Author Topic: Think you look good for your age?  (Read 929 times)


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Think you look good for your age?
« on: September 01, 2006, 12:11:04 PM »

'A man has turned up for work despite being told to take the day off for his 100th birthday.

Buster Martin began cleaning vans for Pimlico Plumbers despite retiring as a market worker three years ago...

..."Working keeps me active, that's the main thing. If you're active it saves you sitting in a wheelchair," he said.

Talking about how the world had changed in 100 years he said: "It's a bit too fast... I've never owned a telephone and I never will."'

I recommend watching the video that can be found on the right of that page.
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AJ Dual

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Think you look good for your age?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 01:04:49 PM »
Glasses, balding, and 60lbs overweight.

For 33, no I don't think I look good for my age. I keep telling myself I can handle any one of those, but not all three...

I'm going to ditch the glasses, but it's a race to see if my kids have eaten up all my flexible pre-tax medical dollars on ear infections, before December, when I know I'll be able to use them for LASIK.

Then it's on to the weight.
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Think you look good for your age?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2006, 01:28:18 PM »
I've seen people 65 that didnt look that good.
But he makes a good point: its use it or lose it.  I find myself even now at 44 starting to get mentally lazy.  I know if I continued that I'd end up with Alzheimers drooling on myself.  So I have to fight to make myself do the mental work.  Physical too.
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Think you look good for your age?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2006, 04:36:00 PM »
I recently chuckled when seeing the t-shirt with -

"If I had known I'd live this long I'd have taken better care of this body" !!

I do think there are two factors that really affect folks - genetics and lifestyle.  The former is hard to change of course and I have seen people way younger than me looking way older than their years, despite seemingly ''living right'' and equally - folks looking way younger than their age, even with seemingly leading a very lax lifestyle.  This aspect is ''luck of the draw'' stuff.  

Lifestyle is a biggie and so nutrition, home area/environment and work all play a part.  Eating badly, living in an area with pollution and climatic handicaps, and then work stresses or physical overload - all can lead to faster aging and even early deterioration into disease.  Some extreme athletes too IMO ''burn out'' early and all but guarantee premature aging.

I am told I look no more than 55, despite being 61 but hey - maybe some people are just complimetary!  At 6'.00'' and 200# I am not in bad shape considering I do not work out as such but - do have a fierce metabolism and so burn up energy fast - poor mpg's Wink  But judging by other cases - I have no guarantees, still smoke a pipe - might keel over tomorrow.  Just don't know.  Scares the crap outa me seeing folks of mid 40's in the obits !

Always been very aware too of aging being often non-linear - almost going in steps.  Someone looks the same almost 20 thru 40 and then suddenly inside of a year - shows age dramatically - then stops and stays same another decade or two.  For others - much more smoothly progressive.  Some people I'll swear are born old - others stay bay faced until quite old.  Such diversity.

One thing I do know - this old bod does not obey orders quite same - and I have to work within my limitations - see them for what they are and adapt.  Most centegenarians I have seen I think have the genetic advantage.  Guy on a commercial on TV recently - aged 100 and still performs with his trumpet in public - amazing he has lungs able to do that.

Enough - I ramble as always.
Chris - P95
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Think you look good for your age?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2006, 04:37:23 PM »
Hey Chris,

You saw my pic.  What do you think of this 63 year old?  Truth now.
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Standing Wolf

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Think you look good for your age?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2006, 04:41:41 PM »
I've had to tighten my belt two notches since returning to work. Weird.
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Think you look good for your age?
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2006, 04:45:42 PM »
Dick - I can honesly say I was surprised - pleasantly.  

If what I saw was reasonably current then I'll take five years off at very least.  You good-lookin hunk you Wink

If I could, one on one, return the favor I'd send you a pic of me.
Chris - P95
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Think you look good for your age?
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2006, 04:58:14 PM »

Heck, it only took me 5 years to figger out how to post a pick at THR, and that was because I think Oleg made is simple for a guy with a black rotary phone.  heh.

That photo was taken 3 years ago at a company function.  It actually was of swmbo and I, and I cropped it for an article I had written for the Grand Rapids Press about the great Palm Sunday tornado in 1965.  It was published on April 9, 2005, the 40th anniverary.

I, of course, have a visual on what I think you look like.  I am, as probably most others, are always amused at seeing someone, finally after conjuring up visions of them.

That's why I'm very disapointed to not make the THR May 18, 2007 Ronnyvoo in Raton.  My niece announced her wedding date for May 19th and squelched my plans.  I'd hoped you and others I'd like to meet would be there.  Sigh.....maybe one of these days.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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Think you look good for your age?
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2006, 05:18:35 PM »
I doubt I'd make it out as far as Raton - tho I did in fact travel thru there en route from TX to Pueblo.  Sure would love to meet a bunch of THR folks tho after so long.

Hey - PM me your email addy on THR sometime - and I'll send you a pic - see how right or wrong you may have been!
Chris - P95
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