I too would stay away from FS unless you're prepared to spend the money to do it right. Your legs will do a lot of the work that rear suspension would normally do (assuming you're standing). I would definately get a good front suspension fork, but I can't begin to make a recommendation since I'm still riding my 7yo Klein with a 6yo Manitou fork (top of the line back then). I doubt any of them are junk nowadays though. Spend your money on a bike with a good frame. Don't let the components sway you too much. Those are easily replaced as necessary, the frame is the, well, frame of the bike. If it sucks, only a new bike will cure it.
At your size, you'll want a 20" frame, or Large, however it's labled. I'm 5'10" or so and ride the equiv of an 18.5" bike (medium). If your inseam is long, you might be able to go with 180mm cranks rather than the standard 175mm ones. This will give you more torque and let you "stretch your legs" a bit. Even at my size, I like 180s. Get the bike shop to fit a bike to your needs. Don't feel like you have to "shop off the rack". You can swap stems, handlebars, seatposts, and cranks to make a bike fit you better. When you're spending several hundred dollars, don't be afraid to make it right for YOU.