Just once. And that once was creepy enough I never want to repeat it. 'Bout 1993 or '94, a co-worker and I decided to check out the Memorial Day fair that Boulder had on its city park. Lots of good food, interesting arts and craftsy demos like flint knapping, square foot gardening and the three axis of rotation and motion vomit machine. Also, there was a drumming group. As my friend and I passed by I spied for a moment my double in the drumming group. Same build, facial structure, hair style and even glasses that I wore at the time. :shock: Only instead of my characteristic biker boots, black jeans, black skull festoned Metallica Tee-shirt and ornate silver pentagram, this dude was wearing a bright sky blue silk shirt with puffy sleeves, forest green trousers, leather lace up moccasins and a gold ankh. It was like looking through a hole in reality into a parallel universe.
Not an experience I want to repeat.