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Headless Thompson Gunner

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2006, 12:24:13 PM »
Quote from: Glock Glockler
And then the police moved in and restored things to their rightful place. End of story.If you really think that the police moving in is the end of the story I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.  Those people that want to turn the US into Mexico are not going away, and the population base that they come from is increasing it's numbers in the US.  To make matters even worse the US govt is either doing nothing about it or is even aiding the process.  

We are in the process of cultural and national suicide by the wholesale importation of Mexico into the US.
Anti-immigrant activists have been making that very same claim for generations.  These dire predictions haven't come to pass yet, and they aren't about to any time soon.  

Illegal immigration is indeed a problem, but I absolutely cannot understand the unbridled vitriol towards the immigrants or these senseless and groundless predictions of an upcoming apocolypse.  

The sky isn't falling, folks.  "National suicide"???  Gimme a break.

The Rabbi

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2006, 12:31:08 PM »
Yeah.  What he said.
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2006, 01:05:39 PM »
Nope, no national and cultural suicide here. Nothing to see folks.  Move along, move along...

Commentary by Frosty Wooldridge
September 17, 2004
The Washington Dispatch
Topics: Disease, Health Care, Gangs, Terrorists, Congress, Senate, President, Laws, Americans, Immigrants

CNN's Lou Dobbs speaks about this national crisis weekly. O'Reilly dabbles in it with reluctant flippancy. FOX NEWS ignores it. The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times and Miami Herald support it. La Raza, a national Hispanic pro-illegal alien and open-borders organization, licks its lips at the speed of this invasion. But, finally, TIME MAGAZINE exposed it with sobering pictures and interviews.

Read the latest headlines about illegal immigration.

Illegal aliens bring Americans Third World Momentum. That includes crime, drugs and diseases. Sooner or later, every American community and millions of Americans will be affected as we allow three million illegal aliens breaching our borders annually without regard to their health, criminal background or drug expansion endeavors.

In TIME'S "WHO LEFT THE DOOR OPEN?" September 12, 2004, journalists Barlett and Steele exposed the ugly side of this invasion.

"The plight of Jim Dickson, a hospital administrator in Bisbee, Arizona summed it up in one image," Barlett wrote. "It's an ambulance that pulls into Copper Queen Hospital and discharges illegal aliens injured in an auto accident. The border patrol officers on orders from Washington refused to take them onto the property. Instead, the officers call an ambulance for the injured so the U.S. Government won't be responsible for hospital costs. Instead, Dickson's hospital gets stiffed."

In 2003, 77 border state hospitals spiraled into bankruptcy. Instead of putting troops on the borders to stop the invasion, Arizona Senators McCain and Kyle added a $1.4 billion bailout rider onto a Medicaid bill. Instead of doing their jobs, they made taxpayers vomit their hard-earned money into paying for the invasion's consequences. Result? It wasn't enough. Three Los Angeles area hospitals bankrupted already this year. Dickson's small hospital lost $1.4 million in the past three years. "The more free care we give," he said, "the more we have to ration what's left."

Congress mandates hospitals serve illegal aliens but fails to mandate payment. American citizens lose care and money to the invasion.

"The highest levels of the U.S. and Mexican governments have orchestrated this situation as a kind of dance," Steele reported. "Mexico sends its poor north to take jobs illegally and the U.S. arrests enough border crossers to create the illusion that it is enforcing immigration laws while allowing the majority to get through."

The crisis spins so far out of control that ranchers see a day of reckoning fast approaching. Armed American militia forces stand ready to start shooting. Everyone, including women, pack guns on the border.

Even more chilling than hospitals collapsing concerns an increasing number of unchecked aliens importing diseases into the USA. In five years, 16,000 cases of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis breached the Mexican border. In three years, 7,000 cases of leprosy (Hansen's Disease) arrived with immigrants from India, Brazil and the Caribbean. Tens of thousands of cases of hepatitis A transplanted into America. Another South American disease, affecting 14 million and killing 50,000 annually, Chagas Disease, a parasite that attacks the heart and other organs, invades U.S. borders in the bodies of the unchecked illegal aliens.

The crisis of these diseases won't play itself out for years. One TB carrying illegal may infect 10 to 50 other persons depending on his/her circulation in public. If he works in fast food, he may come in contact with an unlimited number of people. If he has hepatitis A and serves on the food line cutting onions or tomatoes, all customers stand at risk. If illegal alien children, now number over 1.1 million in public schools are infected, they can infect American children. This year, the Center for Disease Control announced 14, 871 new cases of tuberculosis. It's only the beginning.

Why Alien Criminals Are At Large in the U.S.

"From October 1, 2003 to July 20, 2004, the border patrol's Tucson sector stopped 9,051 person crossing illegal who had criminal records in the U.S., meaning they committed crimes here, returned to Mexico, then were trying to re-enter the country," Barlett wrote. "A minimum of 378 had active warrants for their arrest."

Most go undetected.

"The numbers suggest that tens of thousands of criminals, quite possibly hundreds of thousands, treat the border as a revolving door to crimes of opportunity," Steele wrote. "The situation is so out of control that 400,000 illegal aliens who have been ordered deported, 80,000 have criminal records, but Homeland Security does not have a clue as to the whereabouts of any of them, including those from countries that support terrorism."

Of 114 Iranians with final orders for removal, only 11 could be found and deported. Of 67 Sudanese with final removal orders, only one was deported. Of 46 Iraqis, only four were deported. The rest are free to move about the country.

Not mentioned in the report was the 20,000 member "18th Street Gang" made up of 60% illegal aliens in Los Angeles. It distributes drugs from Mexico, commits robberies daily, extorts businesses and engages in drive-by shootings. Along with them, the 8,000 member MS 13 Central American gangs operate in 28 cities. If anyone wonders why drugs are SO available to our kids, thank our Congress for not fulfilling its oath of office. Even more sobering, these alien criminals are protected in hundreds of cities across the United States by "Special Order 40" that allows them to remain in country without fear of arrest or deportation.

"Both parties and their candidates pay lip service to controlling the borders," Barlett wrote. "In the 99/11 commission's final report, the panel took note of the immigration breakdown saying, "'Two systemic weaknesses came together in our border system's inability to contribute to an effective defense against 9/11 attacks: a lack of well developed counterterrorism measures as a part of border security and an immigration system not able to deliver on its basic commitments, much less support counterterrorism.'"

The TIME report rendered severe implications toward President Bush and members of Congress on both sides of the corridor. Citizens of the United States were not being served before 9/11 and today, they are JUST as vulnerable as 4,000 illegal aliens cross our borders daily. You have to wonder when Beslan, Russia's tragedy will visit an American school in the near future?

Frosty Wooldridge is a teacher and author who has bicycled 100,000 miles on six continents to see overpopulation up close and ugly. His explosive book published August 13, 2004: 'IMMIGRATION'S UNARMED INVASIONâ€"DEADLY CONSEQUENCES.' Copies may be obtained at: 1-888-280-7715 at

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2006, 01:30:58 PM »
A "teacher and author who has bicycled 100,000 miles on 6 continents" is authority enough for me. :rolleyes
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Glock Glockler

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2006, 02:00:31 PM »
Headless Thompson Gunner,

So you're claiming because something hasnt happened before that therefore it won't?  

Wow, I should cancel my homeowners and health insurance because I havent needed them yet.  

Also, I disagree with your statement that previous immigtration waves havent been a problem, open immigration didnt work out too well for the Native Americans so why should we allow other peoples to do the same thing to us?  I could cite many examples of immigration hurting the host nation as well as pointing out differences between situations where an immigration has been successful and our current situation but your logic simply doesnt hold water.

Headless Thompson Gunner

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2006, 02:37:34 PM »
Not saying that unchecked immigration isn't a problem.  It is a problem, and it's a problem we ought to fix.  But unlike so many other problems, this one is in our power to solve.  It's EASY to solve! A stroke of the right pen would eliminate 70% of the immigration problems in an instant:  "No public/government funded services shall be provided to anyone who cannot prove citizenship."

My big gripe is with people who blow this problem all out of proportions.  Immigration isn't the unmitigated catasptophe that so many claim that it is.  People get far more emotional about this issue than the issue merits.  It borders on hysteria and stark, raving lunacy.

There are far greater threats to our country than the so-called immigration "crisis":

- Go read DU and the leftist blogs sometime, bearing in mind that these people have just as much (if not more) political clout as you do.  

- Take a look at some of the recent supreme court rulings.  

- Do some research on just how much of our livelihoods are stolen from us in the form of taxes.  

- Find a listing of federal programs, institutions, expenditures, etc.  Then copare that listing with Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.  

- Ponder how much of our current standard of living is earned and paid for, vs how much is purchased with debt.  

- Examine our public schools, schoolteachers, universities, and professors.  

- Look up what portion of the population depends upon anti-depresants to get through their daily lives.  

- Compare the number of times where federal law enforcement agents/agencies murdered innocent Americans against the number of times where federal law enforcement agents/agencies were punished for murdering innocent Americans.

- Ask an entrepreneur just how many government-based hurdles he has to jump over for the "priviledge" of earning a living.

- Count up the number of people who are denied the fundamental right to self defense and ownership of weapons.

Sure, illegal immigration is a problem.  But it is far from the most urgent domestic problem we face today.  And that doesn't even begin to cover the international threats we have to deal with.

I wish all of our nation's problems were as simple as illegal immigration!

The Rabbi

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #31 on: August 28, 2006, 04:11:24 PM »
There was a similar "crisis" in the late 1940s for about the same reason.  Gov't had a documented worker program, about what GW is proposing, and it solved the problem.  Why people oppose this is beyond me.  It saddens me to see the Republican party pandering to the anti-immigration forces.  Free movement of labor and capital is supposed to be a cornerstone.

We could solve the problem real easily by increasing taxes 3-fold on everything.  It would kill opportunity and thus incentive to come here.  If we made our country less appealing than Mexico et al no one would want to come here.
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2006, 04:21:15 PM »
Gov't had a documented worker program, about what GW is proposing...
Well, we HAVE such programs ALREADY Rabbi.  What Mr. Bush has proposed is a massive expansion of our visa program, one that will injure both citizens and LEGAL immigrants.  This at a time when real wages have stagnated if not fallen while prices continue to climb

Why people oppose this is beyond me.
And rather than attempt to understand why people oppose such, you seem to prefer to resort to ridicule and off hand dismissal of those who don't agree with you.

You still have much to learn in this life Grasshopper.
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2006, 04:47:34 PM »
I hope that last is your sig line, one that you read and apply to yourself. What was the last book on economics you've read?
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Glock Glockler

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2006, 06:33:12 PM »
It's EASY to solve! A stroke of the right pen would eliminate 70% of the immigration problems in an instant:  "No public/government funded services shall be provided to anyone who cannot prove citizenship."

I love it, I would support that wholeheartedly but Congress will not pass such a bill, the president will not sign it, and I have a feeling the Supreme Court would shoot it down if it were passed.  It wont happen, the government is more interested in pandering to Hispanics than upholding their oaths of office.  The more they do nothing and we get more and more illegals, the more the govt will pander to them and do nothing, and thus the cycle continues until we are a Mexicanized nation.  

You bring up a lot of important points regarding things happening in the US, but you seem to overlook the fact that the laws are created by the people inhabiting an area, and what is the culture of that people?

Are Mexicans a big gun culture?
As low skill and low educated laborers are they going to be dependant on govt services and thus vote for more of them?

How much are the Mexican illegals paying in taxes compared to what theyre comsuming in govt services?

With wages being depressed by illegals there is less incentive for people to get off welfare, how does the welfare culture factor into overall freedom in the country?

How many illegals are neck deep in the gang culture?  Will increased gang culture cause more crime, and will that be blamed on guns?

Will our public schools get better if increasing rescources have to be continuously devoted to providing bilingual education for Mexicans?  

You can bring up a bunch of minor points about the bad direction our country is going but is being swarmed with 3rd world immigrants going to make things better or worse?  NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT TO A NATION THAN CULTURE, with a solid culture a people can throw off a despotic yoke but if the people accept a socialist cleptocracy as business as usual it doesnt matter if you have a limited govt Constitutional republic, it will eventually become a 3rd world cesspool.  

My grandparents came to the US right after WWII and were grateful that the country had agreed to let them in, they loved the US.  They busted their asses to learn English so they could become Americans, they even took speech lessons to try to loose their accents.  

Why is it that so many Mexicans I see are not?  If my grandfather, along with the other Polish immigrants in his neighborhood, saw other Poles doing the things that the Mexicans are doing here he would have taken a bat to every one of them.  I see no hostility in the Hispanic community to these scum that come into the US and then do their best to disrespect it, if not support it's silent consent.  

How has the French experiment with multiculturalism worked out?  How are their Arab and African immigrants integrating themselves into French society, when they are not busy being unemployed or burning down neighborhoods?  How about England, are they better off and more free since they started bringing everyone from their former colonies back to the motherland?  

The US has a limited capacity to integrate newcomers into our society, and our current situation clearly says we are far beyond that.  Aside from that obvious fact it is also true that not all immigrants are equal: some bring in much needed skills, high incomes that more than pay for whatever govt services they consume, and a willingness to be American, others do not.

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2006, 06:56:47 PM »
Quote from: Headless Thompson Gunner
Anti-immigrant activists
I think you mean to say, "pro-enforcement activists."
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2006, 10:04:53 PM »
Glock Glockler get its.  Pity you're not running for the high office...
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2006, 01:41:50 AM »
*looks at his Mexican flag on his wall and then looks back at this thread*
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #38 on: August 29, 2006, 02:37:30 AM »
I didnt realize Glock Glockler was so immersed in Hispanic culture he knows what people are thinking.

In fact they are not depressing wages.  In fact they will not be low-earning workers all their lives.  In fact they do have a strong gun culture.  In fact, as immigrants trying to get ahead they tend to dislike gov't intrusion and taxes.  In fact every immigrant group has had low-life elements that cause crimes.  And in fact every immigrant group has added to the culture of the U.S.  Our founding fathers never had beer and pizza for dinner.
It is amusing to see people who rail against gov't intrusion in their lives advocating measures that would be acceptable only in totalitarian states and thinking this will apply only to others.
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #39 on: August 29, 2006, 02:58:35 AM »
It's also amusing to hear from people that can't distinguish between immigration and too much and/or illegal immigration.  Of what totalitarian measures do you speak?

Franklin never had beer?  Are you sure?

Quote from: Maser
*looks at his Mexican flag on his wall and then looks back at this thread*
What does the flag on your wall have to do with this?  Be proud of your ancestry.  Be more proud you live in a better country, a better culture, a better economy, and so forth.  Smiley
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #40 on: August 29, 2006, 04:56:38 AM »
Quote from: fistful
It's also amusing to hear from people that can't distinguish between immigration and too much and/or illegal immigration.  Of what totalitarian measures do you speak?

Franklin never had beer?  Are you sure?
I'd like to hear your definition of "too much immigration."

Beer was not a popular drink until the Germans began arriving in the 1840s.  I would bet the style of beer known in colonial times was very different from what we have now.  I'm just picking a small example but the same principle applies across the board.
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2006, 05:30:09 AM »
And beer has been such a boon to America.  I know you're a connisseur, though, so you probably agree with that statement.  

I could describe the dangers of immigration without sufficient assimilation, but plenty of people have done that with no effect on you.  And so, I will not bother.  What annoys and slanders me, however, is the charge that wanting some control on immigration is "anti-immigrant."
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #42 on: August 29, 2006, 05:51:34 AM »
Quote from: The Rabbi
There was a similar "crisis" in the late 1940s for about the same reason.  Gov't had a documented worker program, about what GW is proposing, and it solved the problem.  Why people oppose this is beyond me.  It saddens me to see the Republican party pandering to the anti-immigration forces.  Free movement of labor and capital is supposed to be a cornerstone.
We already have over 70 guest worker visa programs.  So, one more will do the trick?  Talk about a "faith based program."

There is nothing so permanent as a "temporary" guest worker.  Just ask Germany about its "temporary" Turkish workers.  It also provides a sea for the illegal aliens to swim in.  Kind of like importing a swamp into suburbia and not expecting mosquitoes to be attracted to the new environment.

Oh, BTW, that 1940s/1950s era guest worker program (Bracero) led to an (until that point) unprecedented illegal alien influx....which led to Operation Wetback, which rounded up & sent back a whole bunch and generally made life impossible in the USA for those they didn't catch.  Which led to about 10 illegals leaving under their own power for every illegal rounded up & shipped back home.


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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #43 on: August 29, 2006, 05:58:06 AM »
Quote from: jfruser
Quote from: The Rabbi
There was a similar "crisis" in the late 1940s for about the same reason.  Gov't had a documented worker program, about what GW is proposing, and it solved the problem.  Why people oppose this is beyond me.  It saddens me to see the Republican party pandering to the anti-immigration forces.  Free movement of labor and capital is supposed to be a cornerstone.
We already have over 70 guest worker visa programs.  So, one more will do the trick?  Talk about a "faith based program."
Yeah, I guess ya seen one visa program, ya seen 'em all, as Spiro Agnew said.

Quote from: jfruser
There is nothing so permanent as a "temporary" guest worker.  Just ask Germany about its "temporary" Turkish workers.  It also provides a sea for the illegal aliens to swim in.  Kind of like importing a swamp into suburbia and not expecting mosquitoes to be attracted to the new environment.
A "sea for illegal aliens."  I'd like to see that one explained.
Quote from: jfruser
Oh, BTW, that 1940s/1950s era guest worker program (Bracero) led to an (until that point) unprecedented illegal alien influx....which led to Operation Wetback, which rounded up & sent back a whole bunch and generally made life impossible in the USA for those they didn't catch.  Which led to about 10 illegals leaving under their own power for every illegal rounded up & shipped back home.
That's putting the cart before the horse.  The program came into being because there was an influx, not vice versa.
Tightening the borders made things worse.  A lot of illegals came here, worked for a while, and then went back home knowing they could move back and forth.  With tighter borders they just came and stayed.
It isn't just Mexicans sneaking over the border btw.  About half the Israelis I know here are illegals, and they didnt sneak under the ocean.
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #44 on: August 29, 2006, 06:27:50 AM »
Quote from: Maser
*looks at his Mexican flag on his wall and then looks back at this thread*
Do you actually have something to say, kid?

I went through the process to be a citizen. I have no respect for those who try to bypass it, and even less for the racists who prosper from cheap, tax-free labor as a result.

If you can't pass the bar to get into this country, then it should just be tough luck.

Glock Glockler

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2006, 07:17:47 AM »
You cant have a welfare state and open borders, why is this so difficult for people to understand?

The more people that swarm this country the more urbanization we will have, the more this occurs the more our hunting culture will deteriorate, and the more this happens the more gun culture will erode.

Previous groups of immigrants did not display the open hostility to our society that many Mexicans are.  Many Mexicans believe that the US stole the southwest from them and that they should rightfully take it back.
Where are the demands by the Hispanic community that elected officials like Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa renounce his ties to Chicano supremacist group MEChA?  What about California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamantes support for Aztlan?  Why isnt the Hispanic community running these guys out of office?

You can discuss insignificant nonsense like Pizza and Beer, but whether I have pizza and beer for dinner or I have Roast beef and wine it does not change my loyalty to my country and culture.  We would not be having this discussion right now if the Mexicans that came here, both legally and illegally, had that same loyalty to the country and culture.  It is because many of them are doing their best to turn the USA into Mexico, telling people of European background to get out, that we are talking about this issue.   This is a culture war, plain and simple, and importing masses of people whose allegiance is to a foreign government is a recipe for disaster.    

Beer was not a popular drink until the Germans began arriving in the 1840s.

For the record, one of the things the American colonists rebelled against was the fact that they were required by law to house British soldiers and provide them with Ale, that their own expense, but Beer is nothing like Ale so Rabbi must be correct.  

How is Europe doing with its Muslim immigrants?  Are they making themselves into fine Europeans or are they staying within their own ghettos and simply remaining a distinct people in an outside land, a people with values completely incompatible with those of Europeans?

The Rabbi

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #46 on: August 29, 2006, 07:41:48 AM »
Quote from: Glock Glockler
You cant have a welfare state and open borders, why is this so difficult for people to understand?
Good. I am all for reforming the welfare state.  Let's focus on that and the immigration issue will take care of itself.

Quote from: Glock Glockler
The more people that swarm this country the more urbanization we will have, the more this occurs the more our hunting culture will deteriorate, and the more this happens the more gun culture will erode.
That is without a doubt the single dumbest argument I have ever heard.  Urbanization will happen regardless of immigration.  Actually immigration may help slow it down, since many immigrants are farm workers.  Hunting culture is already deteriorating because hunters tend to be older men, and probably a bunch of other reasons.  But don't blame immigration for any of that.

Quote from: Glock Glockler
Previous groups of immigrants did not display the open hostility to our society that many Mexicans are.  Many Mexicans believe that the US stole the southwest from them and that they should rightfully take it back.
Many Jews who came here were Communists.  Many Germans and Irish sided with Germany in both WWI and WWII.  Irish immigrants in the North rioted rather than join the Army in the Civil War, afraid that freed slaves would come and work for less and throw them out of work (sound familiar?) How many polls have you seen asking Mexicans whether they will actively work to restore Texas to Mexican control?

Quote from: Glock Glockler
You can discuss insignificant nonsense like Pizza and Beer, but whether I have pizza and beer for dinner or I have Roast beef and wine it does not change my loyalty to my country and culture.  We would not be having this discussion right now if the Mexicans that came here, both legally and illegally, had that same loyalty to the country and culture.  It is because many of them are doing their best to turn the USA into Mexico, telling people of European background to get out, that we are talking about this issue.   This is a culture war, plain and simple, and importing masses of people whose allegiance is to a foreign government is a recipe for disaster.
Most Mexicans and other South Americans also are of European background.  How many Hispanics are currently serving in the  military?

Quote from: Glock Glockler
Beer was not a popular drink until the Germans began arriving in the 1840s.

For the record, one of the things the American colonists rebelled against was the fact that they were required by law to house British soldiers and provide them with Ale, that their own expense, but Beer is nothing like Ale so Rabbi must be correct.  Not only is beer nothing like ale, but the beer the colonists drank is nothing like the beer we drink today.  Do the names "Busch", "Schlitz", "Pabst", "Rheingold", "Yuengling" suggest anything?

Quote from: Glock Glockler
How is Europe doing with its Muslim immigrants?  Are they making themselves into fine Europeans or are they staying within their own ghettos and simply remaining a distinct people in an outside land, a people with values completely incompatible with those of Europeans?
The situation in Europe is completely different.  There isn't bandwidth on this site to discuss the differences.
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Glock Glockler

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2006, 08:36:42 AM »
Good. I am all for reforming the welfare state.  Let's focus on that and the immigration issue will take care of itself

That's kinda impossible when you have millions of people illegall streaming across your border voting for people who hand out more and more in doles.  Stemming immigration and repealing the welfare state are linked at the hip.  

Urbanization will happen regardless of immigration.  Actually immigration may help slow it down, since many immigrants are farm workers

Oh, silly me, I guess I assumed that adding another 100 million to our population of mostly immigrants would cause more urbanization.  I should have known that adding that many will slow it down.  I am sorry you can't see the obvious.  

Many Jews who came here were Communists.  Many Germans and Irish sided with Germany in both WWI and WWII.  Irish immigrants in the North rioted rather than join the Army in the Civil War

Yeah, and it has been policy to tone down immigration after the various waves caused to many domestic problems.  It's also relevant to mention that they didnt have the welfare state we currently do, if you wanted to eat you had to work, and it certainly helped work when you made yourself more part of the overall society.  If I want to go to France to make money it might help if I speak Frenahc and adopt their customers, unfortunately we cater to people who dont want to assimilate.  

How many polls have you seen asking Mexicans whether they will actively work to restore Texas to Mexican control?

Oh, you mean Aztlan?  I see support for MEChA all over the country, I see Latino politicians endorsing it yet I don't hear peep from the Latino community about these racial supremacists.  

Most Mexicans and other South Americans also are of European background

Yes, Meztizos do have Spanish descent, but why were they holding up signs saying "Europeans get out"?  The simple reason is that they think of themselves as not us.  They precieve us as being a different group who is trespassing on their land.  Blood matters little in comparison to perception.  

How many Hispanics are currently serving in the  military?

Who cares?  The Roman military was filled with Germanics but that mattered little when mass waves of Germanic immigrants who wanted to live in Roman lands came in and destroyed Rome.  

Not only is beer nothing like ale, but the beer the colonists drank is nothing like the beer we drink today.  Do the names "Busch", "Schlitz", "Pabst", "Rheingold", "Yuengling" suggest anything?

Hmmm, the next time I have pizza I'll have some Ale along with beer to see if I can taste a difference.  Actually, maybe that's not a good idea, if I have beer I'll probably start to speak German and wear lederhosen.  We all know how eating a food instantly changes one's national charachter.  

The situation in Europe is completely different

Yes, it is completely different, they are in Europe and we are here, no similarity at all.  Same thing with Australia, they're in Australia, get it?

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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #48 on: August 29, 2006, 08:54:54 AM »
Rabbi, you seem awfully contentious lately.  Gun store business on your nerves, perhaps?
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Pro-illegal alien protesters raise Mex flag over US gov't building
« Reply #49 on: August 29, 2006, 09:00:06 AM »
1,000 drachmas to the man who brings me the ears of the most illegal immigrants!

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