Having worked in the Community Mental Health system for the last 7 years, I have been around a lot of people that are considered poor. I have seen some people that I would consider genuinely poor. They have very little money, not much of an education, and dependant children. They struggle as best they can, willing to take any crappy job, but still just getting by. They mostly live in rural areas, where job possibilities are limited. I suppose they could move to where there are jobs, but maybe they can't because they are caring for a relative or just don't have the money to move.
That being said, the majority of the poor I work with are somewhat lazy. They don't have jobs, nor are they actively seeking employment. They are networking with other slackers, trying to find ways that they can convice the feds to give them SSI or some other kind of handout. They also gladly accept any other gov't handout they can. They take their huge IRS income redistribution check and spend it on vacations or big screen TV's.
I would say that there are some genuinely poor people in this country, but not as many as you might think.