So you managed to get slammed by the water, we got the wind. I'm on the aforementioned Coleman generator as we speak. 5000 watts seems to be a fair amount of juice. The fridge makes a tiny drag on it when it starts but other than that the thing hasn't been doing any significant work at all. Approximately 1,000,000 in NE without power last time I heard. Cable is out now too.
It held in there after the juice went out but was down this morning. Phone and hence dsl, is up so here I am. getting it back could be a few days. Could be 10 minutes from now. I got "coms" in my office back up so the next priority is to rig the water pump to run off the generator. Off to the electrical supply house. Figure I'll rig it so if there is a next time I can just plug it in. Got ~ 12 hours continuous on it right now. Probably used 4 gallons.
Other than the power very few ill effects. No big trees fell on the house. They are both pines at 45-50 ft. They hardly bent at all. Stood up very well. I expected to lose them because they are out in the open by themselves. They didn't seemed to even notice there was a storm. The entire back yard is covered in about 4'" of green leaves. Very wierd.
Correction, the backyard WAS covered with about 4" of leaves. They blew somewhere else overnight. Very few left. Yay!