Still here, just struck down with sinnusitis after a cold. I got home from work last night and just hit the sack. Face feels like it's going to peel off when the painkillers wear off.
Thank you all so very much, SWMBO and I will probably be spending a fun hour or two this evening googling and poring over maps trying to find some of these places.
Harpers ferry, pretty much the whole of Tn, Virginia and DC for the museums etc. is where I would spend my three weeks with maybe a side trip to see the NHRA top fuellers, my sister crewed on one last year in the euro championship. I'm still begging for a dead piston as an ashtray. It's not like they haven't got any spare ones, kabooom

. But then I remember yosemite, Crater lake and Art goes and hands me a route on a plate through texas and recommends a restaurant. Then theres Montana, Colarado, the great lakes, Niagra (sponsored by pfizer yet?) aaargh. Too much stuff

1800 miles from houston to LA, you're right those are big numbers, a pity she hates flying really

. But, wait, whats this, A shelby mustang, from HERTZ? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
Petrol locally has just hit £1 a litre, so yes I do feel shocked when I read about how much yours is.
This is why I asked you guys, hearing you talk about your country and your love for it would have inspired me to come for pleasure rather than work for a change, even without my wife nudging me every month or so. I may post for advice on how to survive as a tourist on THR when I have a better Idea of where we'll be. I must admit that personal safety may well colour the choice of route, hence why I'm keen on the area's with less gun control. I hated certain parts of D.C when I was there.
Thanks again for the GREAT idea's and feel free to continue to debate what the best bits are, though I am surprised anyone here was foolish enough to be rude about Texas lol.