the ability to understand rights but who have the capacity or potential to understand them with a little development.  But I do think that children have limited rights, at least as to their parents, until this capacity is developed. 

I also believe that the right to harm to animals is limited by the property rights of others.  I believe that animals, like all natural resources, can be made into property, and that a person doesn't have the right to harm someone else's property.  I believe that a person has the right to harm or destroy his own property, but that is usually a very irrational thing to do that does not benefit one's continued life.  I believe that a person who tortures animals just for the purpose of inflicting pain is someone who is probably mentally unhealthy and more likely to initiate force against humans, and probably ought to be regarded with suspicion by rational men (though it isn't by itself a great enough threat to warrant the use of force in self defense).  However, I don't think there is anything mentally unhealthy per se about engaging in blood sports like cockfighting or dogfighting.  And they certainly aren't anything that people should be prevented from doing by force, since they are completely voluntary activities for all people involved.

This is an issue that provokes strong emotions in people.  Unfortunately, many people believe that it is fine to initiate force based on nothing more than emotion as long as you get a large enough group of people together who agree. 

Quote from: cambeul41
That is a claim but not necessarily a fact.
well yeah... I am making the claim that I believe it to be a fact. 

How many animals do not believe they have a right to self-defense? And if you do not believe that they so believe, what is the source of your belief?
  I don't think animals have any concept of a right to self defense.  They have an instinct to preserve their own life, and they are born with some limited knowledge and skills to aid them in doing so.  But even if they recognize some sort of prerogative to defend themselves, I don't think they truly recognize the concept of rights/liberty.  The source of my belief?  The fact that animals do not deal with each other and with humans on mutually voluntary terms, and no animal except for man has ever demonstrated an ability to do so, or to recognize the concept of doing so. 
“Of liberty I would say that, in the whole plenitude of its extent, it is unobstructed action according to our will. But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law,' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.”
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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #55 on: June 16, 2011, 11:45:18 AM »
However, I wouldn't necessarily extend that line of reasoning to human children, who initially lack the ability to understand rights but who have the capacity or potential to understand them with a little development.  But I do think that children have limited rights, at least as to their parents, until this capacity is developed. 

Many tool using social animals, like elephants, may too, one day be able to understand the concept of rights, if only we figure out how to talk to them.


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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #56 on: June 16, 2011, 12:05:47 PM »
Quote from: TommyGunn
We don't actually, have the same DNA.  Different animals have different DNA seguences, a different ## of pairings, and so forth.  Stick a piece of human flesh in another animal -- say a tiger -- and it will be recognized as foreign, and rejected
Nearly the same. Very similar biochemistry to other animals, etc etc. If animals weren't so close in many ways, scientists wouldn't keep using them as model organisms in pharmaceutical research or neurology.
Anyway, I'm not gonna argue with creationists. That's pointless.

What makes you think I'm a creationist?  If you think that's what I am, you're wrong.  Period.
And "nearly the same" doesn't count in the world of biology.  Chicken DNA is chicken DNA and horse DNA is horse, and so on.  It isn't the similarities that are important in DNA, it's the differences.  That's the point of DNA.

Some Christian around here suggested the natural world exists so we can exploit it. For sadists, that would obviously mean they are free to abuse animals, since they are of less importance, don't belong to anyone, etc etc.. and to them, their right to derive pleasure from causing  pain is obviously more important than the rights of the animal. And they're men, and that's only an animal..

Do you consider sadism to be a "normal" human attribute?  I don't.  I don't consider humans to be "free" to abuse animals, but not because animals have any "rights."  I just don't consider it a decent, proper, right behaviour for human beings, that's all.  It has little to do with "exploiting" animals, which is another argument entirely.
" ... their right to derive pleasure from causing  pain ...."  Wrong.  They DON'T have that right.   
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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #57 on: June 16, 2011, 12:11:46 PM »
Do you consider sadism to be a "normal" human attribute?
Well, it's not a matter of choice, so we can hardly blame sadists for being sadists. It's usually apparent that someone is a sadist long before they understand any of tha morality about that. Kids torturing animals.. etc

And it's reasonably common.
Probably a matter of inaccurate brain wiring, sex circuits crossed with the violence ones, or something like that.-
And "nearly the same" doesn't count in the world of biology.  Chicken DNA is chicken DNA and horse DNA is horse, and so on.  It isn't the similarities that are important in DNA, it's the differences.  That's the point of DNA.
I suppose I should find a better argument. There was this guy around who kept claiming that we were created separately from animals, and that this supposed act of creation makes us different. I think that's bull..  we are obviously a part of nature, and will remain so for quite some time.


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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #58 on: June 16, 2011, 12:22:35 PM »
Well, it's not a matter of choice, so we can hardly blame sadists for being sadists. It's usually apparent that someone is a sadist long before they understand any of tha morality about that. Kids torturing animals.. etc
The propensity for it may be a matter of "wiring"  but I sure as *** can "blame" someone who is torturing animals. Let me be more specific: I consider it to be a crime. 
And it's reasonably common.
Probably a matter of inaccurate brain wiring, sex circuits crossed with the violence ones, or something like that.-I suppose I should find a better argument. There was this guy around who kept claiming that we were created separately from animals, and that this supposed act of creation makes us different. I think that's bull..  we are obviously a part of nature, and will remain so for quite some time.
I hesitate to say this but I have no problem with that argument at all.    >:D
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Re: Russian Roulette - Dog Wins
« Reply #59 on: June 16, 2011, 12:35:11 PM »
The propensity for it may be a matter of "wiring"  but I sure as *** can "blame" someone who is torturing animals. Let me be more specific: I consider it to be a crime. 
Yeah.  I too think torturing animals is something that should be avoided. Not sure whether it should be a felony. Mayhap better to fine it heavily and subject the people caught doing so, red handed, to public shaming.