R.I.P. Scout26
CNN@CNN·FollowNext time you stop at a gas station, think of it as a $100-a-month tax cut. Or a maybe $100-a-month raise.
In Australia’s push to follow other developed nations’ transition to electric vehicles, one bank in the country said it will stop giving out loans for new gas or diesel vehicles beginning in 2025, including hybrids.
"We think that the responsible thing for us to do next, is to ensure that our vehicle lending doesn’t lock our customers in to higher carbon emissions and increasingly expensive running costs in the years ahead," Courville said in a statement on Friday.
Sure the dems are taking notesAustralian Bank Makes Announcement About Future Car Loans. Is This What the Left Has in Mind for the US?https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2022/08/23/australian-bank-plans-to-stop-giving-out-loans-for-gas-vehicles-by-2025-n2612113
OPEC says they are cutting production and the draining of our reserve is about to end. Not sure if it will jump back up before the midterms but it will this winter.
Do we have any reserves left to tap, or did Biden drain it all? (and probably sold it for under-market price to his cronies, then we can overpay to buy it back to restock when this foolishness is over)
US Crude Oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Stocks is at a current level of 450.00M, down from 453.06M last week and down from 621.30M one year ago. This is a change of -0.68% from last week and -27.57% from one year ago.