Author Topic: I returned my iPad  (Read 2018 times)


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I returned my iPad
« on: November 04, 2012, 06:32:09 PM »
I bought my wife an iPad for our anniversary. We both have netbooks, but I thought it would be great to have something around the house for surfing the internet, that does not need to be booted and tethered to a wall outlet. We just had a kid, so she's spending more time at home feeding him and such, which has to be done one-handed.

However we just couldn't really get excited about the iPad. It instant-boots and lasts long enough on a battery, but that's about it. The actual internet surfing experience is OK as long as you are doing nothing but surf Youtube or something, but typing anything is a total PITA. I guarantee I would not have typed this post if I was using the iPad. Also, there are many websites that are unusable without a mouse...the beer recipe website I use all the time had drop-down menus that I simply could not work with the iPad. Progress?

Plus, it's not really a one-hand device. It doesn't prop itself up like a laptop, so it wasn't really that good for one-handed use.

It would have been a pretty neat device for $99 or something, but not $550. I can buy an LCR for that much.

At the mall I saw some Android tablets for like $350 that looked decent and even had USB ports. If these things come down a bit more I might get one.

The idea of an instant-on, long-battery-life internet surfing device is a great one. But why are we consumers getting it in the form of tablets? Why can't we just have laptops that boot instantly and last a similarly-long amount of time on battery, plus have a built-in case in the form of a clamshell, and stand up all by themselves? And have USB ports and real keyboards? That's all I really want. I can buy a Raspberry Pi for like $40. Why doesn't someone put one of these in a laptop shell with enough batteries to last a week? It would be more powerful than my laptop from 2005, cost less than an iPad, and be more useful.
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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2012, 06:35:48 PM »
^^^ In regards to your last paragraph, have you looked at the new Google Chromebook:

I am wondering about the utility of this is a quick and lightweight tool for web browsing, in an easier to use form factor than the 7" Kindle Fire.
Snohomish County, WA  USA

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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2012, 06:40:02 PM »
I had a tablet, an ASUS, and honestly it just wasn't worth the $400. I think the main thing with a tablet is the novelty/slickness that makes you go "ooohhhh, neato". Trying to use one, as you noted, for anything other than watching movies or reading books/magazines or similar uses where you aren't actually trying to type anything is an exercise in frustration.

Alas I dropped mine and the screen broke (even though it was cased). I am upset but I am not going to pay the money to have it fixed, as it was just not enough utility.

Oh, and the browser crashed frequently, which was frustrating as hell.

Oddly enough I replaced the tablet with a smart phone which I actually greatly enjoy and use. Go figure, but I attribute that to being willing to put up with the limitations for the portability, whereas with the tablet I just might as well have had my laptop with me instead.

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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2012, 07:00:46 PM »
That's actually what I did...I returned the iPad and bought her an iPhone 4s. It does exactly the same thing the iPad did, except it has a better camera, a phone built in, and she always has it. And it was $99 with contract.

Maybe a rare occurence, but then you only have to get murdered once to ruin your whole day.

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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2012, 07:07:49 PM »
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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2012, 07:14:08 PM »
I have the same feelings about my Kindle Fire. I really like it for quick web browsing, videos and similar, but doing something like typing a forum post or emails is a PITA. It's really a web browsing tool for me. I still like a notebook for doing actual work or for typing.

I view tablets as a very niche device. Before I would get an upgraded tablet, I would buy something like an Ultrabook or the aforementioned Chromebook. Much more useful to me than a tablet and not all that much bigger. I would possibly consider a tablet like whatever that Asus model was that came with a docking station, but then you're already just about back to the size of an Ultrabook.

I often see people come into meetings with tablets, but they never do anything with them that's work related that I can't do with my phone.
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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2012, 07:22:34 PM »
The microsoft surface looks interesting, an adresses some of your complaints about the iPad.
Unfortunately, the keyboard is extra $$.


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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2012, 08:13:28 PM »
Wife has a Kindle Fire and loves the thing. She uses it mostly for watching Netflix, playing around on facebook, and that sort of thing.

For basic use I wouldn't by an IPad. Aside from having a healthy dislike for Apple products in general, I just can't see paying that much for what they are.
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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2012, 08:29:30 PM »
I use my iPad for nearly everything, including all of my web surfing and posting (like on here).  I've written 5-10 page technical memos on it, reviewed tech presentations, etc. 
I've used netbooks, laptops, etc, and the iPad is the thing I carry and use the most. 

Chuck Dye

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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2012, 08:37:24 PM »
So, Dad, how do you like the iPad we bought for you?

It's great!
Gee, I'd love to see your data!


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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2012, 08:38:32 PM »

7 inch android tablet is great for reference material, GPS/maps, on the go ebooks, etc etc.
10.7 inch tablet is good for general surfing, netflix, etc.

Then again, I had a laptop that was 18.3 lbs. Didn't bother me in the least, but everyone else thought I was insane.
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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2012, 09:03:14 AM »
I like mine.  For browsing this forum and a few others along with news sites, it works well.  Cutting and pasting can be a pain, but I have figured out how to do it.  The biggest issue I have seen is some plug ins dont work.  I haven't tried to add too much.  

I don't know if it is worth the money it costs, but my only laptop is for work.  Sitting on the couch watching TV, the iPad is much much better.  

I haven't tried to get the keyboard add ons, but I am sure they exist.  I haven't seen a mouse add on.
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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2012, 09:18:48 AM »
I like mine.  For browsing this forum and a few others along with news sites, it works well.  Cutting and pasting can be a pain, but I have figured out how to do it.  The biggest issue I have seen is some plug ins dont work.  I haven't tried to add too much.  

I don't know if it is worth the money it costs, but my only laptop is for work.  Sitting on the couch watching TV, the iPad is much much better.  

I haven't tried to get the keyboard add ons, but I am sure they exist.  I haven't seen a mouse add on.

Mine works quite well with my Bluetooth keyboard.  Haven't tried a mouse yet, but haven't needed to either.


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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2012, 01:51:31 PM »
Can't quite grok tablets. For extreme portability I have a netbook. I wish it were a bit faster, but it works. Note to Acer -- 2GB of RAM would make the Aspire One a really nice machine.
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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2012, 03:28:24 PM »

I have an HTC phone (ICS), which does a whole lot of what I want to do, although as other have noted, there is no mouse, and some sites just plain need one.

I got a Logitech wireless keyboard for it, and I can write long posts, emails, and even long papers when needed.  However, even with the keyboard ($50 or so), the screen really is limiting, especially when I use VNC for remote control of a desktop.

So my wife, having heard my gripe about screen size asked me what sort of tablet would solve that problem.  And so I went on the great tablet hunt.

I looked at a lot of tablets.  I discarded the iPad early on, since there are applications I will want to run (like emulators) which are expressly denied on the iPad.

The eventual choice came down to the Asus TF700T Transformer, which has an available keyboard that also extends the battery capacity to about double, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, which has a sort of stylus/pen, the S-Pen, which permits greater precision in such things as drawing and handwriting recognition.  The Note has double the RAM, but they benchmark out to similar performance.

I finally settled on the Galaxy Note over the Asus Transformer.  My reasons were two-fold.  While I really liked the idea of a keyboard with integrated battery extender, the actual keyboard is missing the F-key row, which is required for remoting into desktop boxes.  The other reason is that the Asus, built around the Tegra 3, really only grants performance advantage to those applications actually tuned for that processor.

With the Note, I can get either the Microsoft Wedge wireless keyboard (which also has an available mouse gadget), or the Targus wireless keyboard, both of which do have the F-key row.

I've had the Galaxy Note for two weeks now, and I'm finding it very useful.  The two front-facing stereo speakers do a good job of filling a room with sound, and I can listen to streaming radio while surfing Web.  With the off-line option for Google Maps, I can grab the entire area where I live and work and have all the GPS I can eat.  WiFi reception strength is impressive, picking up nodes that my phone will miss.

I can bang on it for a whole day and still have plenty of battery.

Yes, the rear-facing camera is not as good as the one in my phone, but it works just fine with barcode scanning software, and the flash will double has a flashlight, given a free download app which does that.

It's a keeper.

Until I can afford the keyboard I want for it, I'll re-pair the Logitech wireless keyboard to it.

Oh, and I do in fact have a great little Acer notebook-class laptop (14-inch, two-spindle, high-cap battery) that will also run all day and have 20% or more battery at day's end.  The tablet won't actually replace it, but I can drag it around the house in ways that a laptop just doesn't do.

Oh, movies?  Yes indeed.  Nice performance.
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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2012, 04:04:34 PM »
With the Note, I can get either the Microsoft Wedge wireless keyboard (which also has an available mouse gadget), or the Targus wireless keyboard, both of which do have the F-key row.

Are these keyboards bluetooth? I have a wireless keyboard now that has a mouse built-in...but it uses a dongle, and I haven't seen many tablets with proper USB ports.
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Re: I returned my iPad
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2012, 04:16:24 PM »

Are these keyboards bluetooth? I have a wireless keyboard now that has a mouse built-in...but it uses a dongle, and I haven't seen many tablets with proper USB ports.

Logitech, Targus, and now Microsoft all make tablet keyboards.  Compatibility is ICS ("Ice Cream Sandwich") and upwards versions of Android, as well as iOS.  The Microsoft "Wedge" additionally offers a free-standing mouse gadget.

They are all Bluetooth.

"Look at it this way. If America frightens you, feel free to live somewhere else. There are plenty of other countries that don't suffer from excessive liberty. America is where the Liberty is. Liberty is not certified safe."