Couple of points I'd like to bring up, from the perspective of someone who sat in that prosecution chair for a long time...
1. You don't get to choose your witnesses in a prosecution. Yes, you may choose which ones testify, but sometimes, you are just plain stuck with the losers who saw things happen. As I was once told, the sins of the devils are rarely witnessed by angels. You have to put devils on the stand sometimes...
2. Jurors cannot be excluded or chosen on the basis of gender or race. That it's an all-female jury means that they were the first six that were not excluded for other reasons. In a media circus like this, I'm sure that the judge made each side explain the basis for its peremptory challenges, to make sure there were no racial/gender issues.
3. The charge is homicide, not murder. Don't know Florida law well, but murder in Ohio means with premeditation. Homicide would cover a situation like this, and basically means that the shooter wrongfully took the life of the other. preplanning and such is irrelevent to this case. Rightfully so.
4. One point that seems to be getting lost in all of this is that the law of self-defense requires that the shooter (I'll use that term because we are all shooters) not be at fault for creating the situation. And I believe that this is where Zimmerman may find himself in deep. He was told not to follow. He did follow. A confrontation occurred. Martin was shot and killed. A jury could conclude that Zimmerman is at fault for creating the situation by following Martin, which would mean that the self-defense argument is gone. I think it's important for all of us to consider as armed citizens that DeSelby has a valid point. If you leave a position of safety and pursue someone, you are going to find yourself under much more scrutiny if you have to shoot in self-defense than if you sit in that safe spot and call it in. We're not cops. We're not armed to protect ourselves while we investigate/pursue/follow/etc. We are armed to protect ourselves and our families. When you start to cross that line, you will start to feel the heat.