Author Topic: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?  (Read 15609 times)

red headed stranger

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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2012, 03:15:28 PM »
I think the Newt  campaign might be smart/shrewd enough to find a spot for RP.  Asking him to be the treas. sec. would convince a lot of folks to hold their noses at the poll.

I think you are right. Newt might actually be shrewd enough to try to court Paul supporters.  The other day there was a story that he had appointed a team to investigate the ramifications of returning to some kind of a gold standard. 

I can't speak for all libertarians, but I know that many are not looking for the perfect libertarian in every way.  However, AFAIK, Romney and Newt's platforms are not libertarian in any way. 
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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all? -THAT was the original topic????????
« Reply #51 on: January 22, 2012, 07:04:41 PM »
Umm, yeah, the whole point *IS* to vote for your own personal "best" candidate, and yes, different people will have different ideas of who's the "best candidate". Honestly, if you really feel that NewtRickRom *IS* the best candidate, my issues with your casting your vote for him (whichever one you prefer) pretty much go away.  I might disagree with your choice, but if you TRULY FEEL that your choice is the best candidate, as opposed to "the best one that has a chance to win", well, that's definitely your choice to make.

So's the other choice, come to think of it.  I just think it's a craven betrayal of the way the system is supposed to work.

Missed how I said "people ***LIKE*** me" (emphasis added, since you seem to have missed that even though you QUOTED it)?  ;/

What is the difference between you and "like you?"

Individually, I'm not important at all to this country, and don't delude myself that I am.  What I believe, on the other hand, *IS* that important.

Far better than anybody else in the race (at least in connection with the (R)'s or (D)'s, certainly).  Weren't you the one not too long ago telling us how we shouldn't be too wrapped up in pursuing perfection at the cost of the good?

Sure you do.  Doesn't necessarily stop you from doing so anyways, but you lose the moral authority to be taken seriously.

Yeah, I'll get right on that, since you brought it up.

Get back to me when you've dealt with your hypocrisy, and we can compare notes.

Ouch.   Where ???.   I mean, not just where we disagree-- which is everywhere .....

Oh, maybe the right to not have other nations poke their noses into their territory?  To develop their own nation as they see fit, as long as they don't attack others?  Face it - America's got a pretty bad record on that score.

Our record is hardly perfect but it's pretty damned good overall.  Far, far better than many european countries and Asian countries.

Oh, I was *SO* hoping you'd decide to go there, with the Barbary pirates! Thanks!  =D

You *ARE* aware that the Barbary pirates ATTACKED American shipping and endangered our legitimate national and commercial interests, right?  And as such, they EARNED our actions to deal with them?  They attacked, and we acted to stop their wrongful acts.  Just a *LITTLE* bit different than you seem to have imagined...

Not at all -- it's exactly what I imagined.  The Barbary Pirates attacked our shipping ....Al Qaeda attacked us as well. I am surprised you didn't think I was aware of THAT.  The whole point was that the Barbary pirates attacked us through our shippong and radical islam attacked us through the 9/11 attacks.  

Because it makes so much sense to nuke a bunch of Afghan goatherds for what expat-Saudi terrorists did... ;/

It makes a lot of sense to attack Al Qaeda and it's allies for what Al Qaeda did.  You know, we had not an ounce of squemishness about bombing the **** out of Japan and Germany in WW2 and we killed plenty of noncombatants.  It may not be pleasant that there's collateral damage, but had the Islamists NOT attacked us in the first place, no one would have to be worrying about dead goatherders.

And like I said, that's the fault of the REPUBLICANS, who failed to earn those peoples' votes.  Despite what the Modern American Political Machine seems to believe, neither wing of it owns *ANYONE'S* vote.  Just like every other political party, they have to EARN THEM.

Why on EARTH should I vote for someone who promises to do everything I'm antithetically-opposed to, if a tiny bit slower than the OTHER half of the Modern American Political Machine does?  Screw them.  If they want my vote, and the vote of people like me, like other Paul supporters, like Perot's supporters - they can either adopt the more-important of the positions we want, or they can freaking well do WITHOUT our votes.

I reiterate - the Republicans need to OWN their failure to defeat Clinton - because THEY FAILED to earn the votes of enough people.  THEY failed. It's nobody's fault but theirs.

Haven't been paying attention, I see.  No surprise, I suppose...

If you expect my willing support for statist bastards to continue running our nation into the ground?  Yeah, you're pretty much doomed to disappointment there.

Fun?  No, probably not.  But I'll go, and vote for the candidate I believe would be best for the country.  And I'll sleep just fine as a result of sticking to principle.

Nope.  I might be dead, but my corpse, even if chained to an oar, is not me.  And the other possibility is that I would *NOT* be chained to an oar.  Thanks for wishing slavery on me, though!  That might be the most honest you've been with me in the last couple of days!

You ARE aware that, with this modern Internet thing, even those of us who don't read or write Latin can easily find out what it means?

Well, I GOT that quote from off the internet so I ought not be too surprised to find it can be used to translate it.
The point is you are pretending to fight against big government but inadvertantly taking choices which allow it to grow bigger and threraten our liberties even worse.

Cause God forbid we permit other people to do things we don't personally approve of, EVEN IF they harm no one else as a result!  ;/

The users of illegal drugs hurt others all the time, in case you haven't been paying attention.  Hell man, people who use LEGAL drugs (alcohol) hurt people all the time.  
How many people get themselves hooked on some illegal drug and wind up stealing $$ in a life of crime to support their habit?  
Sure, a lot of people just smoke a little marijuana and never hurt anyone.  
But in the minds of many Americans it isn't as simple as you present it.  And you're dreaming if you think Americans will accept it as a political platform they want to see in power.  
A lot of damage has been done to our rights in the attempt to quash illegal drugs.  At the root of the problem is not drugs but the fact we at best pay only lip service to our founding documents.
This has to be altered.  And unfortunatly the only way I see to do it is gradually, not suddenly.  Ron Paul has a lot of good economic ideas, but his foreign policy is bad, and like most libertarians, his drug policies just will not be accepted by Americans at this point.  
If you want to build coalitions, then start by trying to convince enough American voters Ron Paul's way is right.
I don't think it can be done.
The political reality is that he doesn't have enough support in America to be elected over Obama.
That means the path to solutions for our problems does not, cannot lie, with his candidacy.  
That's just a fact.  Like it or not.  
Our solutions will have to come from elsewhere.
And elsewhere stinks almost as bad as where we are....but it is a step better.

You and yours are the ones who want *OUR* votes. That makes it *YOUR SIDE'S* job to build the coalition.  And you're doing a spectacularly bad job so far, as usual for the (R)'s.
Well, sorreeeee.  
But I am a voter, not a coalition builder.    
But the one thing I admit I have done is set a spectacularly bad tone in this thread.  Obviously we have very different political philosophies and I allowed my reaction color how I responded.  
I can't withdraw my opinion that I consider your political strategies wrongheaded, and I hardly expect you to to change your opinions, either.  Obviously you've thought out a position and are "sticking to your guns," as I intend to.
I hope we can, however, agree we both want a better country and a decent solution to the problems which are threatening its future.  

Sorry for the "rough edges" .. ....  =)

« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 07:13:29 PM by TommyGunn »
MOLON LABE   "Through ignorance of what is good and what is bad, the life of men is greatly perplexed." ~~ Cicero


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2012, 10:13:07 AM »
And I will certainly return the favor, Tommy - I allowed myself to be riled up by what I saw as (but which I'm willing to admit might not have been intended as) intentionally-insulting behavior, and I shouldn't have. Sorry for that.  Not going to change my position, and while I'd *LIKE* you to change yours  =D, I understand and (at least intellectually) allow for the fact that different people have different opinions about the best course of action in any particular set of circumstances. I'll try to keep that a little more in the forefront of my mind.

What is the difference between you and "like you?"

"Like me" means that it wouldn't matter one bit tomorrow if I dropped off the face of the Earth.  The fact that other people share my opinions makes me not one whit more important - or less so - than they are. Oh, if I'm the one who STARTED that particular trend of opinions, that might make me "more important" in that sense, but that's not the case here.  I'm a supporter, I didn't start this train rolling.

Ouch.   Where .   I mean, not just where we disagree-- which is everywhere .....

Deriding me for sanctimony while exhibiting it yourself in the very same post qualifies as hypocrisy. You take me to task for my idealism in exactly the same way I take you to task for what I see as lack of same, defending your position with the samew zeal and devotion that I defend mine. Plus, frankly, I'm not even sure the charge of sanctimoniousness is a valid one - as it at least implies if not outright states a FEIGNED high-mindedness or devoutness.  I might not always succeed in measuring up to my personal principles and ideals.  But I ALWAYS try, and I feel that I'm willing to accept correction when I fail.  YM, of course, MV.

Our record is hardly perfect but it's pretty damned good overall.  Far, far better than many european countries and Asian countries.

"Better than the other guys", as far as I'm concerned, isn't enough.  We claim the moral high ground.  We'd better be able to hold our heads up high and prove that we DESERVE it.  Best of a bad lot doesn't cut it.

Not at all -- it's exactly what I imagined.  The Barbary Pirates attacked our shipping ....Al Qaeda attacked us as well. I am surprised you didn't think I was aware of THAT.  The whole point was that the Barbary pirates attacked us through our shippong and radical islam attacked us through the 9/11 attacks.

In response to the attack on our nation, our people, by the Barbary Pirates, we attacked the Barbary Pirates.  In response to the attack on our nation, our people, by Al Qaeda - we invaded and overthrew the government of Iraq, and invaded and overthrew the government of Afghanistan. The successor governments, by and large, DON'T WANT US THERE ANYMORE, and we're JUST NOW getting out of Iraq, and are NOT leaving Afghanistan.

Dropping nukes on a bunch of Afghan goatherds to try and get Al Qaeda, the actual bad guys (when we don't even know where they ARE!), isn't "collateral damage." It's criminally-negligent recklessness and abuse of power, as well as being just plain stupid.  WE NEED TO BE BETTER THAN THAT.  We don't need a sledgehammer for that job.  We need a scalpel.  We HAVE both of those.  Let's use the right tool for the job.

It makes a lot of sense to attack Al Qaeda and it's allies for what Al Qaeda did.  You know, we had not an ounce of squemishness about bombing the **** out of Japan and Germany in WW2 and we killed plenty of noncombatants.  It may not be pleasant that there's collateral damage, but had the Islamists NOT attacked us in the first place, no one would have to be worrying about dead goatherders.

It makes more sense to go after Al Qaeda than to drop nukes on Afghani goatherds - let's go after the right people, as opposed to stirring up needless outrage and anti-American sentiment among the populations which are NOT terrorist bastards.

You find an Al-Qaeda stronghold in a cave in the mountains somewhere?  Sure - special-delivery, one cruise-delivered 10kT warhead, hot and fresh to their front door, although sending in the SEALs is still not a bad idea as far as I'm concerned. These bad guys are CRIMINALS, not military opposition - haul 'em in, give 'em a fair trial, and string 'em up, nothing they've done is legal by our standards OR theirs. But dropping bombs on the general population because there's a suicide bomber in there somewhere?  No way.  That's the kind of thing that JUSTIFIES anti-American sentiment.

Well, I GOT that quote from off the internet so I ought not be too surprised to find it can be used to translate it.
The point is you are pretending to fight against big government but inadvertantly taking choices which allow it to grow bigger and threraten our liberties even worse.

I keep coming back to the car analogy because it fits so very well.  We're past the point where taking off the cruise control is a suitable answer. Voting for someone like Mitt or Newt is just that - it's not enough.  If we don't at least try for more, NOW, it may be too late for ANYTHING to work.

The users of illegal drugs hurt others all the time, in case you haven't been paying attention.  Hell man, people who use LEGAL drugs (alcohol) hurt people all the time. 
How many people get themselves hooked on some illegal drug and wind up stealing $$ in a life of crime to support their habit?

Then punish those who commit acts which violate the rights of others, regardless of whether they were stoned, drunk, or sober at the time of the incident.  You have my complete, wholehearted support for that.

Drug use itself IS NOT EVIL.

But the War On Some Drugs is. 

And I say that as someone who drinks very little, and who has no interest in even trying "recreational" drugs.

Sure, a lot of people just smoke a little marijuana and never hurt anyone. 
But in the minds of many Americans it isn't as simple as you present it. 

It should be.  Not my fault they're conflating drug use and actions which violate the rights of the innocent.  That's one of the things I'd like to help fix, actually.

And you're dreaming if you think Americans will accept it as a political platform they want to see in power.

From small acorns...

A lot of damage has been done to our rights in the attempt to quash illegal drugs.  At the root of the problem is not drugs but the fact we at best pay only lip service to our founding documents.
This has to be altered.  And unfortunatly the only way I see to do it is gradually, not suddenly.  Ron Paul has a lot of good economic ideas, but his foreign policy is bad, and like most libertarians, his drug policies just will not be accepted by Americans at this point.

That's the thing - I'm not at all sure we HAVE that much time.  We might have, back in '01 or '02.  Ten years later, after a decade of accelerating towards the ever-nearer cliff?

If you want to build coalitions, then start by trying to convince enough American voters Ron Paul's way is right.
I don't think it can be done.

Frankly, Paul's supporters aren't the ones who need the coalition.  No, he'll never be elected if a big chunk of (R) voters don't switch to support him, but I suspect I speak for many when I say that it doesn't really matter all that much if the person in the White House for the near-inevitable crash is Obama or Romney (or Newt, or Rick). None of them are seeking to turn the car around.

The political reality is that he doesn't have enough support in America to be elected over Obama.

Kind of a bold statement when we don't have a Republican selected to run yet, and 10 months to go in which nearly anything can happen.

That means the path to solutions for our problems does not, cannot lie, with his candidacy.

As you might suspect, I disagree strongly with your conclusion.

That's just a fact strongly-held personal opinion.  Like it or not.

Our solutions will have to come from elsewhere.
And elsewhere stinks almost as bad as where we are....but it is a step better.

I disagree - but hope that, if your candidate is selected in the primary race, and beats Obama, that you're right about what he'll do (and that I'm not).

Well, sorreeeee.   
But I am a voter, not a coalition builder.   
But the one thing I admit I have done is set a spectacularly bad tone in this thread.  Obviously we have very different political philosophies and I allowed my reaction color how I responded. 
I can't withdraw my opinion that I consider your political strategies wrongheaded, and I hardly expect you to to change your opinions, either.  Obviously you've thought out a position and are "sticking to your guns," as I intend to.
I hope we can, however, agree we both want a better country and a decent solution to the problems which are threatening its future. 

Sorry for the "rough edges" .. ....   

As am I - some of the language and attitude was, at best, intemperate.  More was outright uncalled for, and I apologize for that.  I won't apologize for strongly believing that you're wrong, but I don't expect you to do so about me, either. I think it wouldn't have gotten to that point if we DIDN'T both believe, strongly, that "we both want a better country and a decent solution to the problems which are threatening its future." I can't support your guy, you can't support mine - but we both want a better world, for our children at least if not ourselves (though that would be nice!). That's somewhere to start from, right?


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2012, 10:28:56 AM »
It's kinda sad that America,as a whole, was more free under Bill Clinton's presidency than under George W. Bush's presidency....
Impressed yet befogged, they grasped at his vivid leading phrases, seeing only their surface meaning, and missing the deeper current of his thought.


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2012, 10:34:14 AM »
I like how the standard is different.

For voters to put their support with Ron Paul, he has to be perfect in every way. Any aspect of his policy that can be found, which is less than ideal, is grounds for not supporting him.

On the other hand, for people to support Romney, he can have millions of provable less-than-ideal aspects of his policy; he doesn't even have to be better than Obama...he just needs to be Not Obama, and voters will rally behind him.

This is entirely as predicted, though, because it's expected that the "lesser of two evils" sheep will vote in literally anyone the GOP wants, just to vote against Obama. If there was a clone of Obama, they would literally vote in Obama just to vote against Obama. I'm just amused at how this type of thinking seems to ooze into discussions and evaluations of the candidates themselves, like a reality distortion field.

Maybe a rare occurence, but then you only have to get murdered once to ruin your whole day.


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2012, 10:57:12 AM »
I like how the standard is different.

For voters to put their support with Ron Paul, he has to be perfect in every way. Any aspect of his policy that can be found, which is less than ideal, is grounds for not supporting him.

On the other hand, for people to support Romney, he can have millions of provable less-than-ideal aspects of his policy; he doesn't even have to be better than Obama...he just needs to be Not Obama, and voters will rally behind him.

This is entirely as predicted, though, because it's expected that the "lesser of two evils" sheep will vote in literally anyone the GOP wants, just to vote against Obama. If there was a clone of Obama, they would literally vote in Obama just to vote against Obama. I'm just amused at how this type of thinking seems to ooze into discussions and evaluations of the candidates themselves, like a reality distortion field.

I agree with a great deal (most) of Ron Paul's positions. Where we disagree, I think him dangerously naive.

I agree with a great deal (most) of Romney's current statements and positions. I don't trust that those are his actual positions and I don't trust him to fight for them.

At the very least, you won't find me supporting Romney before Ron Paul. Mr. Paul may be crazy, but I can trust him to do what he says. Romney may not be crazy, but I believe him to be a liar. Paul is getting my vote in the primary. (I prefer Gingrich, but even if I write him in, it won't count. Paul it is, then!)

I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2012, 11:25:32 AM »
I like how the standard is different.

For voters to put their support with Ron Paul, he has to be perfect in every way. Any aspect of his policy that can be found, which is less than ideal, is grounds for not supporting him.

On the other hand, for people to support Romney, he can have millions of provable less-than-ideal aspects of his policy; he doesn't even have to be better than Obama...he just needs to be Not Obama, and voters will rally behind him.

This is entirely as predicted, though, because it's expected that the "lesser of two evils" sheep will vote in literally anyone the GOP wants, just to vote against Obama. If there was a clone of Obama, they would literally vote in Obama just to vote against Obama. I'm just amused at how this type of thinking seems to ooze into discussions and evaluations of the candidates themselves, like a reality distortion field.

Everyone does not weight every issue identically.

Which outrages you more:
1. An executive order or law outlawing the importation of mohair.
2. An executive order or law outlawing the importation of firearms and ammunition?

Ought both issues have the same weight with you, or might one be more important to you? 

In a real-world situation, where you had to give up something for a balanced budget and entitlement reforms, which of these would you most be able to tolerate becoming law?


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2012, 11:35:26 AM »
Quote from: erictank
In response to the attack on our nation, our people, by the Barbary Pirates, we attacked the Barbary Pirates.  In response to the attack on our nation, our people, by Al Qaeda - we invaded and overthrew the government of Iraq, and invaded and overthrew the government of Afghanistan. The successor governments, by and large, DON'T WANT US THERE ANYMORE, and we're JUST NOW getting out of Iraq, and are NOT leaving Afghanistan.

I'll say this; our attack on A'stan & Al Qaeda was IMO fully justified.  The Taliban was in charge, and they were harboring AQ.  Bush actually called for the Taliban to act against AQ.  Possibly -- even likely -- that was only for show since they were closely aligned.
Iraq is the big tough nut in this equation.  I am well aware -- painfully -- of the controversies surrounding the existance of WMDs there.  Many intelligence services believed Iraq had them, so Bush was not alone in believing they were real.  We know Iraq had some, at one point, because Saddam used them on the Kurds.
Here is what I believe:

Saddam had a WMD program that he suspended, dispersing its elements possibly to adjoining countries, in advance of the impending invasion.  He believed what would happen would be America would invade, occupy, then leave, and he would still be in charge, at which point he would rebuild the WMD facilities.
Is there evidence of this?
My belief stems from the experience of a F.B.I. agent who debriefed Saddam on a near daily basis after Saddam had been captured.  Saddam himself said this to the agent.  
And perhaps Saddam lied.  IMHO; I don't think so, I think he knew he had nothing to lose.  Plus by the time he started talking to the FBI agent (a Iraqi who was an American citizen by naturalization) he & the agent had developed a rapore.  

The American involvement in Iraq is the hardest element of this whole venture to defend.   My ... "defense" of it is qualified.  
If I knew what is known now in 2002-3, would I have supported it?
We don't get to go back and fix our mistakes.  Having discovered no WMDs (outside of 500 tons of yellowcake uranium and a few sarin warheads) should we have then retreated?
I think not; to do so might have created a political vacuum and I think that might have allowed some wicked elements to come to power.
Sadly, however, the latest news I have heard from Iraq is something like this may have happened, since we decided to leave an not even leave a force behind as some of the generals wanted.  Iraq is turning into a police state like Syria.  Protestors are being violently oppressed, and ....well, consider what else happens in those types of tyrannies.
We broke Iraq, and our attempt to fix it was aborted, now it's failing miserably.
That is a horrible situation, but we still have Islamic extremists to deal with, AQ is still a force we need to crush.  Had I been in charge I would have done it differently.

Would I have used nukes?    Yeah I did say I would.  In limited applications I think tactical nukes might have been appropriate.  At the beginning of the war we supposedly had Bin Laden & his forces trapped in a valley; limited nuking of that valley might have put an end to OBL right there rather than trying to use Afghanis of dubious loyalty to try to do the job.

Quote from: erictank
Quote from: me
Ouch.   Where .   I mean, not just where we disagree-- which is everywhere .....

Deriding me for sanctimony while exhibiting it yourself in the very same post qualifies as hypocrisy. You take me to task for my idealism in exactly the same way I take you to task for what I see as lack of same, defending your position with the samew zeal and devotion that I defend mine. Plus, frankly, I'm not even sure the charge of sanctimoniousness is a valid one - as it at least implies if not outright states a FEIGNED high-mindedness or devoutness.  I might not always succeed in measuring up to my personal principles and ideals.  But I ALWAYS try, and I feel that I'm willing to accept correction when I fail.  YM, of course, MV.

I see your point here.  
Upon reflection what I have done was to try to positively assert my argument in a manner which was intended to leave no room to doubt I was sincere.  And, yes, it did come off as sanctimony -- exactly as I had charged you with.  
I don't think I lack "idealism," though.  It's just that over the years it's toughened up up a bit.  

Machiavelli, the Italian political scientist who annoyed the Catholic church, said the following;

"A man who wishes to make a profession of goodness in everything must necessarily come to grief among so many who  are not good.  Therefor it is necessary for a prince, who wishes to maintain himself, to learn how not to be good."

While Machiavelli has often been derided for his apparant amorality -- or even outright villiany -- in reality he was a far more complex person than just a Italian version of J. R. Ewing.  He was interested in good governance, but saw none of it in Italy in his day.  What he saw was a factionated Italy, divided into principalities largely controled in underhanded ways by the Spanish, the French, the Germans  (talk about countries sticking their noses in others' business.......).  Many Italians decried this.   Machiavelli's point was not to because that was really just being irritated  that human beings didn't play nice.  Machiavelli tried to suggest that if Italy was strong and united in itself, it would be able to defeat these exterior influences and ....well, be truly sovereign.   But he realized that, as the old bromide suggests, "nice guys finish last (dead)."

Quote from: erictank
I keep coming back to the car analogy because it fits so very well.  We're past the point where taking off the cruise control is a suitable answer. Voting for someone like Mitt or Newt is just that - it's not enough.  If we don't at least try for more, NOW, it may be too late for ANYTHING to work.

I think Rand Paul would be a LOT better than his father.  BUT, he's not running.   Would Ron Paul be better than Obama?  Yes, but the problem, as I've said, is he just doesn't have the support.
We may be in a car heading for a cliff.  I can't tell if just hitting the brakes will help or not.  But I'd rather hit the brakes and pray then kill the engine, which will remove the power from the brake system .....
Either Romney or Gingrich will have some support in kongress.   R. Paul won't.  That means -- to me-- Gingromney is a better brake than Paulobama.  Look at it that way. ;)

And (8sigh1*)  no I don't know I'm right.  

Quote from: erictank
Quote from: TommyGunn
Our record is hardly perfect but it's pretty damned good overall.  Far, far better than many european countries and Asian countries.

"Better than the other guys", as far as I'm concerned, isn't enough.  We claim the moral high ground.  We'd better be able to hold our heads up high and prove that we DESERVE it.  Best of a bad lot doesn't cut it.

There will never be "enough" because no nation run by man can be perfect, just as no human is perfect.  
We should do better but we ought not excoriate ourselves because we're not perfect.  That just undercuts us in general -- in my opinion. 

Quote from: erictank
Quote from: TommyGunn
The political reality is that he (R. Paul)doesn't have enough support in America to be elected over Obama.

Kind of a bold statement when we don't have a Republican selected to run yet, and 10 months to go in which nearly anything can happen.

Well, it may be that, but it's based on what I see in polls.  They may be wrong, they may be stilted in favor of some agenda I don't know about, but OTOH I don't have a crystal ball myself.  I'm only calling it as I see it.  
I think things may change, but I would be surprised if they did so in a manner so dramatic it would allow Ron Paul a realistic chance at the oval office.

Quote from: erictank
Quote from: TommyGunn
How many people get themselves hooked on some illegal drug and wind up stealing $$ in a life of crime to support their habit?The users of illegal drugs hurt others all the time, in case you haven't been paying attention.  Hell man, people who use LEGAL drugs (alcohol) hurt people all the time.

Then punish those who commit acts which violate the rights of others, regardless of whether they were stoned, drunk, or sober at the time of the incident.  You have my complete, wholehearted support for that.

Drug use itself IS NOT EVIL.

But the War On Some Drugs is.  

And I say that as someone who drinks very little, and who has no interest in even trying "recreational" drugs
 [/quote] .

I don't agree the drug war is evil but I concede that some of the results certainly do qualify.  Drug use itself is ignorant and misguided.  The fact that people who become dependent upon drugs and turn to a life of crime to support the habit will mean that society will have very little tolerance for the behaviour.  People see druggies stealing and regard drugs as a causative factor, thus the desire to quash the behaviour.  It's seen as a simple cause=>effect.  Libertarians need to convince the people this is not correct if they wish to bring change.

IMO this will do little to restore the Constitution though.  

William Pitt:
"Necessity if the plea for every infringement of human freedom.  It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

H. L. Menncken:
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed - and hence clamorous to be led to safety - by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

From thus I glean our root problem (or one of them atleast) is we have a profound lack of respect and faith in the freedoms enshrined in our founding documents, and too much of a blind, instinctive desire for an impossible safety.   Until we rectify this situation we're only dealing with symptoms.

Possibly, I could go on, but I've ranted so long there's an encyclodpedia's worth of posts in between yours and mine.....  ;/

I trust the tone in this post is far more respectful than earlier posts.  Like always we disagree but I think we're beginning to find out  we can do it without being disagreeable.  Thank you for your efforts in that direct; they were noticed.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 11:47:14 AM by TommyGunn »
MOLON LABE   "Through ignorance of what is good and what is bad, the life of men is greatly perplexed." ~~ Cicero


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2012, 11:55:12 AM »
I think the Newt  campaign might be smart/shrewd enough to find a spot for RP.  Asking him to be the treas. sec. would convince a lot of folks to hold their noses at the poll.

Oh yeah, I'm sure he would love to co-opt Ron Paul's base. But I don't think Paul would appreciate being stored in Newt's drawer only to be brought out now and then to placate the Libertarian and freedom loving types. Paul is a true believer and notorious for not cutting deals. Even if he were to agree to be part of another Administration, "Dr. No" would probably be kicked out of the cabinet the first week for lack of compromising with special interests.
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both"


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2012, 12:30:40 PM »
It's kinda sad that America,as a whole, was more free under Bill Clinton's presidency than under George W. Bush's presidency....

Only because Doris Meissner hadn't yet her chance to implement her policies fully.  Among other things.  Things are worsening because bad agendas are growing over time.
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #60 on: January 23, 2012, 12:47:57 PM »
If you want a libertarian nation, create one.  This America is never going to look very much like a libertarian country again.  You can start elsewhere or carve up some of the current polity.  I don't mean to discourage you.  On the contrary.
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

Molon Labe.


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #61 on: January 23, 2012, 11:16:57 PM »
Which outrages you more:
1. An executive order or law outlawing the importation of mohair.
2. An executive order or law outlawing the importation of firearms and ammunition?

Ought both issues have the same weight with you, or might one be more important to you?

In a real-world situation, where you had to give up something for a balanced budget and entitlement reforms, which of these would you most be able to tolerate becoming law?

2 would outrage me more than 1, for obvious reasons, like the 2nd ammendment.

Your point, though, is completely escaping me.
Maybe a rare occurence, but then you only have to get murdered once to ruin your whole day.


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #62 on: January 23, 2012, 11:18:26 PM »
If you want a libertarian nation, create one.  This America is never going to look very much like a libertarian country again.  You can start elsewhere or carve up some of the current polity.  I don't mean to discourage you.  On the contrary.

Surrender does not become you.
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"...tradition and custom becomes intertwined and are a strong coercion which directs the society upon fixed lines, and strangles liberty. " ~ William Graham Sumner


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Re: Did Santorum win Iowa after all?
« Reply #63 on: January 23, 2012, 11:21:38 PM »

In a real-world situation, where you had to give up something for a balanced budget and entitlement reforms, which of these would you most be able to tolerate becoming law?

That's very cool, but that's not in the cards.

I think I've spoken enough on this forum that you know I don't have a specific desire that this be RON PAUL OR BUST. If a conservative candidate was nominated this would be entirely reasonable - but every single conservative candidate had been mercilessly and viciously attacked and destroyed by the time the New Hampshire primary took place.
Destroy The Enemy in Hand-to-Hand Combat.

"...tradition and custom becomes intertwined and are a strong coercion which directs the society upon fixed lines, and strangles liberty. " ~ William Graham Sumner