The left has a pretty big advantage here. The environmentalists will work with the union thugs, and the black power will work with the radfems. The left all works together towards their common goals even when they have almost nothing in common at all. But hell will freeze over before a libertarian cooperates with an evangelical, or a wealthy businessman type with a flyover hick.
Wish I knew a solution for that.
Incidentally, Rand Paul, of all people, he seems to really get this. He shows a surprising willingness to support other folks on our side, even when he may not completely agree with them. A real team player, and the exact opposite of his father.
Feel free to try cooperating, for a change, then.
Yes, I get that you meant the other way round. If it doesn't work both ways, then you're just going on again about why we silly idealists won't support people bitterly opposed to what we actually want, and how that means the Death of American Society. Pass. Try not insulting us when you know you need our votes (or even just WANT them), for a change.
I think you've just endorsed social conservatism. Left to shift for ourselves, and with a minimal government, there will be a sort of cultural inertia. It's no coincidence that social liberalism has been the project of those who endorse an ever-expanding regulatory state and vast social spending programs.
Seriously? Someone telling me what I can and can't do in the bedroom - with my FREAKING WIFE, even, let alone the hypothetical "any number of willing consenting partners"! - *IS NOT* working in favor of personal liberty, no matter what he or she claims.
I point you in the general direction of the Grand Old Idiot Party's Ken Cuccinelli, a "social conservative" if you ever saw one, grandly trying to fight a battle lost, for good reason, in the Supreme Court a freaking DECADE ago. Of course, the LA legislature appears hellbent on the exact same statist "moral" posturing, today.
I'm supposed to cooperate with fools who want to criminalize what kind of sex I have with my wife in a shotgun attempt to "stop teh pedo-GAYZORS!!!", in order to "advance the cause of liberty"
Coupled with spending programs which MIGHT, MAYBE, be a touch less expansive than those of the other wing of the Modern American Political Machine?
Liberty - "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Seeking that kind of cooperation smacks of the same condescension and imagined moral superiority as we see from victim-disarmament advocates imploring us pro-rights types to just "compromise" with them for a change. Yeah, the quest for the perfect absolutely can be the enemy of achieving something good. But the BAD? That's not even on the same side of the scale, and that's what we're talking about accepting in that attempted achievement. SCREW. THAT.