I bought an electric mower and a very long cord shortly after I bought my house.
As trusted, it was easier on the ears than a gas model. The cord was something of a bother; once I learned to mow away from rather than toward the house, however, it wasn't so bad. A year after I bought it, I discovered "mulching" the cut grass was altogether the wrong thing to do in Colorado: it's so dry here, the clippings don't decompose, but clog up the lawn.
I bought a Honda gas-powered motor. I never run it without first putting on a pair of shooting muffs. All my neighbors know I'm a gun nut, and anyway, I carry openly about half the time when I'm in the yard. It's self-propelled, so it handles the inclined back yard better than the electric model. Dumping the bag is a bother, but the lawn is healthier now. Changing the oil is another bother, as is remembering to fill the gas can at the station. Other than the hassles, the mower is a champion.