Author Topic: Backlash in NY & Penalties?  (Read 41213 times)

lee n. field

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Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« on: February 02, 2013, 05:47:46 PM »
From a new thread at Illinoiscarry.

Quote from: some guy in the Youtube vid
And I get a sense from the audience here, that there is not a lot of enthusiasm for compliance

You could say that.

le YouTube vid
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2013, 06:06:43 PM »
 :O :cool:
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2013, 06:34:21 PM »
I think it's a safe bet that penalties will be the standard "Men of violence kick your door in and shoot your dog, flashbang your children" followed up by liberal doses of "10 years behind bars" for possession of a piece of molded plastic.

Funny how the State initiates violence on the non-violent to keep the non-violent safe from violence. War is Peace huh?
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2013, 08:55:04 PM »
The chest beating and rhetoric is getting even more intense than usual.
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AJ Dual

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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 10:16:43 PM »
To me, the real threshold would be spontaneous gatherings of armed neighbors/friends forming up whenever an arrest is attempted on the new NY laws and then possibly even more people arriving from outside the immediate area than local law enforcement is willing to deal with.

If the courts don't strike down these laws in the post-Heller/McDonald era of case law and precedent, that's the last resort.

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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2013, 01:03:02 AM »
What truly caught my attention in that video was the number of people there that most would normally be considered to be "FUDDS".  Several older gentlemen including one wearing the old red and black checkered wool hunting hat and coat.

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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2013, 01:46:07 AM »
Good on them.

Frankly, I hope the NY politicians get scared of this movement.  Truly scared.  And step back from the brink, and repeal this.
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2013, 07:20:53 AM »
I think it's a safe bet that penalties will be the standard "Men of violence kick your door in and shoot your dog, flashbang your children" followed up by liberal doses of "10 years behind bars" for possession of a piece of molded plastic.

Funny how the State initiates violence on the non-violent to keep the non-violent safe from violence. War is Peace huh?


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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2013, 08:21:16 AM »
I think the likely threshold will be when the "men of violence" start receiving the violence they dish out on their own home doorsteps. Remember the part in ENEMIES: FOREIGN & DOMESTIC when they published Fed agents' personal info on the Internet?......
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2013, 08:51:34 AM »
What I find encouraging is the sheer number of people that are "chest thumping" who there doing it to and that it's being done publicly. I also find it encouraging that the push back is in the heart of the eastern liberal stronghold.

I agree that I think most of the fudds have seen the light.

lee n. field

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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2013, 09:20:44 AM »
To me, the real threshold would be spontaneous gatherings of armed neighbors/friends forming up whenever an arrest is attempted on the new NY laws and then possibly even more people arriving from outside the immediate area than local law enforcement is willing to deal with.

If the courts don't strike down these laws in the post-Heller/McDonald era of case law and precedent, that's the last resort.

So the arrests happen at inconvenient and unexpected times and places.  On a road somewhere.  Five thirty in the morning. 
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2013, 09:49:15 AM »
Good on them.

Frankly, I hope the NY politicians get scared of this movement.  Truly scared.  And step back from the brink, and repeal this.

If they're going to repeal it, I think it's more likely to result from finding out just how many voters it affects. If not, it will probably take a lot of politicians losing their jobs to get the point across.
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2013, 10:48:31 AM »
much as i am at odds with the current and previous ny awb, part of me would like to see a case brought before the supreme court so that we can clarify the term "in common use" in regards to mag capacity, etc.
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2013, 11:41:06 AM »
much as i am at odds with the current and previous ny awb, part of me would like to see a case brought before the supreme court so that we can clarify the term "in common use" in regards to mag capacity, etc.

By the time it reaches the SC, Obama may have appointed a couple of new justices.


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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2013, 11:48:03 AM »
I don't know what I would do with certainty if I lived in NY state.  Those Woolrich coats are an institution!  "Fudds" aren't the only people that wear them.
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2013, 01:35:33 PM »
I don't know what I would do with certainty if I lived in NY state.  Those Woolrich coats are an institution!  "Fudds" aren't the only people that wear them.

Kevlar vest under the coat ?  =|
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2013, 04:51:39 PM »
So the arrests happen at inconvenient and unexpected times and places.  On a road somewhere.  Five thirty in the morning. 

Something like a phone network needs to be set up to counter something like this. If something like that did happen to where the word couldn't of gotten out in time, spontaneous gathering at wherever he is being held.
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AJ Dual

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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2013, 05:18:19 PM »
So the arrests happen at inconvenient and unexpected times and places.  On a road somewhere.  Five thirty in the morning. 

Exactly what I was thinking, OTOH, if the person was being held at a small enough police station...

Shades of "The Battle of Athens"...
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De Selby

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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2013, 05:30:04 PM »
All this talk of resistance is a bit misguided.

If you can't organise the votes to do this politically, any campaign to intimidate lawmakers into changing their minds will fail miserably. 

Such behaviours and talk will only have the effect of pushing more voters away.
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2013, 05:33:48 PM »
All this talk of resistance is a bit misguided.

If you can't organise the votes to do this politically, any campaign to intimidate lawmakers into changing their minds will fail miserably. 

Such behaviours and talk will only have the effect of pushing more voters away.

It may be premature now. We'll see whether the politicians listen to the voters.
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2013, 05:36:02 PM »
All this talk of resistance is a bit misguided.

If you can't organise the votes to do this politically, any campaign to intimidate lawmakers into changing their minds will fail miserably.  

Such behaviours and talk will only have the effect of pushing more voters away.

1. To a degree voting is irrelevant. The whole "Democracy is two wolves and sheep voting on what's for dinner", and America is a Republic etc.

2. The concept of retribution and those who may or may not have earned stands independently whether or not it will change their votes.

3. By your way of thinking, the entire American Revolution was extralegal in nature. And counting the nominal 1/3rd of loyalists, 1/3rd of neutrals, and the 3% who actually fought/died actively, needing a majority to do what is right is irrelevant as well. (See #1 back up top about "democracy")
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2013, 05:43:37 PM »
All this talk of resistance is a bit misguided.

If you can't organise the votes to do this politically, any campaign to intimidate lawmakers into changing their minds will fail miserably. 

Such behaviours and talk will only have the effect of pushing more voters away.

Practically speaking not true.

Campaigns to intimidate lawmakers into making laws that wouldn't pass a popular vote happen effectevly all the time.  Prohibition, Gay Marriage (see CA for popular vote on that one), Gun Control.... It happens all the time.  Normally the intimidation is the loss of the politicians job, or income.

Frankly I don't give a damn what they're afraid of as long as they are afraid enough of something to not pass laws restricting liberty.  Fear of an uprising is as effective as fear of not being elected in this case.

Add to that AJ's point.  However effective (or not) any planned resistance to tyranny, if the majority of this country votes to remove peoples natural rights, they should be fought with words, ballots or, if need be, rifles.  That would be the duty of free people.

De Selby

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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2013, 07:07:23 PM »
Dog mush, those are good examples - look at how positions on each were reversed.   It wasn't because of gay marriage protestors blocking ceremonies, or people gathering for drinks at the White House.   They mustered enough opposition to get those laws repealed.  Gun control is an even better example....30 years of political activism is why so many states have CCW laws.  Not because the ATF got scared of gun owners.

AJ, revolutions against monarchs are not the same thing as disagreeing with a representative process.

It's all well and good to ignore democracy when it violates what you think are natural rights, but consider how many people think food and healthcare are natural would you like them adopting your methods to take it?    We have a representative government specifically to handle those kinds of disagreements.

I remember well the militia movement of the 90's, and all the talk about how that was going to undo Clinton's gun laws.   As far as I can tell, all the talk of resistance did was retard the very real gains being made by political activists.
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2013, 07:57:41 PM »
What I find encouraging is the sheer number of people that are "chest thumping" who there doing it to and that it's being done publicly. I also find it encouraging that the push back is in the heart of the eastern liberal stronghold.

I agree that I think most of the fudds have seen the light.

Some of them have, at any rate.

I think when they woke up to the realization that if "ten" could magically become "seven," "seven" could just as magically become "five" ... and then "four," and then "three," and finally "one" (which, incidentally, has already been proposed in Connecticut), that's when the mental light bulbs started to click on.
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Re: Backlash in NY & Penalties?
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2013, 08:06:31 PM »
It's all well and good to ignore democracy when it violates what you think are natural rights, but consider how many people think food and healthcare are natural would you like them adopting your methods to take it?    We have a representative government specifically to handle those kinds of disagreements.

We've already seen what "they" have done along those line with things like the occupy wall street bunch and the "peaceful" protests we've seen at various G8 type events.
We've also seen how our representative government still managed to pass the ACA when it was pretty clear that the majority of Americans did not support it.
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