My mom made the hands down best baskets (and christmas stockings) ever.
I had "real" gifts, in really nice baskets (the kind from craft stores that people use as home decor) with fake flowers beautifully arranged and real ribbons twined around the baskets.
Candy included Egg-Ems, Peeps, cadberry eggs, hershys assorted chocolets, reese's eggs and a chocolet bunny, preferably the Chopper Bunny (based on an old family joke involving the easter bunny and a motercycle) which the don't make anymore.
Also, nail polishes, gift cards, fancy soaps and lotions and whatnot, jewelery, Super balls, random little toys, and any other small item she could fit in there. One year she had to do two baskets and some how shoved a pair of half chaps in the bottem of one.
Also, always a stuffed bunny.
I never could figure out how to repack all the stuff into the baskets (or stockings). Once you break into these suckers they seem to explode. If I took the easter grass out I could usually get MOST of it back in for transport.
My cousin went through one of my christmas stockings one year and them proceded to lecture her mother for being such a slacker in the stocking department.
When I finally get to do stockings and baskets I'm gonna need lessons from mom. She claims it is an art that cannot be taught, but I'm going to have to try. That particular tradition is too awesome to die.