All this talk of resistance is a bit misguided.
If you can't organise the votes to do this politically, any campaign to intimidate lawmakers into changing their minds will fail miserably.
Such behaviours and talk will only have the effect of pushing more voters away.
Practically speaking not true.
Campaigns to intimidate lawmakers into making laws that wouldn't pass a popular vote happen effectevly all the time. Prohibition, Gay Marriage (see CA for popular vote on that one), Gun Control.... It happens all the time. Normally the intimidation is the loss of the politicians job, or income.
Frankly I don't give a damn what they're afraid of as long as they are afraid enough of something to not pass laws restricting liberty. Fear of an uprising is as effective as fear of not being elected in this case.
Add to that AJ's point. However effective (or not) any planned resistance to tyranny, if the majority of this country votes to remove peoples natural rights, they
should be fought with words, ballots or, if need be, rifles. That would be the duty of free people.