When I asked for cites, I didn't mean "cites from polititically-motivated publications that agree with you". I meant "cites from neutral sources." I would like to see a survey, perhaps, of gay people asking them why it is that they want to be able to marry.
Oh, and quotes from "activists" do not represent the main base of gays and lesbians any more than quotes from abortion-clinic bombers represent the main base of pro-life people.
Yes, I can pontificate baselessly as well.
You are the one who just mentioned ad hominem attacks, yet you commit them yourself...
Not ad hominem. Sorry, try again. I was pointing out that it's easy enough to fabricate invective. I did not attack
you, sir. I called your
statement baseless. And I hardly think there's anything pejorative about the term "pontificate".
...adding attempted reducto ad absurdio to your ad hominem repertoire? Needs work...
Let's recap. You stated that you knew two whole gay people, in response to someone asking how it was that you knew so much about their agenda. I responded in kind, saying that I know even
more black people, so I must have a handle on
their agenda.
Oh. I see. Your logic obviously carries water, whereas my use of the same logic to demonstrate the flaw in yours is somehow lacking? Gosh.
Yes? So? While in school, did you EVER have a 4-gigahertz computer sitting on your desk? And so what if you did or did not?
Rrelevance to discussion?
None at all. Which was my point. Why does what someone learned or experienced in the public schools automatically determine their entire comprehension of the world? To wit: during my time in the public schools (the base, anti-Christian, liberally-oriented public schools) I accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour and Lord. Despite the school's alleged agenda. Then, after I left school, I did research on my very own, and came to realize that a different path was the right one for me.
You cannot lay the intellectual corruption of today's your entirely at the feet of the public schools, and you cannot assume that anyone who has a viewpoint different that yours must have gotten it
from the public schools and is otherwise devoid of independent thought.
People learn from things besides school.
SOME do - others never learn anywhere.
Yes? And?
WRONG - a gay man has JUST as much "right" to marry as a stright man - he just has to marry a woman, just like a straight man.
Straw man. It's just as wrong as if you lived in a country that had an official and legally-enforced religion. Say, "Islam". If you said, "I want the right to practice my own religion," and I said, "You have the same rights as everyone else...you have the right to be muslim".
It's not
about people having the right to do what
you want them to do, Rich. It's about them having the right to be free to do what
they want, absent causing harm to others. If I want to marry a cat, unless you can demonstrate in some concrete way how that harms you, you've no legitimate cause to object.
You have the
right to object, of course, but forcing a law to prevent it is thuggist statism just as much as passing a law to keep the law-abiding from having guns just because you fear them.
The rest of your objections could be easily addressed with a thing called a "power of attorney" - except that most gay men are too busy hopping from partner to partner to fill out such paperwork.
Ad hominem. Try again.
Religious people have JUST as much right to political power and to exert pressure, collectively or otherwise, as any other balkanized special interest group.
Well, yes, of course they do. That part's not in debate. They have the
right to say anything they wish. That doesn't mean that what they say
is right.
Again, if your position for change can't win a majority in a democracy, its going to be a long hard road - unless you can convince 5 of 9 supremes to violate their oaths of office and "magic" your position into law, in violation of the Constitution, but not, unfortunately, precedent.
If my position can't win a majority, then chances are it won't change the law of the land. Oh, but wait! We weren't talking whether a majority agrees or not. We were talking about the
reasons behind why the majority feels the way they do.
I'm going to guess, Rich, and (seriously) please forgive me if I'm wrong. I'm going to guess that you're opposed to abortion, because you believe it to be morally wrong. Yet it's legal in many places in the country. Does the existence of that legal status change in your mind the rightness or wrongness of the base issue? I'm going to further guess that it does not.
Whether or not gay marriage is legal isn't the point of this debate. Whether it
should be, and what the reasons for and against it, are the points of this debate. Saying, "More people agree with me than with you" doesn't change the underlying truths.
500 years ago, everybody
knew the Earth was flat. Did them all agreeing on that point make it so?
If I can be forced to wear seatbelts and motorcycle helmets, and my drinking and smoking be heavily taxed and regulated, on the argument that my "dangerous behavior" causes health care costs to rise for everyone, then the sodomistic activities that have spead AIDS, the new "black death", as well as skyrocketing rates of other diseases, can be regulated for the very same reason.
Somewhere, way back in the hinterlands of my youth....I recall a saying my father used...what was it? What could it have been? Oh yes: "Two wrongs don't make a right."
Sorry, defending an injustice by pointing out a
different injustice is worth zero Debate Points.
When I don't have to "click it or ticket" anymore, then let the anonymous AIDS parties ensue...
Ad hominem. The people who want to have "AIDS parties", as you put it, are not waiting for legislation. The people who are hurt by the lack of legal gay marriage are the men and women who are in secure, long-term committed relationships, and who want the same legal recognition as straight folks who are in secure, long-term committed relationships.
Wrong - its to create a stabile environment in relationships that are very likely to produce children, without invading the privacy of everyone to determine actual proclivity and fertility. The absence of children is exactly why neither gay adoption or marriage is needed.
If that's the case, then why allow a sterile man or woman to marry at all? The absence of children is exactly why neither adoption or marriage is needed.
NOT "just as" - NOTHING approaches the level of promiscuity that gay men demonstrate.
Very well. I will grant you that point. I don't know it for a fact, but I can't refute it with facts either. So a bunch of gay men are promiscuous. So what? What does that have to do with the non-promiscuous ones getting married? A bunch of college kids are promiscuous, too. Should we ban straight marriage as a result?
There are an awful lot of gang-bangers in the inner city gangs who kill each others with guns. What does
that have to do with law-abiding people buying guns for legal purposes?
Answer: Nothing. Just like the promiscuity of a vocal few has nothing to do with the rights of others.
Its called a "judeo-christian" heritage. Get over it. Like it or not, this nation was, and is, a Christian nation, with attendant principles. Want different principles? Either convince 50.1% or move.
Ah! The ever-popular like-it-or-get-out debating tool! Hmm. There are all sorts of things that are part of the "Judeo-Christian" heritage that we would not stand for today: Public stonings for minor crimes. Crucifixion for thievery. Drawing and quartering. Burning or drowning for mere suspicion of being a witch. More or less the entire Spanish Inquisition. A Crusade or two. Minor stuff like that.
This is not a Christian nation. It is a nation that was formed by many people who were Christian, and some who were not. The principles of the nation are evidenced in its laws. The nation's laws supported slavery for more than half a century. If this country were guided by the Judeo-Christian heritage, how can slavery have ever existed at all? Either the heritage itself is flawed, or its implementation in law was flawed. And if the latter is true, how can we be certain that it's not
still flawed and in need of correction?